VP Debate

That dinosaur drawing is sure 'red meat' to some in the blue states. Makes me wonder if dino meat would be classified as red, or 'another' white meat?
That dinosaur drawing is sure 'red meat' to some in the blue states. Makes me wonder if dino meat would be classified as red, or 'another' white meat?

It tastes like chicken. Hey zues stopped over last week with some bronto burgers.
The Drudge Report poll (not representative, reliable or valid, but neither are any of other network polls) has the result at 70% for Palin, 28% for Biden and 2% for neither. Personally I thought she gave him a good kick in the crotch.

When I voted today on the CNN poll it gave an A to Biden because I gave an A to Palin 1st. :huh: Talk about a rigged poll???
Going in with low expectations and having a Pro Mr Obama narator, I feel Palin did a great job and come out on top... so to speak..

As pointed out here, the open mic showed how bias Ms. Ifill was toward Mr. Obama. I think it was awful on how Ms. Ifill told Ms. Palin she was feisty with one of her answers... I'd like to hear her tell Mr. Biden that!

Biden incorrectly said “John McCain voted the exact same way” as Obama on a controversial troop funding bill. The two were actually on opposite sides

Biden wrongly claimed that McCain “voted the exact same way” as Obama on the budget bill that contained an increase on singles making as little as $42,000 a year. McCain voted against it. Biden was referring to an amendment that didn't address taxes at that income level.

Biden wrongly claimed that McCain had said "he wouldn't even sit down" with the government of Spain. Actually, McCain didn't reject a meeting, but simply refused to commit himself one way or the other during an interview.

Biden claimed that McCain said in a magazine article that he wanted to deregulate the health care industry as the banking industry had been. That’s taking McCain’s words out of context. As we’ve said before, he was talking specifically about his proposal to allow the sale of health insurance across state lines.

Biden said five times that McCain's tax plan would give oil companies a "$4 billion tax cut." As we’ve noted previously, McCain’s plan would cut the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 25 percent — for ALL corporations, not just oil companies. Biden uses a Democratic think tank's estimate for what the rate change is worth to the five largest U.S. oil companies.

Biden said that Iraq had an "$80 billion surplus." The country was once projected to have as much as a $79 billion surplus, but no more. The Iraqis have $29 billion in the bank, and could have $47 billion to $59 billion by the end of the year, as we noted when Obama used the incorrect figure. A $21 billion supplemental spending bill, passed by the Iraqi legislature in August, knocked down the old projection.

Biden said four times that McCain had voted 20 times against funding alternative energy. However, in analyzing the Obama campaign's list of votes after the first presidential debate, we found the number was actually 11. In the other instances the Obama-Biden campaign cites, McCain voted not against alternative energy but against mandatory use of alternative energy, or he voted in favor of allowing exemptions from these mandates.
Was I the only one who heard Biden say that they wanted to let foreclosing home owners not only renegotiate their interest rates, but also their principle? WTF!

Where do I stand in line for that one?? I heard it too and almost threw a beer at my TV. But hey, I was sitting on my boat watching in the cockpit smoking a cigar with my wife and dog. Things aren't too bad I guess:thumbsup:
Oooops, I thought this was a Volvo Penta/Mercruiser debate topic.

Carry On.
All I have to contribute is that Biden has 34 years of practice as a masterDEbater. Palin was preped for a few weeks. If you want to call it even, Palin wins. Biden should have won hands down. That's what the liberal media predicted. They pegged Palin as an inexperienced dumb ass. The dumb ass kicked Biden's. Uh oh.
I figure he has been running for president for roughly 30 years.
Shes been doing this for 5 or 6 weeks.
Factor that in and she owned him.
Plus between the 2, shes just more like able

lol @ Biden... Bosnians = Bosniacks


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