Report All Upgrade Issues Here

Because internet explorer is crap! I am however viewing the site through both Firefox and IE8 with no issues. If you are using IE, I suggest you upgrade to IE8.

I was running IE7 and upgraded to IE8. I can now see the time and date!!

Sorry for the confusion as this was obviously a compatability issue @ my end!
Couple of things I have noticed tonight.

1. There used to be several links at the top left of the screen, BOE Marine, Gallery and a couple others. I noticed this when I went to look for the Gallery, I cannot find a link to it now, I know you are still working so maybe it has yet to be restored. I found the albums that were in my profile in the old forum but not the Gallery.

2. Several times tonight when I click on something the site just stalls, the screen changes to just changes to the blue background and it just sits, at the lower left is something that refers to Are you using doublclick for something, I usually think of doublclick as a tracking spyware because most times I have run into it there are usually problems of some type to follow.
I'm sure the attachment limits can be upped. It's just a matter of Jim going through the usergroup settings when he gets back online and has time. There are a lot of options that he should go through since there are new features and settings that were not there before the upgrade.

Great Todd, glad to see you upgraded. If you can break old habits, try chrome or Firefox. I use Firefox because of all the developer plugins, but when I test the site with Chrome, I couldn't believe how fast it was. Either way, glad to see you're seeing everything you're supposed to now.
Couple of things I have noticed tonight.

1. There used to be several links at the top left of the screen, BOE Marine, Gallery and a couple others. I noticed this when I went to look for the Gallery, I cannot find a link to it now, I know you are still working so maybe it has yet to be restored. I found the albums that were in my profile in the old forum but not the Gallery.

2. Several times tonight when I click on something the site just stalls, the screen changes to just changes to the blue background and it just sits, at the lower left is something that refers to Are you using doublclick for something, I usually think of doublclick as a tracking spyware because most times I have run into it there are usually problems of some type to follow.

1. There is no "gallery" any longer. vBulletin has member and group galleries built in, and Jim wanted to utilize those in place of a separate gallery add on. Any after market add ons just increase the chance of the site being unsecure, and it makes upgrading later on easier.

2. Have not had this problem, but it will need to be watched. There is a chance that the current server cannot keep up with the traffic this site gets. Jim, if you read this, keep a eye on time outs or "stalls" and ask your host to look at your server logs to see if they notice anything odd or overloading the server. Might have been a one time thing but if it continues, it will need addressed.
1. There is no "gallery" any longer. vBulletin has member and group galleries built in, and Jim wanted to utilize those in place of a separate gallery add on. Any after market add ons just increase the chance of the site being unsecure, and it makes upgrading later on easier.

2. Have not had this problem, but it will need to be watched. There is a chance that the current server cannot keep up with the traffic this site gets. Jim, if you read this, keep a eye on time outs or "stalls" and ask your host to look at your server logs to see if they notice anything odd or overloading the server. Might have been a one time thing but if it continues, it will need addressed.
I am using Chrome, it is faster than IE or FF, still trying to figure out how to do things in Chrome, probably why it is so fast, not loaded down with ways of doing things.
I added a pic to my sig earlier today. Then, later in the afternoon, my sig pic was gone. So, I re-installed my sig pic. All was well. Now, I have two pics in my sig.
As a paid member, advertisements should not be showing up...correct?
Right. You should have a couple of little arrows next to them at the top to collapse them so you don't see them.
OK. I see those, I just thought they wouldn't appear at all. But I can "hide" them myself. Tx.
Tried to open several CSR links within posts and it opens another screen at home page, showing me logged in at top right, but does not display the link contents.
Still can't get rid of all ads. While I can collapse the "Sponsors" pane on the right, there is a large banner add thay cycles through various advertisers atop pages. Takes up a lot of screen real estate. Any way for paid members to get rid of/hide that?:huh:

Re: Csr update issue

The new post 24 and 48 hour links have been added, as has the boat information. Tapatalk will be added, however hasn't been yet. There is still work being done so please continue to report on missing features and issues and they will be addressed.


Is the message " do not have permission to access this page..." part of the upgrade "dust"?
What I've noticed with all the links is they link to whereas with the new upgraded forum there is no "forum" subdirectory. Copy the link shortcut and remove that subdirectory and your good to go. I've had to do that with a few google searches.
Well this is not a Bio_tch, but I am thinking some playing/tweaking with the current primary font would not hurt to do a bit of tinkering on?

Just my suggestion, the rest is all looking okay in my opinion, just new, and will take some getting use to using.
What I've noticed with all the links is they link to whereas with the new upgraded forum there is no "forum" subdirectory. Copy the link shortcut and remove that subdirectory and your good to go. I've had to do that with a few google searches.

I see what you mean, but this would make every single saved or redirecting link non-functional, which is their current state. For example, at the bottom of my sig I have link to 420/44DB thread, when I click on it I just get the same "you don't have permissions..." message.
After clicking on new posts and the list of threads is shown, for some threads that have attachments, the paperclip icon is over (on top of) the "Last" clickable link to go to the last page of the thread. In this case when you click there you get the attachment list rather than the last page. This appears to be only on select threads.

Right now I see this on the "to ease cabin fever" and "Hello, this is Scott from Vector" threads.

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