Having trouble understanding current events

Biden is paying 10-20k per vote:eek: Wait until the recipients find out their windfall will be taxable, they'll be bitchin' then;)
Just dropped my kid off today, and I worked my ass of to pay so she’s not burdened. What a slap in the face.
Those that think this is a windfall because they don’t have the self respect to pay their own debts, not only will be taxed, but again, will increase inflation, increase their future debt and will also increase the cost of higher ed. This is just plain dumb. The next big bubble to burst is higher ed and their entitlements. Been too sweet for too long. $1.7t owed and the chickens will come home to roost. All debts are paid.
Just dropped my kid off today, and I worked my ass of to pay so she’s not burdened. What a slap in the face.
Those that think this is a windfall because they don’t have the self respect to pay their own debts, not only will be taxed, but again, will increase inflation, increase their future debt and will also increase the cost of higher ed. This is just plain dumb. The next big bubble to burst is higher ed and their entitlements. Been too sweet for too long. $1.7t owed and the chickens will come home to roost. All debts are paid.
My oldest grandkid went back to school last week, 2nd year. Whenever I talk to her I'm watching for any signs that she may be getting infected with the wokeness and free stuff diseases...so far, so good, no tats, no magenta hair, no pronouns
My oldest grandkid went back to school last week, 2nd year. Whenever I talk to her I'm watching for any signs that she may be getting infected with the wokeness and free stuff diseases...so far, so good, no tats, no magenta hair, no pronouns
I hope the same end result. She has a good head on her shoulders. Cool thing is they match you with a roommate with similar interests. They’ve been communicating all Summer and she seems like a really good kid from a smaller town. Active in sports and church. Weird for us being empty nesters now, and then doing a forklift move out of MN next month.

Anyway, lake looks good today, hopefully you can get out.:)
Curious that our resident liberal loonies haven't weighed in on this subject.
Something else that befuddles (like that word?) me....when we are short of crude oil to send to refineries so we can get back to being energy independent, why are we still exporting 5 million barrels of oil per day to China?

I say "screw China". What have they done for us lately? Let's use that oil in our own refineries to help fix the oil supply/demand issues,
Something else that befuddles (like that word?) me....when we are short of crude oil to send to refineries so we can get back to being energy independent, why are we still exporting 5 million barrels of oil per day to China?

I say "screw China". What have they done for us lately? Let's use that oil in our own refineries to help fix the oil supply/demand issues,
And when you have meat shortages, why are we exporting our high quality meat and importing junk meat?
I was reading about the student loan thing, it's a crisis, a terrible burden, and it's very stressful. In one article graduates were interviewed, here's a comment made...

"I used to work in jobs where I did not make six figures, but they were jobs that fed who I am as a person and how I want to contribute to society," "I have to decide if I want to go after financial success or work in a job that aligns with my intrinsic values."

There are a lot of studies done on student debt and it's affects, here's one of many findings...Black indebted student borrowers are also the most likely to report having to work more than they would prefer.

Here are a couple comments from another college grad. She borrowed 86K, Biden is going to give her at least a 10K gift. She feels she was 'tricked' by student loans, she has lost her 20's years, she has suffered because she has to repay her loans, her comments make me wonder what she learned......

'I wasn't able to really enjoy being young and going out and having fun with my friends like other people my age did.'

'I don't want other people to suffer like I have and I want that money to go into the economy and into people's lives. I want people to be able to use that money to travel, buy a house, or start a family. I hate to think of it just going to loan companies, where it doesn't help anybody.'
Here are a couple comments from another college grad. She borrowed 86K, Biden is going to give her at least a 10K gift. She feels she was 'tricked' by student loans, she has lost her 20's years, she has suffered because she has to repay her loans, her comments make me wonder what she learned......

'I wasn't able to really enjoy being young and going out and having fun with my friends like other people my age did.'

'I don't want other people to suffer like I have and I want that money to go into the economy and into people's lives. I want people to be able to use that money to travel, buy a house, or start a family. I hate to think of it just going to loan companies, where it doesn't help anybody.'
Yeah, doesn't help anyone except the loan officers, servicers, etc. They should take her degree back.
Here are a couple comments from another college grad. She borrowed 86K, Biden is going to give her at least a 10K gift. She feels she was 'tricked' by student loans, she has lost her 20's years, she has suffered because she has to repay her loans, her comments make me wonder what she learned......
Woody, So what she is saying is that she was smart enough to get into college but not smart enough, or forward thinking enough to understand that she was borrowing $86K?
Get outa here!

What the hell did she think she was signing when she borrowed that money? Or did a banker hold a gun to her head to force her to sign those loan docs?

(See post #1055 above)

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