What a positive COVID-19 test REALLY means

For all the links posted, not one has been a peer reviewed repeatable study of C-19, its transmission, and the efficacy of masks, of any kind, in non sterile public environments that I have seen.

You know, real world stuff...

A peer-reviewed study documenting the real-word impact of mask mandates:
Community Use Of Face Masks And COVID-19: Evidence From A Natural Experiment Of State Mandates In The US
"There is a significant decline in daily COVID-19 growth rate after mandating facial covers in public, with the effect increasing over time after signing the order....The study provides direct evidence on the effectiveness of widespread community use of face masks from a natural experiment that evaluates effects of state government mandates in the US for face mask use in public on COVID-19 spread....The study provides evidence that states in the US mandating use of face masks in public had a greater decline in daily COVID-19 growth rates after issuing these mandates compared to states that did not issue mandates."

A peer-reviewed summary of nearly 100 peer-reviewed studies relevant to mask policies:
Face Masks Against COVID-19: An Evidence Review
"Our review of the literature offers evidence in favor of widespread mask use to reduce community transmission: non- medical masks use materials that obstruct droplets of the necessary size; people are most infectious in the initial period post-infection, where it is common to have few or no symptoms; non-medical masks have been effective in reducing transmission of influenza; non-medical masks have been shown to be effective in small trials at blocking transmission of coronavirus; and places and time periods where mask usage is required or widespread have shown substantially lower community transmission. The available evidence suggests that near-universal adoption of non-medical masks when out in public, in combination with complementary public health measures could successfully reduce effective-R to below 1.0, thereby stopping community spread. Economic analysis suggests that the impact of mask wearing could be thousands of US dollars saved per person per mask."

Easy-to-digest article summarizing (and providing references to) peer-reviewed studies about masking in the context of covid:
Still Confused About Masks? Here’s the Science Behind How Face Masks Prevent Coronavirus
"...health experts say the evidence is clear that masks can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and that the more people wearing masks, the better...But the strongest evidence in favor of masks come from studies of real-world scenarios. “The most important thing are the epidemiologic data,” said Rutherford. Because it would be unethical to assign people to not wear a mask during a pandemic, the epidemiological evidence has come from so-called “experiments of nature...the most important thing is wearing a mask,” he said. Compared to wearing a mask, cleaning your iPhone or wiping down your groceries are “just distractors.” There’s little evidence that fomites (contaminated surfaces) are a major source of transmission, whereas there is a lot of evidence of transmission through inhaled droplets...”
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A peer-reviewed study documenting the real-word impact of mask mandates:
Community Use Of Face Masks And COVID-19: Evidence From A Natural Experiment Of State Mandates In The US
"There is a significant decline in daily COVID-19 growth rate after mandating facial covers in public, with the effect increasing over time after signing the order....The study provides direct evidence on the effectiveness of widespread community use of face masks from a natural experiment that evaluates effects of state government mandates in the US for face mask use in public on COVID-19 spread....The study provides evidence that states in the US mandating use of face masks in public had a greater decline in daily COVID-19 growth rates after issuing these mandates compared to states that did not issue mandates."

A peer-reviewed summary of nearly 100 peer-reviewed studies relevant to mask policies:
Face Masks Against COVID-19: An Evidence Review
"Our review of the literature offers evidence in favor of widespread mask use to reduce community transmission: non- medical masks use materials that obstruct droplets of the necessary size; people are most infectious in the initial period post-infection, where it is common to have few or no symptoms; non-medical masks have been effective in reducing transmission of influenza; non-medical masks have been shown to be effective in small trials at blocking transmission of coronavirus; and places and time periods where mask usage is required or widespread have shown substantially lower community transmission. The available evidence suggests that near-universal adoption of non-medical masks when out in public, in combination with complementary public health measures could successfully reduce effective-R to below 1.0, thereby stopping community spread. Economic analysis suggests that the impact of mask wearing could be thousands of US dollars saved per person per mask."

Easy-to-digest article summarizing (and providing references to) peer-reviewed studies about masking in the context of covid:
Still Confused About Masks? Here’s the Science Behind How Face Masks Prevent Coronavirus
"...health experts say the evidence is clear that masks can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and that the more people wearing masks, the better...But the strongest evidence in favor of masks come from studies of real-world scenarios. “The most important thing are the epidemiologic data,” said Rutherford. Because it would be unethical to assign people to not wear a mask during a pandemic, the epidemiological evidence has come from so-called “experiments of nature...the most important thing is wearing a mask,” he said. Compared to wearing a mask, cleaning your iPhone or wiping down your groceries are “just distractors.” There’s little evidence that fomites (contaminated surfaces) are a major source of transmission, whereas there is a lot of evidence of transmission through inhaled droplets...”

I have no confusion, your study agrees with me it is an opinion piece.

"Although no randomized controlled trials (RCT) on the use of masks as source control for SARS-CoV-2 has been pub- lished, a number of studies have attempted to indirectly esti- mate the efficacy of masks. Overall, an evidence review (29) finds "moderate certainty evidence shows that the use of hand- washing plus masks probably reduces the spread of respiratory viruses."
Apparently some small labs are only reporting positive results and not negative results.
The number of positive results are correct.
This was happening in my area back when the situation was more intense. The labs were prioritizing getting positive results out, particularly to healthcare facilities. They would report the negatives after the fact, usually on the weekend so the full record was complete. To the extent this is widespread, it could mess up the daily percent positive metric that is being looked at closely. Another reason why looking at 7-day averages and not daily numbers is a better way to assess the data.
This was happening in my area back when the situation was more intense. The labs were prioritizing getting positive results out, particularly to healthcare facilities. They would report the negatives after the fact, usually on the weekend so the full record was complete. To the extent this is widespread, it could mess up the daily percent positive metric that is being looked at closely. Another reason why looking at 7-day averages and not daily numbers is a better way to assess the data.
Right, but watching the 7 day average isn't as alarming for the news media. Gotta scare people, you know.
You in the US and we in Canada are extremely lucky to be born into freedom and democracy where the will of the people (majority) determines how we live our lives.
This IS the issue We WERE born in a free democracy where the will of the majority of the people is supposed to determine our way of life but that has been bastardized and high jacked by dictatorial democrat governors that are making executive orders to control the behavior of the people with out the legislative due process. Its fine to declare a temporary state of emergency for a cataclysmic event but these shut down orders are ongoing and not based on actual scientific fact. They are based rather on what " seems to be a good idea" and "common sense". These types of public policy decisions need to be made by the legislative representatives of the people after hearing from the scientific/health professionals from all perspectives. So far most of what has happened around the country is governors knee jerking in a panic approach and placing restrictions on activities and businesses for political reasons. The longer they can drag this thing out to the election they think they can unseat the orange menace PERIOD. Newsome just rolled back CA to phase 1 and reclosed all bars and hair salons with no public testimony or debate by the legislature and not one shred of evidence that the virus is being spread in those places. It is however widely reported when an out break is discovered to have grown from a large family gathering or a church choir event. I still say let the free citizens make their choices, Protect themselves and others by acting responsibly and use the practices the are proven to limit the spread but we should not stand by and just let these asshole governors dictate our behavior and ruin our economy and ultimately fundamentally change our way of life in America.
Carpe Diem
So is the date it false? Or just the use of the logo?
A quick glance at the numbers in the CV-19 column indicates the rates are made up. For example, the recovery rate from official sources is only about 50% as of now, although it will get much, much better over time. Texas case fatality rate so far is 1.2%.
Apparently some small labs are only reporting positive results and not negative results.
The number of positive results are correct.

Wrong. No possibility, and I know because many reference labs are my customers, that 100% of tests yield positive results.

In fact, if you are requested to take a test via contact tracing process and refuse, you are counted as positive.

I am currently working w another state Department of Health on installing an electronic Lab results reporting portal, I have 3 other statewide implementations, and this state admits data is grossly inflated.

HHS just yesterday released a letter from VP Pence to all public health labs the new requirements for electronic reporting because many providers still use paper.

Stop w the fake news.
This IS the issue We WERE born in a free democracy where the will of the majority of the people is supposed to determine our way of life but that has been bastardized and high jacked by dictatorial democrat governors that are making executive orders to control the behavior of the people with out the legislative due process. Its fine to declare a temporary state of emergency for a cataclysmic event but these shut down orders are ongoing and not based on actual scientific fact. They are based rather on what " seems to be a good idea" and "common sense". These types of public policy decisions need to be made by the legislative representatives of the people after hearing from the scientific/health professionals from all perspectives. So far most of what has happened around the country is governors knee jerking in a panic approach and placing restrictions on activities and businesses for political reasons. The longer they can drag this thing out to the election they think they can unseat the orange menace PERIOD. Newsome just rolled back CA to phase 1 and reclosed all bars and hair salons with no public testimony or debate by the legislature and not one shred of evidence that the virus is being spread in those places. It is however widely reported when an out break is discovered to have grown from a large family gathering or a church choir event. I still say let the free citizens make their choices, Protect themselves and others by acting responsibly and use the practices the are proven to limit the spread but we should not stand by and just let these asshole governors dictate our behavior and ruin our economy and ultimately fundamentally change our way of life in America.
Carpe Diem

This IS the issue We WERE born in a free democracy where the will of the majority of the people is supposed to determine our way of life but that has been bastardized and high jacked by dictatorial democrat governors that are making executive orders to control the behavior of the people with out the legislative due process.

This is only partially true. The will of the majority of the people to govern our way of life is constrained by our rights contained in The Constitution. It is specifically designed to protect the minority from the will of the majority.
This IS the issue We WERE born in a free democracy where the will of the majority of the people is supposed to determine our way of life but that has been bastardized and high jacked by dictatorial democrat governors that are making executive orders to control the behavior of the people with out the legislative due process. Its fine to declare a temporary state of emergency for a cataclysmic event but these shut down orders are ongoing and not based on actual scientific fact. They are based rather on what " seems to be a good idea" and "common sense". These types of public policy decisions need to be made by the legislative representatives of the people after hearing from the scientific/health professionals from all perspectives. So far most of what has happened around the country is governors knee jerking in a panic approach and placing restrictions on activities and businesses for political reasons. The longer they can drag this thing out to the election they think they can unseat the orange menace PERIOD. Newsome just rolled back CA to phase 1 and reclosed all bars and hair salons with no public testimony or debate by the legislature and not one shred of evidence that the virus is being spread in those places. It is however widely reported when an out break is discovered to have grown from a large family gathering or a church choir event. I still say let the free citizens make their choices, Protect themselves and others by acting responsibly and use the practices the are proven to limit the spread but we should not stand by and just let these asshole governors dictate our behavior and ruin our economy and ultimately fundamentally change our way of life in America.
Carpe Diem
MN is another prime example of this. Handing over Emergency powers to the legislature just failed for the 3rd time in our state. So Walz gets to unilaterally decide Minnesotans livelihoods. This started out as 15 days to flatten the curve....WTF happened? Tyranny.

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