Pet Peeves (Anything Goes)

Why do females want to be referred to as "guys" ?
Why do females want to be referred to as "dudes" ?
Call me picky but this is carrying equality too far. It can somtimes be difficult enough to tell a "guy" from a "gal" for various reasons so you "Dudettes" need to use your own gender specific tags to help cut down on this confusion. :)

Do they pee over the side, if not they are not guys or dudes. Just sayin.

Pessimism! It’s contagious.
This bubbled up to number 1; but then, redemption and I slept well -

Automobile drivers that rocket ten miles per hour over the speed limit when oncoming traffic is clear then slow to ten mile per hour under the speed limit when oncoming traffic is heavy.

We were driving home from lunch last Sunday, a 45 mile drive; the highway (Florida 46) is two lanes posted 60 miles per hour. We were cruising a tick over 60 and came upon a car in front doing the speed limit; OK, reduced our speed and all is good, safe distance, enjoying the ride. The oncoming traffic becomes heavy and the car in front slows to 50; we slow to 50. The oncoming traffic clears and the car in front speeds up to 65 so we resume to 60. The cycle repeats, it repeats four or five times. Yes it is a Prius with various stickers on the back misbehaving and I'm getting a bit unnerved. Another traffic break opens, we are doing 50 MPH and we pull out to pass; "that little prick is accelerating" I mutter out-loud. I pull along side, look over, and there it was, a mid-fifties anorexic balding dude with a pony tail alone wearing a face mask. Preconception confirmed. By now we are both traveling about 75 miles per hour with him trying to prevent me from getting by. But, I'm in the Hellcat Redeye and I'm pissed, pissed on a Sunday after a great lunch, pissed that this dude is such an ass; the throttle goes to the floor, the transmission downshifts from 8th gear to 3rd and all 800 ponies begin to shred the pavement; the supercharger is screaming and sucking parts off the Prius. We are burning ten dinosaurs per second passing at god only knows what speed; and it was good, and I'm giggling actually laughing. My caretaker looks over from the passenger seat and opines "honey, what took you so long". Redemption.
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The owner of a new to him 40 footer who stumbles in too close me at the sand bar then drops 7 feet of rode in 5 feet of water.

He then unveils his back anchor which would be great for an aluminum skiff. This is attached to a spool of yellow poly rope that’s still in its wrapper.

He then spends a while adjusting it 10 feet off his stern. I worry about him swinging into me until I wade over and offer some advice and a hand.

This should begin here in about 3 hours.

Houseboat people. A cult stranger and more dedicated to their often ancient craft than any I’ve seen.

Apostrophes used in pluralized words.
- social justice whining. Somebody hurt your wittle feewings? Had a rough life? Guess what! Everybody has a story and you are not terminally unique.
- blatant media bias (in either direction). When did journalistic integrity become an oxymoron?
- oxies and morons in general

I made that last one up. I have no idea if an Oxy is even a thing, but I have no doubt about the moron part.
This bubbled up to number 1; but then, redemption and I slept well -

Automobile drivers that rocket ten miles per hour over the speed limit when oncoming traffic is clear then slow to ten mile per hour under the speed limit when oncoming traffic is heavy.

We were driving home from lunch last Sunday, a 45 mile drive; the highway (Florida 46) is two lanes posted 60 miles per hour. We were cruising a tick over 60 and came upon a car in front doing the speed limit; OK, reduced our speed and all is good, safe distance, enjoying the ride. The oncoming traffic becomes heavy and the car in front slows to 50; we slow to 50. The oncoming traffic clears and the car in front speeds up to 65 so we resume to 60. The cycle repeats, it repeats four or five times. Yes it is a Prius with various stickers on the back misbehaving and I'm getting a bit unnerved. Another traffic break opens and we pull out to pass; "that little prick is accelerating" I mutter out-loud. I pull along side, look over, and there it was, a mid-fifties anorexic balding dude with a pony tail alone wearing a face mask. Preconception confirmed; an entitled POS who believes his job is to make everyone miserable. By now we are both traveling about 75 miles per hour. But, I'm in the Hellcat Redeye and I'm pissed, pissed on a Sunday after a great lunch; the throttle goes to the floor, the transmission downshifts from 8th gear to 3rd and all 800 ponies begin to shred the pavement; the supercharger is screaming and sucking parts off the Prius. We are burning ten dinosaurs per second passing at god only knows what speed; and it was good, and I'm laughing. My caretaker looks over to me from the passenger seat and opines "honey, what took you so long". Redemption.
Who drives 90 miles for lunch? ;)
Nice thread, very entertaining - of all of the above I think the person getting fuel, finishes and goes in the store to do whatever and leaves his vehicle parked at the pump with a line waiting is my favorite. People these days are just in their own little world and have no consideration for their neighbor. But there are tons of contenders.
One that hasn't been mentioned, and is quite aggravating, is after finishing a meal at a restaurant and the waiter/waitress seems to have forgotten you are still there, waiting for the check. Then when finally getting the check, having to wait another 15+ minutes for them to come back and take the payment.
How about the jerk who sits in front of you at the stop sign waiting to make a right turn. A car is coming from half mile away so he waits. The car goes past and the jerkoff waits until it's about a hundred yards down the road before he's brave enough to pull out.

Can y'all tell I'm an impatient driver.
How about the jerk who sits in front of you at the stop sign waiting to make a right turn. A car is coming from half mile away so he waits. The car goes past and the jerkoff waits until it's about a hundred yards down the road before he's brave enough to pull out.

"Dudes on ludes should not drive"
You go for a trip in the boat to another marina. And as you are sitting there reflecting how nice your boat looks, this guy shows up:


That’s only the bridge and the name, the other 180 feet are out of the frame.
1) The big RV with car in tow going 55 miles an hour in the right lane on I-95 north, destroying all hope for sane and smooth traffic flow.

2) While you are packed in line in the left lane waiting to get past that 55 mph RV, the jerk Riding your bumper behind you stupidly decides he can shoot the right lane and pass everyone. Only to find it's a moving roadblock and attempt to squeeze back in line IN FRONT of you.

3) The 18 wheeler that suddenly swings into the left lane cutting you off, to pass the ever so slightly slower 18 wheeler in front of him. When there is absolutely no one in sight behind you.

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