Port engine smokin like a crematorium with two fat guys in it.

"When I had the Chance"....oh my. Hope it was not going to be boating related! 19 you say....Do not pass GO or collect $200. That would be a reality check, Mike.
Then you might be interested in my 1970 mustang fastback for 18k for a quick sale





Steve, your car brings back some memories. They still are a great looking car. I had a '70 Mach I. Unfortunately it left the highway while the needle was pegged, a casualty of a long day of drinking at a local strip joint. I survived, my marriage survived, the car did not.
That car is hot!!

Thanks, I use to be a car guy and had a pretty good collection going. Now I am an idiot boat guy, funny thing is that my wife use to complain about all the money I spent on buying and building cars. She wanted me to find another hobby since she couldn't park in the garage and I had to add three lifts in the garage just to park them. Just goes to show that you better be careful what you wish for. Now I am dropping money in the boat like it grows on trees.

Now I am getting ready to sell a couple of cars off and sink it into my money pit boat.

It's a sickness Steve and it only gets worse. We're pulling out for Panama City in a couple weeks and that has meant 7-8k just in new electronics, addl spares and getting things ready. Then we'll need 1,200 gallons of diesel to get to our destination, $700/mo for the next 6 months for slips, plane tickets, running around fuel, extra insurance, etc then fuel to get back in April. I've quit adding it up. All just to squeeze in a few boating weekends over the winter.

Finding a new hobby has been suggested to me several times and with increasing frequency over the past few weeks. In fact, my wife (who has long opposed me getting a Harley) recently even suggested she was both ok with me getting a Harley AND joining the Sons of Anarchy MC if it meant stopping the hemorrhaging. I think she might even be serious.
Steve - I have been following your trials and tribulations - both family and boat. On the family side, having a daughter and granddaughter (and fortunate to not have the challenges you are facing), you have our thoughts and prayers that all turns out good - not what you had planned, but good none the less. On the boat side, we were just looking at a 1989 420 with Detroit Diesels - and I think we are going to pass - I dont think I have what it takes to take on the challenges that you have. In the end, it sounds like you will have a solid boat with good power, but what you are going through to get there - God Bless You.
Thanks again fellas I appreciate the sympathy and support.

Today was the first time I have been back to the boat since the infamous day I was given the final word on the port side engine. I also had the privilege of cutting a check today for the parts for the engine. The mechanic won't start assembly until I cut him a check for the parts.

So tomorrow after my nephew drops off the check at his shop in KY, he will start assembling the liners and prepping parts. Tuesday, he is supposed to start the rebuild at the boat. The mechanic and his helper are going to stay on the boat until they are done. He says he hopes to be doing the sea trial on Saturday morning. Keep your fingers crossed that all goes ok.

It was good for me to go to the boat and start getting it ready for the guys to stay on it. I have been so focused on this stupid little engine problem that I have forgotten what a great boat it is. My wife did point out to me how much we love the boat and all of our dock family and how lucky we are to be able to afford such a boat along with the repairs that go along with it. While I am worried about rebuilding a engine, people are out there trying to find the money for a child's operation that will maybe prolong their life. Really puts things in perspective when you stop and think for a minute. Why is it so much easier to feel sorry for yourself then be greatful for what you do have?

below are a few pictures of the cockpit of the boat tore apart.






Steve, you do have a great way of putting things in prospective. I am going to try to do more of that myself. Boating is a privilege!

Update on the rebuild with pictures.. Today the got all rod and main bearing in, cylinders and pistons. The oil pan was on by 9:30 and they we wrapping it up and headed to sleep on the boat. Heads and blower are on for tomorrow. They think we will be doing a sea trial by Saturday morning.

Spent a couple of hours talking to him tonight and picked them up dinner. Really a good guy with tons of experience and knowledge. Spent several year in the military as a diesel Mechanic, then went to Covington diesel in Nashville for several more years. On his own now and working hard to keep a great reputation.












Glad to hear it's all coming together Steve. Sounds like you're comfortable with the mechanic which is a good thing. Thanks for keeping us Posted as this has been a very informative post. Good luck down the final stretch.

Glad to see it in the reassembly phase!! As stated above, it sounds like you may have done well with your choice of mechanics. I will keep my fingers crossed that all goes well buddy!!
It looks like he's earning every penny of the rebuild. Nice to see him working past 4:30 to get things done and you back to boating.
Thanks guys, we are sea trailing this morning. Decided to replace the fresh water intake hoses and had to run out and pick hose up at 11:00 last night. No it is 7:20 am and I am headed to the boat. After the sea trial I am headed to the hospital. I am pretty sure I broke my foot the other day. It is swollen up to the point I can barely get my shoe on. Kept me up again all last night

Good news on sea trial. Bad news on foot. I would say jeez can't you get a break, but you did so that doesn't seem appropriate. Where here in Nashville can you get intake hoses at 11:00 PM?

Hope all goes well today Steve...boat and foot.

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