Building a swim platform

I think when you're done if you have the time you should write an article on helpful tips and tricks...
I might do that. That would give some of the "experts" a chance to tell me everything I did wrong. :)
I must say I had my doubts when you started this thread but you have done a great job, it looks great. I wouldn't know where to start and would just purchase one. I still wouldn't know where to start but I appreciate the people that do and take the time (and criticism) to post their project, thank you.
It really should be downhill from here. Finish work shouldn't be any problem. Sometime in the next week or two I'll get to play around with fit and finish stuff on the hatches. That might be a little bit of a pain. You never know exactly how thick fiberglass will be when you lay it on, so when you're just working with the wood, it's all a guess. I'll probably have to shave a little off the sides of the hatch for the ladder, but that's ok. That's why I saved the hatches for last.

I have thick skin, I can take the criticism. I built one three years ago with a friend, and his is going strong. In fact, if you want a real project, we made his hydraulic. I guarantee we won't do that again!
I was wondering as people add length and weight to the stern of their boats with these larger platforms, is there any effect on performance of the boat, does it take longer to plane out, does it drag at all on take off?

Great platform BTW, your craftmanship is very nice.
It'll probably sit a little lower, and it will obviously be a little more as* heavy, but it shouldn't matter too much. I guess we'll find out.
You have done a great job. For reference, I added a 175lb platform to my 290 and did not notice any difference. Obviously your platform is bigger but so is your boat.
I'm not sure what the weight is. I'm guessing a little under 300lbs. I can flip it over by myself without much trouble. Performance wise, the ol 390 wasn't a rocket to begin with. I'm thinking about adding a fixed tab like Pietro has on his to help her plane out better. Truth-be-told, I don't put it on top that much anyway. I just want the extra space, and to be able to put my inflatable on it instead of towing it.

I'll put some more pics up this weekend. I've been doing a lot of fairing to it this week, and the bottom side is done. I layed a crapload of resin on the edge tonight so I can sand it down smooth, and this weekend I'll be doing the top. The waxed resin seems to lay down smoother than the unwaxed does, so that's a plus. I have some more pics of what I've been doing lately, but they don't look like much. After I smooth out the top, I get to fit the anchor hatch and drain channel, and the ladder hatch. Hopefully that won't be too much of a challenge. I'd be really happy to be painting in the next two weeks, but I'm going to lose the week from the 6-10th because I'll be out of town, then I'll be out of town again from the 17-26th, and then again from the 21-25th of March, which will basically bring me right up to my April 1st launch! Suddenly it doesn't feel like I have all that much time.
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Very nice work ! love it ! makes me want to rethink ordering a premade one and tackle this project next winter , what are you going to do about dranage for the anchor locker ?
There isn't really a way to drain the locker as the bottom of it will likely be below the waterline, so the next best thing is to make it waterproof. I'm going to be putting a drain channel around the hatch lid, and that channel will drain overboard.
Updated pics. Things don't look a lot different than they did the last time. I was gone last week, but before I went I spent a lot of time smoothing and squaring up the edges around the ladder hatch, and the teak grates. I then sprayed some primer around the edges so I could block sand and make sure all the little craters were filled, and the edges were smooth and straight. It's pretty good now, so I laid my final coat of waxed resin on. I'll use the feather edging disk again to smooth it out, and then it will be ready for primer. Before I prime though, I'll fit and glass the hatches and hinges. Hopefully I'm coming into the home stretch with it.
My fault guys, it works for me, but it's my site, so I'm sure that makes a difference. I sanded it smooth today, I'm just going re-work a couple of small things tomorrow night, then I'm going to tint the spray-on bedliner to match the color of the boat, and do the bottom, then prime the top one more time (probably Wednesday night), and paint the top on Thursday. This schedule is a little bit optimistic, but if I have all the color on by the end of next weekend, I'll be really happy.
Looks like one of the best "home-built" platforms we have seen here. :smt038

How much will you sell it for? :smt043

Are you keeping track of hours?


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