VP Debate

I could not get past her stating over and over "we want to tap that..." Coming out of a woman's mouth I could not help but giggle.

I think she did well, agree with Gary both were very prepared. I am not sure how I feel about her "I am one of you, golly gee this and that" talk, but I do not think it hurt her.

"Biden's entire attack, seems to be to try and tie McCain to Bush...."

Agreed, once again we heard very little about what their "change" will be other than "Not Bush".

If you listened to any of the liberal news this morning they all did their best to not say "She did well", rather it was "she probably did not hurt herself or hurt the party"...give me a break.

We flipped back and forth between the different news networks last night after the debate just to see what they were all saying. It was interesting to see all the different takes. Not one liberal netwrok said she did a good job...they were careful to not say she did a bad job though.

Oh, and so you know what side of the fence I sit on, the Mrs use to work for the Republican National Committee, father-in-law currently volunteers at the White House and worked under Reagan and Bush senior (PHD Nuclear Engineer stuff with Russia). Good thing I am conservative! I have watched her dad duke it out with liberal in-laws....ouch, it gets ugly.
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I watched it. Pretty even, if you ask me. Palin's main problem is McCain. His record and policies aren't very conservative. His judgement isn't as sound as I would like. He's another mediocre, in the line of both Bushes. Where's a Gingrinch or Reagan?

Oh well, better McCain than Osama.

Best regards,
His judgment isn't as sound as I would like. He's another mediocre, in the line of both Bushes. Where's a Gingrinch or Reagan?

Oh well, better McCain than Osama.

Very well said. My feelings exactly.
His judgment isn't as sound as I would like. He's another mediocre, in the line of both Bushes. Where's a Gingrinch or Reagan?

Oh well, better McCain than Osama.

Very well said. My feelings exactly.


He/she will work for 4 years. Problem is, he will be the candidate in 4 years too if he makes it in...
I can prove that Palin is a maverick: she's likely the only journalism school grad who was not brainwashed during school and wound up a cheerleader for the left.

BTW, Gary, the word is 'gaffe'. Just sayin'.
It was our wedding anniversary last night. We did our own polling.
There is a way to solve all of this partisan bickering UFC style. Put both, a republican and democrat, in the White House. Put a cage ring in the oval office. Let them fight it out over the decisions they can't agree upon. Whoever wins gets to make the decisions for the week, month depending on the others healing time. Of course, McCain wouldn't be able to keep up do to his age, so Palin would have to step in for him. I predict Obama would get his @$$ kicked every time.:smt038
Screw the debate... This was the funniest thing to watch tonight:


Gary, If you're going too hijack a thread, that's the way to do it.
That's funny. I haven't seen much of "Sen Frank" out here in the Wild West but he sure sounds like the White Rabbit in Alioce in Wonderland to me. How can you vote for that?
The same voice is heard in the first 20 seconds of this video.
Bill Thompson's the voice, the little dog....sounds just like Barney Frank
Call me whatever you will. I do not consider any of this debate fluff an actual debate. I am sick of hearing the media refer to "the voters" as if there is really much choice

This is just so much of a go through the motions game. I do plan on voting as usual, but I have to admit this is one year when it will only be for the lessor of two evils as I see it This complete political scene is just that a scene. How does that Shakespeare Macbeth line go? Possibly paraphrasing here, "full of sound and fury;signifying nothing"

If you do not believe me just go find a link about this $700 billion financial fiasco and the pork attachments the clowns in DC are attempting to attach to the bill

Which reminds me of another line from Mad magazines Alfred E, Newman and Washington's consensus, "What me worry?" :huh:
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Wife and I thought Biden appeared angry and frustrated when she was speaking. Then he would catch himself and do the phoney big smile. He was doing the Al Gore sigh and deep breathing too. None of this was reported by the big three networks who focused instead on her wink and informal manner of speaking. Gwen Ifil did a reasonable but was caught at the end with an open mike. She was polite to Sarah and then said to Joe, "You did a really good job." The Drudge Report poll (not representative, reliable or valid, but neither are any of other network polls) has the result at 70% for Palin, 28% for Biden and 2% for neither. Personally I thought she gave him a good kick in the crotch.
"2% for neither"

So who is neither anyway? The dude, or lady, always shows up in the polls, but we never hear anything about them.
It's a good thing we may be electing a woman into the 2nd highest office in the world whose children like coloring books.


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