CSR Lake Erie Islands 2013 Rendezvous


Still planning on being there, just haven't had time to make reservations. Will do tomorrow or Monday at the latest.
Yep, Got you Carl... Just trying to see how many approx I need to tell her. Susie is supposed to be calling me back to confirm the numbers... so if you think you may make it please let me know here.
I am still really looking forward to catching up with everyone.
I plan on coming out on saturday and staying over night. I will make reservations for CT1 and myself on Monday.
Is there anyone else that is possibly making the trip with us please speak now...

As a side note... On Middle Bass they have a really nice pavilion. I was thinking about doing a pot luck lunch on our own instead of going up to Walleye's. Any thoughts or ideas about this? I can reserve the pavilion for saturday. We can have some "Beverages" as long as they are in solo cups. Just a thought...

Any other thoughts or concerns. Lord knows I am ready to see all of you guys again!
I wish I could. My wife and I have less than a month until my son is born. She doesn't want to be that far away from home.

Maybe next year...

Take lots of pictures for me.
Understandable, I'll take lots of pics and congrats on the new addition.
Jason, the pot luck lunch/dinner sounds interesting , any body else give you input ? Guess the big question is how many are attending ?
I agree , Dina was thinking about bringing pulled pork and some small buns .. Basicly like sliders ..

After dinner and " beverages " we can always hit up Walleye's, drinks around there pool are always nice .
Agreed, I have a few things planned but am still curious of every one else?
Hello All and Jason:

Assuming my Sundancer is fixed and ready to go (several issues to deal with) I will be joining the group on the 26th thru the 28th. I have called the Middle Bass marina and reserved a slip with the CSR party. I am taking the boat to B and E marina in Michigan City tomorrow to see if they can get the shore power working and fix a gear lube leak. Then I have to replace a trailer wheel bearing and I will be good to go. I haven't been on Lake Erie in 6 years so I am looking forward to it and apprehensive at the same time.

I am looking forward to meeting many new friends.


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