Recent content by rickyp52

  1. rickyp52

    Politicians = Crook

    Do most of you agree that big money and corporations have a stranglehold right now on our elected leaders and we the people no longer have any voice on what goes on in Washington? Left, Right or whatever your political leanings, it has to be obvious the system is horribly broken and needs to be...
  2. rickyp52

    Politicians = Crook

    Mike...How do we go about changing what's wrong in Washington? I want to hear your ideas.
  3. rickyp52

    Politicians = Crook

    Do you have any idea how to fix this problem?
  4. rickyp52

    Politicians = Crook

    Your complaints are at the heart of issues the occupy movement wants to have addressed. Just curious as to what style of "revolt" you were referring to.
  5. rickyp52

    What would you do to revive the US economy?

    It's suddenly big news that organized labor supports the Democratic Party? Wow. I'm not sure what your rant was really intended to say. The first sentence is interesting though. Are you trying to say that Obama and his cronies have stolen union pensions? Why, if you were a union member is your...
  6. rickyp52

    What would you do to revive the US economy?

    I think it'd been kept pretty civil and has been a good discussion. Hard to talk about the economy without politics being involved.
  7. rickyp52

    What would you do to revive the US economy?

    "Quit protecting the Unions with collective bargining agreements, etc. (sorry Pack) So continuing in the same direction we've been going i.e. union busting and the further erosion of the middle class is part of your solution. And your statement doesn't quite make sense anyway. If you're saying...
  8. rickyp52

    What would you do to revive the US economy?

    Absolutely correct. The missing part of our economic engine is a thriving middle class supported largely by good paying "blue collar" manufacturing jobs. Can you say free trade agreement? H Ross Perot warned us about the "giant sucking sound" of good american jobs heading to other countries if...
  9. rickyp52

    What would you do to revive the US economy?

    You must be kidding me. Your arrogance is showing. Will there be a 1% only forum opening soon?
  10. rickyp52

    What would you do to revive the US economy?

    Couldn't have said it better myself. Thanks for the spot on "rant".
  11. rickyp52

    What would you do to revive the US economy?

    I'm stunned. We must live in two different worlds. I know a lot of motivated and well qualified people who can't find employment period, let alone in their field of study. I'll give you an example of what I mean about people being desperate for work. My wife is an admissions counselor in the...
  12. rickyp52

    What would you do to revive the US economy?

    Things must be pretty good in Indiana if you can't fill 2 forty thousand dollar per year jobs. Do you offer health care too? I can guarantee you here in Michigan you would have hundreds if not thousands of applications for those jobs. Your tired old argument that people who are out of work are...
  13. rickyp52

    What would you do to revive the US economy?

    A very large stimulus package of 1-1.5 trillion paid for with taxing the ultra rich and corporations their fair share. Sorry, you asked my opinion. Most of this could be accomplished by simply closing loopholes in our tax laws. Trying to feed our economic engine from the top down just ain't...
  14. rickyp52

    Peyton Manning IS the league MVP!

    I've always had a lot of respect for Manning but I think he's about done. I hope not but we'll have to wait and see. But I also want to give a shout out to my resurrected Lions, led by Stafford and Suh the Lions have had a great infusion of something they've lacked for a long time: Talent. GM...
  15. rickyp52

    Whats your favorite beer ???

    I like to change it up often. Molson Ice is our standard beer. Love Oberon along with other Bell's offerings. Like Heinekin also, and find it interesting that havenfunyet likes Oberon, but hates heinekin. They are both good, stout beers that taste great. Can't drink any light beers, especially...