Mike Rowe...total respect

Sorry you typed all of that for a Rasmussen poll.o_O

edit: thanks for validating my original post. I’ll also add that almost 1/2 of the voters believe the election was stolen....so there’s that too, which it 100% was.
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I don't get my facts from CNN or MSNBC, but think what you want. I read Reuters for global news. And after reading the actual poll results, it was something I think Biden supporters would have pounced on. There is nothing in it that they would want to stay away from.

So I have followed the chain of links to find where that 30% comes from. Its in the 360News headline, but that refers to an unsupported "quote" in the article, NOT from the Rasmussen poll results. The article combines two things in one place, presumably so that readers will come to the same conclusion as you did. They put that 30% headline on top of references to the Rasumussen poll that did not all have that 30% number. Talk about misleading media BS.

But here are some of the highlights of that Rasmussen poll you reference (from November 19,2020 BTW):
  • 61% of Likely U.S. Voters think Trump should concede the presidential election to Democrat Joe Biden. Just 33% disagree.
  • Eighty-four percent (84%) of Democrats, 37% of Republicans and 59% of voters not affiliated with either major party believe Trump should concede. Fifty-seven percent (57%) of Republicans disagree.
  • Forty-seven percent (47%) say it’s likely that Democrats stole votes or destroyed pro-Trump ballots in several states to ensure that Biden would win, but 50% disagree. This includes 36% who say it’s Very Likely and 41% who consider it Not At All Likely.
  • Sixty-one percent (61%) of Republicans say it’s Very Likely the Democrats stole the election, but just as many Democrats (61%) say it’s Not At All Likely. Among unaffiliateds, 29% feel it’s a stolen election; 45% do not.
  • Eighty percent (80%) of voters who do not believe Trump should concede yet think it’s Very Likely Democrats stole votes or destroyed pro-Trump ballots in several states to ensure that Biden would win. Fifteen percent (15%) of those who want Trump to concede agree.
The other article reposted under the headline refers to this, which is an unsupported Quote from Breitbart.

Here is the Breitbart piece:

Democrats believe the fraud in the counting of President Trump’s votes?

Breitbart editor John Nolte noted that a significant percentage of the same Democrats believed that there was fraud in the counting of President Trump’s votes.​
“Get this … 30 percent of Democrats—Democrats!—say it is very (20 percent) or somewhat (10 percent) likely the election was stolen from Trump,” Nolte wrote.

One of the surprising events during the allocation of votes in the count rooms that Nolte highlighted was the unexpected suspension of activity when President Trump was leading and the appearance during the night of so many votes in favor of Biden that he overcame it.

“Someone still needs to explain to me why four deep blue cities—Detroit, Philadelphia, Atlanta, and Milwaukee all of a sudden stopped counting when Trump was in the lead. Never in my life have I seen the counting stopped like that. And when the counting restarted, Will you look at all those Biden votes!” Nolte exclaimed.

He added, “Brother, that stinks to high heaven, and until I hear an explanation that makes sense—No, no… You know what, there is no explanation that would ever make sense of that.”​
Polls are pretty much useless. Depends on who gets polled. I am a big supporter of Trump. Poll my friends, 100% think the election was stolen. So there is another poll for you.
Are you a business owner in the US? LL or S corp?
So I am and have been since retirement eight years ago; I can talk with authority how the decisions on the federal level affect not only the small businesses but the employees as well as the businesses and residence in our area. This is about the working American and not the fringe that is on the government nipple. Just to qualify, our revenue four years ago was just shy of 700K and last year we eclipsed almost 8M. We are a small engineering consulting firm and directly feel the near term decisions at the federal level as we tend to lead much of the bulk labor industry; we are at the front end of major infrastructure projects. Creekwood, with all due respect, you are off the rails and use quips and media driven information to justify much of your argument which in part, actually a large part, is in error. I get it, you have a chicken bone stuck in your throat regarding the past president as much of us do.
So let's simply lay this out there that a conservative based government desires money to stay in the hands of the private sector and allow them to make the decisions on the priority of the monies whereas on the other hand a liberal based government desires money to reside with the government and determine how best to distribute and determine the terms on how that distributed money is allocated. For monies managed by the government the public sector realizes less than a 20% return due the the need of the bureaucracy to be funded to allocate the monies and the inefficiencies that brings. Do you remember the "Shovel Ready Projects" and federal funding to support? Over 80B vaporized with less than 10B in infrastructure improvements. The last four years were spent bringing US money pouring without good reason on foreign soil back home, trying to clean up the muck in our federal government, relieving the US of dependency on foreign energy, solidifying the US borders, and level loading the individual responsibility to fund the government with respect to SALT deductions. These all were economic decisions in contrast to what the media was portraying. The federal government realized that by lowering corporate tax rates that more employment and investment is a result and in the end the federal government actually gained more revenue than the reduction took away. The liberal takeaway to include the media was to dance around the facts of the result and use the fringe as a basis of argument (Oh the poor ethnic trailer trash that contributes nothing to the collective, or the CEO's are getting filthy rich (they get rich regardless FYI)); it worked but it was wrong. So back to my business, four years ago we employed 8 and last year we employed 22 at the peak with individual compensation between 140K and 260K and we were able to support between 3 and 6 percent in raises. Our employees flow down their income to the corner gas station, Home Depot, the grocery store, and on and on; "trickle down economics"? Heck yes and it works for the American dream; purely Keynesian. This is due in principal to the additional revenue rolled by the private sector into our line of business. I don't believe we are an outlier, in fact, if you look at the standard deviation curve for small business we are just to the right of the peak of the bell curve (within 2 sigma).
With respect to the current administration - I'm worried. The Keystone pipeline was cancelled out of political spite as was the termination of the border security project and hardly to the benefit of the American worker, near term or long term. I'm worried that we will see overly aggressive environmental rulings which benefit not the environment but only those that drive the cause; this is a direct impact to private business. I am worried that there is no strife, no competition, no ability to test what the federal government intends to implement due to the three branches now being all of single political desire. I am old and my business is young and I desire to turn it over to one or more of the employees for them to succeed such as I have but the cards are stacking up against.

Thank you.
YOU win the GOLD STAR for the longest post on CSR ever! That no one will prolly ever read! CONGRATS!
Thank you for the observation; I assume you didn't read and that is ok. It is, however, geared for the minimum and above levels of brain activity with a reasonable command of the English language... Please keep the gold star for something appropriate in your world.
Thank you for the observation; I assume you didn't read and that is ok. It is, however, geared for the minimum and above levels of brain activity with a reasonable command of the English language... Please keep the gold star for something appropriate in your world.

I do not know if you were talking to me. I did read it and liked everything you said. Your post is one of the reasons I like Club SeaRay. I have said it before, I like the information that some of the members contribute.
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I do not know if you were talking to me. I did read it and liked everything you said. Your post is one of the reasons I like Club SeaRay. I have said it before, I like the information that some of the members contribute.
No, not at all. It was responding to @Pirate Lady who is educating me on posting...
Are you a business owner in the US? LL or S corp?
So I am and have been since retirement eight years ago; I can talk with authority how the decisions on the federal level affect not only the small businesses but the employees as well as the businesses and residence in our area. This is about the working American and not the fringe that is on the government nipple. Just to qualify, our revenue four years ago was just shy of 700K and last year we eclipsed almost 8M. We are a small engineering consulting firm and directly feel the near term decisions at the federal level as we tend to lead much of the bulk labor industry; we are at the front end of major infrastructure projects. Creekwood, with all due respect, you are off the rails and use quips and media driven information to justify much of your argument which in part, actually a large part, is in error. I get it, you have a chicken bone stuck in your throat regarding the past president as many of us do.
So let's simply lay this out there that a conservative based government desires money (the economy) to stay in the hands of the private sector and allow private business and citizens to determine the economy whereas on the other hand, a liberal based government desires money to reside with the government and they determine how best to distribute and the terms on how that distributed money is allocated. For monies managed by the government the public sector realizes less than a 20% return due the the need to support a top heavy bureaucracy and the inefficiencies that brings. Do you remember the "Shovel Ready Projects" and federal funding to support? Over 80B vaporized with less than 10B in infrastructure improvements. The last four years were spent bringing US money that was pouring without good reason on foreign soil back home, trying to clean up the muck in our federal government, relieving the US of dependency on foreign energy, solidifying the US borders, and level loading the individual responsibility to fund the government with respect to SALT deductions. These all were economic decisions in contrast to what the media was portraying. The federal government realized that by lowering corporate tax rates more employment and investment is a result and in the end the federal government actually gained more revenue than the reduction took away. The liberal takeaway to include the media was to dance around the facts of the result and use the fringe as a basis of argument (Oh the poor ethnic trailer trash that contributes nothing to the collective, or the CEO's are getting filthy rich (they get rich regardless FYI)); it worked but it was wrong. So back to my business, four years ago we employed 8 and last year we employed 22 at the peak with individual compensation between 140K and 220K and we were able to support between 3 and 6 percent in raises. Our employees flow down their income to the corner gas station, Home Depot, the grocery store, and on and on; "trickle down economics"? Heck yes and it works for the American dream; purely Keynesian. This is due in principal to the additional revenue rolled by the private sector into our line of business. I don't believe we are an outlier, in fact, if you look at the standard deviation curve for small business economic performance we are just to the right of the peak of the bell curve (within 2 sigma).
With respect to the current administration - I'm worried. The Keystone pipeline was cancelled out of political spite as was the termination of the border security project and hardly to the benefit of the American worker, near term or long term. I'm worried that we will see overly aggressive environmental rulings which benefit not the environment but only those that drive the cause; this is a direct impact to private business. I am worried that there is no strife, no competition, no ability to test what the federal government intends to implement due to the three branches now being all of single political desire. I am old and my business is young and I desire to turn it over to one or more of the employees for them to succeed such as I have but the cards are stacking up against.

Great post Tom - Thank you. I am amazed how a Canadian can openly comment on our politics (sorry @Creekwood). I travel to Montreal quite a bit to do business with Airbus, and until this very instant, I have never said a word about that absolute buffoon Justin Trudeau and his government. You know why? I am not a Canadian, and it is none of my business.
Thank you for the observation; I assume you didn't read and that is ok. It is, however, geared for the minimum and above levels of brain activity with a reasonable command of the English language... Please keep the gold star for something appropriate in your world.

I read it. Great post, thanks Tom.
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Polls are pretty much useless. Depends on who gets polled. I am a big supporter of Trump. Poll my friends, 100% think the election was stolen. So there is another poll for you.
There is only one poll that matters and that is the election. And don't get me wrong. I don't di
Sorry you typed all of that for a Rasmussen poll.o_O

edit: thanks for validating my original post. I’ll also add that almost 1/2 of the voters believe the election was stolen....so there’s that too, which it 100% was.
So the majority of American's did not believe it then and that was before the 60 failed court cases proved it out. I will trade you Trudeau for Biden any day of the week.
Great post Tom - Thank you. I am amazed how a Canadian can openly comment on our politics (sorry @Creekwood). I travel to Montreal quite a bit to do business with Airbus, and until this very instant, I have never said a word about that absolute buffoon Justin Trudeau and his government. You know why? I am not a Canadian, and it is none of my business.
We will trade you Trudeau for Biden and throw in a few others in the trade. Comment away on Trudeau. I will like every post you make against him.
The couple times I got up to Thunder Bay many, many folks stopped to BS with me. It wasn't boats they wanted to talk about, it was politics...they all wished there were two Trumps so they could have one.:p
You already sent us Beiber, no thanks on Trudeau....lol
And sorry about that half time show btw...
Ditto. I like the dude’s music, but that show was ridiculous. Keep in mind Pepsi funded way more money that makes any sense though. I think they designed the show to spend the budget, not based on what made sense.

Damn, I thought they might take me up on the offer to take Trudeau off our hands if we took Biden. Maybe we can offer Trudeau and Baffin Island. Its pretty close to Greenland. And Trudeau is a lot prettier than Biden. Those southern gals might like a little French green socialist hottie.
If you have never seen Tom ...he is hilarious and brilliant at the same time :)

He’s right on, and that was 2018. It’s gotten worse, he must be dead from an aneurysm by now. :eek:
Interesting conversation in his post



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