Its really war now

AKs? Good lord, can we at least send them some decent guns?
he is a totally confused individual sir.
Seems you didn't even know Russia sent 30,000 troops into the Ukraine in 2017 and they have accomplished exactly what they wanted.
That pretty much translates to, we really don’t give a shit what Russia does in the Ukraine…
No I don't believe so. About 7% of our petroleum imports are from Russia but that amount is a minuscule part of their total export $$$. It would literally hurt us more than them.
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The Russians are surrounding Kyiv...Maybe the Mayor, Vitaly Klitschko, should call out to man, I'll fight you for it. Why does the regular man have to get his shit blown up and killed all the time...let the politicians do the fighting.
I know the question is rhetorical, but people that truely ‘understand’ what a dictatorship is, will fight for their country and families future.
I know, but this can be undone if needed. There is a legitimate argument to hold on to this supply for now. This gives us the option of cutting off oil sales by Russia. Even if that means higher prices for us, that’s a far better solution than going to war with them, and it hurts them more than it hurts us.

I liked a lot of things that trump did, but opening up our oil supply to others is not a move that I ever supported. That move weakens us during a period of war. Oil is life during a war.
Not at all - oil is a market commodity which the gov has artificially inflated in the name of the environment. The administration terminated federal land leases and extraction through fracking which turned market demand to foreign sources as they are now less expensive comparatively. The drive here is to create affordability of alternant energy at the overall greater cost to the consumer. Oddly though, at the incept of the current administration several major refineries in the US went down for their scheduled maintenance further inflating the oil which played right into the administration's hands.
So, for this administration to back off the lease and fracking terminations would be a black eye on one of their main political soap-box positions. I believe these types of sanctions are not in their calculus. So, if you believe the mainstream media the problem is with Germany and France; heaven forbid they be critical of the US government.
Unfortunately, our brains are wired that oil equals automobiles which equals environmental disaster. Quite the opposite is the truth in that oil is essential to plastics, rubbers, composites, steel production, food processing, drug manufacturing, and just about everything this nation manufacturers.
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Oh come-on you know that answer...
My point is that if WE inflated it, that just further supports my argument that we are not dependent on others for energy. We have the control here, and anything stating otherwise, whether its from the government or the media should be viewed as suspect. Do you not agree?

But I also want to ask. Do you not agree that oil/gas is limited?
My point is that if WE inflated it, that just further supports my argument that we are not dependent on others for energy. We have the control here, and anything stating otherwise, whether its from the government or the media should be viewed as suspect. Do you not agree?

But I also want to ask. Do you not agree that oil/gas is limited?
Sure. With the Bakken Shale and todays technology, we probably only have a couple hundred years before we run out.
I don’t think the bakken shale alone could support us for more than a a few years right?

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