
Good stuff everyone!!! Funny posts all the way around! This thread is starting to sound like a bunch of angry women...
I have never met Gary, but this site has probably saved me at least $1500.00 in marina charges/bills because of the knowledge of many people. I was able to trouble shoot problems and fix them myself. It is awesome to have a network of people who have experienced the same problems and issues and make my problems go away without getting the marina on my boat. As I said, many people have helped me including Gary. This site has also allowed me to network and meet new people at various islands in my area. Gary introduced me to blogging through his own travels and many of us followed that blog daily. We wanted more and now that he is writing a book, we want to read it. Gary is also one of the few people on here that up front said any sales from his book on this site would go to the moderator. Many people on this site slip in "free advertising" of their own products and agendas. Not Gary. I started this thread, not Gary. As I said, I dont know Gary, but he has made this site a better forum for all (most) of us. This forum is about learning, helping, networking and yes, entertainment. I thank the moderator/owner of this site for providing such a great venue for not just Searay owners, but all boaters.

I couldn’t agree more with wetpaint and with the others supporting Gary… you guys pretty much summed it all up. I have been away lately and can’t believe Kearney is still here on the forum – he is a complete waste of time. To the others, especially Arizona boy that posted earlier, you are just as worthless and are in desperate need of a life.

Now excuse me, I have some boating to do…
Man..You are sucking some Little D__K with that statement. You should join his other 6 or 7 cronie supporters. Maybe you could have some private meeting to talk about the rest of us..

Most Can't Keep up with Him? I think more want to ignore him at this point as there is very little info in his posts, other than self indulgence, Member Bashing, and book VaporWare that only a few give a S--T about anyway. Anyone who reads this forum does not want to pay for the same ol Crapola Posts rolled into some flapjack paperback..

wait 20 minutes, stay tooned... I am sure the King Know It all Of All Boating Best Wife ****ty Kids Biggest Cruiser Old Man DB Design Your All Stupid I am the Only One Right In the World will weigh in accordingly...

So there is some more Sh_t thrown on your Silk...


Do I get Negative Brownie Points Now from Club Cronie?

Man did you get me told. By the way yours didn't stick either.

I've gone back and read this whole thread and I don't really get it. Someone put up a post asking about a book and some writing and all of a sudden it invokes me being a "jackass", someone from Arizona saying I didn't get laid in college and my career is ruined, and another guy talking about sucking d*cks, my boat is ugly and his infatuation with Kearney.

It seems that some people were Uplate smoking dope playing with their poodle.

Well Gary, there you go again! Offending people with your insite. Maybe yours is a poodle, but mine is a Great Dane pal! lol.
Actually, Uplate owns a standard poodle...

We have a Standard Poodle (no shedding thank you) and she loves our bow rider. She is always out front with face in the wind. When we bought the crusier she adapted very well.

Only problem was one of the first times she exited the boat via the swim deck to dock she slipped and fell into the water. It was night, she is a black dog. It was amazing we could fish her out so quickly as she was hard to see. She is not likely to make that mistake again as she learned the danger. While underway, she has a lifevest straped on.

At home, We have to be careful about saying the "boat" word as she will run for the door.

Amazing that he refers to it as a "she."

I wonder if his wife owns a toy poodle....

Anyway, I went and looked at some of his posts since he recommended people do that about my posts... I think I found were the ego problem is...
Ah, now I get it! LOL!

There I go stepping in where I don't know what I'm talking about. lol. As the Progressive insurance spokes girl say's "happens to me all the time!"
OK... I just got in the door.... let's let this evening's bashing begin.

Anyone Uplate acting like an ass?
I have never met Gary, but this site has probably saved me at least $1500.00 in marina charges/bills because of the knowledge of many people. I was able to trouble shoot problems and fix them myself. It is awesome to have a network of people who have experienced the same problems and issues and make my problems go away without getting the marina on my boat. As I said, many people have helped me including Gary. This site has also allowed me to network and meet new people at various islands in my area. Gary introduced me to blogging through his own travels and many of us followed that blog daily. We wanted more and now that he is writing a book, we want to read it. Gary is also one of the few people on here that up front said any sales from his book on this site would go to the moderator. Many people on this site slip in "free advertising" of their own products and agendas. Not Gary. I started this thread, not Gary. As I said, I dont know Gary, but he has made this site a better forum for all (most) of us. This forum is about learning, helping, networking and yes, entertainment. I thank the moderator/owner of this site for providing such a great venue for not just Searay owners, but all boaters.

+1 here too. Thanks.
Everytime a new poster comes on and/or has English problems (this is the internet and we have people from all over the world here, try going on a French Boating site and asking questions)there is an automatic assumption that it is the Crown Jewel that he helped engineer off the Island.

look a the 6 zillion posts and decide for yourself what percentage is real and what is crapola. It may take a few days.
Sorry my english not genius like you.
Wingturd is like those greenhead flies up there by Cape May...
Only the greenhead flies are smarter
Unfortunately, I think wingless is alive and well over on The Hull Truth. (Jim is a sponsor, so I don’t think he’ll mind the reference to another boating site.) I’m actually kind of curious to see how things go over there. Kind of like watching a train wreck…
What's it's name over there? The turd with wings, that is.

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