Month Long Cruise through New England - Four Suns

it's not the ba-zillion volts you need to worry about. it's the one-point-twenty-one jigawatts that'll getcha!

well... I fell asleep after the monologue. Did I miss anything?
Gary, I really thought you were going to raise your hand when Letterman asked if there were any submarine captains in the audience.....coulda' been your chance for 15 seconds of Letterman fame!!!!!
Like I wanted to get picked on by Letterman? No thanks... Gotta know what you shouldn't poke.
Oh, you keep talking about webkin's or whatever they are and you say you'll explain but never do. we would like to know what they are.
I just put an update up and explained the webkins thing... but it's also given me an idea to get rich.
Damn, all I had as a kid to play with was a cardboard box and an empty plastic milk jug.
You are just a fountain of info. I've learned about whalers, dumb dogs and now even about the new webkins. Great blog entry today. Have fun in NYC and watch out I hear there is a "Minister of Media" in them parts(Grin).
I'll keep my eye out for him. won't be hard to spot.
He should be standing in line now. all sweaty, limping, red shirt with mustard stains.

Don't forget his dirty underware, hopefully he turned them inside out. You going to let him borrow a few pairs while he's in NY?

Damn, all I had as a kid to play with was a cardboard box and an empty plastic milk jug.

A big ol Cardboard Refrigerator box was the best!

Webkins are an evil money sucking product that will drain your wallet quicker then your boat be aware. I don't have to kids but I have nieces and nephews and that's bad enough.
I just put up another post that includes our trip to David Letterman yesterday.

A big THANK YOU to Dominic for making that happen.
Gary, don't be so quick to think you need a new washer, these little Splendide units are very serviceable. My wife uses ours all the time and with great results, she has fixed the unit several times, replaced pump switches, cleaned out screens, added new dryer heat fuses etc. All with the guidence of the Splendide Customer Service. Call them on (503) 655-2563 and they will walk you thru. If you can't open the door to get your underwear out, it must have water in it and the door has a sensor lock, Turn the unit power off, turn the dial to Spin (this will cause the pump to drain)after you turn the power back on. We had problems with the unit "re-filling" with water and found that we had to clean our cold water in-plastic screen (it was filled with calcium deposits). We had ordered some replacement parts from them and keep them in our "spares". Good luck- maybe you can get them out and stop the "going-commando"- T.M. I. huh?
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I'll look at it when I get back to Virginia. I have had the unit serviced twice. One would think that if you can work on diesels, you can get your undies out of the washer but NOOOOOOOOOO.....
We went and saw the Broadway musical "Wicked" last night at the Gershwin Theater. What an incredible experience...


One will never look at the Wizard of Oz the same...
They allow cameras in the theatre? I've been to dozens of plays, that's a first.
You can take your camera in... You are just not allowed to use it.

I pulled my camera out at the end during the applause as there were hundreds of cameras going off after the play was over.
The Wicked Witch seemed much greener when I saw the show some years ago. Still one of my all-time favorites.

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