
Even my wife nags me about doing boat trips and writing... maybe next year...

The book is sitting on my desk (the final draft) but I just need a few more things to be done before I can launch it. I was sortof waiting so I can get a 2010 copyright on it which requires a September launch....

I've been busy working... paying for Kearney's health care.

Heh, how oddly appropriate.

Main Entry: Kearney
Pronunciation: \ˈkorn-head\
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English kerne, from Anglo-French, from kearner to be an idiot, vocal numbskull, from Latin kearnare to make stupid comments, from kearnus dumbass
Date: 14th century

1 obsolete : a person who posts pictures of his wife's naked boob on the internet (during breast feeding)
2 : reading a book or magazine and becoming a self-proclaimed expert (a Kearn-head)
3 : a person who thinks a boat rocking makes wi-fi not work
4 : a troll


Where is wingtard? Surely he'll pipe in... or jg300da? The tri-fecta of stupid.
hi Mr. Fresh Water! You stupid sh!t...
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I've been busy working...

At what? Fine-tuning the art of being a jackass? Quit while you're ahead. It's truly pathetic how much of a bullying jackass you are. Name calling with dictionaries? Criticizing pictures? As for health care, those of us that are actually in the 1% bracket are will be more likely stuck paying for your pathetic excuse for health. Fortunately we can afford to not really care either way. Move on, fool.
You still sore about me pointing out how stupid your suggestions are back in that battery discussion?

Ha, that is funny right there. Did you edit your post? OR...

When I read the thread it only says, "ok" I didn't want to believe you laid down that easy! Gary, you are a wise ass and I think it's funny as hell. People shouldn't take you so seriously, your humor kills me.

Carry on!
Need to start playing the jeopardy theme here until "you know who" pops up...


"I'll take 'trolls' for 200"

The answer is: "Lives under a bridge and is a bitter person"
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Heh, how oddly appropriate.

Hey! Leave me out of this! :smt021

That comment was not directed at Gary. I was only pointing out that that guy is the only one who would volunteer to recreate the crash knowing how painful the outcome would be in advance.

Its fine by me if you want to engage in personal battles around here, but using a comment taken way out of context from someone else's post to do it is just wrong. If you are going to quote me, use the whole quote in its proper context. I am not on CSR to engage in any kind of battle or alienate any of its members (unless its in the holding tank, or political, where everything goes). :smt013
You got BK so upset I can't even understand what he wrote.
I enjoy Gary's use of "subliminal" text. Too funny.

Still looking forward to the book...
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You know, this Fresh Water fellow sure reminds me of the only guy to get banned from CSR. What was his name? wingnut? No, wingtard? no, wing.... something or the other.
From what I can tell Gary only strikes out when someone posts something ridiculously stupid. It appears that when it comes to verbal sword play most can't keep up with him. So they end up throwing s**t at silk in hopes it will stick.
I am glad Garys back posting and I will be buying his book.
Or he is just a complete egocentric ******* who attacks anyone…payback for him not getting laid in high school or at Prescott or Daytona…wherever he went to school. My assumption anyway…

Hey Gary, do you ever wonder if you try to get back into the public sector, mainly publicly traded companies, that your antics on CSR won’t come back to bite you in the ass at some point? I can only imagine the response of a BOD looking at printouts of your childish behavior on a public website…I’ll wait for my punishment and ridicule by you and your followers…

Pretty neat Jim, I’ll await amendments due to my language and a point(s) reduction prior to being expelled…this is bull****.


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