Navesink/Red Bank fireworks-what to expect?

So.... did anyone end up going? Work screwed me at the last minute and I had to go in but seeing all the rain we had and considering the cost of the trip from Brick..... I'm sort of happy I didn't go :grin:
So seeing that I have an I/O, I have no strainers, correct? Am I in danger of sucking a jellyfish (or anything else) into my impellers?

Are the Navesink and Shrewsbury ALWAYS full of jellyfish? I was in the Shrewsbury last weekend, and there were jellyfish EVERYWHERE - like at least one per square foot of water! Are there any times of year that it's actually safe to swim in these 2 beautiful rivers?
I have never had a problem with jelly fish being sucked up in my I/O without a filter... Sea grass block the intakes is more of common problem... You just throw it in reverse to clear the intake... As far the the jelly fish, where I am, they leave in September. We anchor close to the inlet where the water is cleaner and colder, and find no jelly fish there... The moon Jelly fish that you see, also do not like fresh water, so if you go far enough up a river you may not see them.. I know there aren't many Jellys at the head of the Toms River where we anchor...

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