The "virus" What are your thoughts

Since the NYT article came out over the weekend, endless commentary across many of the journalists about when did the President know the dangers and how long did he wait before shutting down the country. Speculation about how many lives were lost due to his delay.

Fast forward to discussions this evening in the news. State Governors are up in arms about the Presidents comment about opening up the country. The legions of journalists clamoring about this is not within the domain of the President - it is exclusive territory of the Governors.

This really confuses me, simple minded as I am.

If the President had the power in February to shut down the country, wouldn't he have the power to open it back up now???

Talk about have your cake and eat it too...

Sir, look up the Supremacy Clause.
Simple-minded journalists cannot grasp the nuances between command and influence. It may well be that Trump cannot "command" the guvs to open up their state, but he can most assuredly employ the power of the purse, the bully-pulpit, and other pressures, to effectively coerce them to do so. While Trump's verbiage was cringe-worthy, the end result is the same.
No need to look anything up. I was not taking a position pro or con, I was simply pointing out the inconsistency of the media and journalist who do the reporting.

I was responding to your post where you posted:

State Governors are up in arms about the Presidents comment about opening up the country. The legions of journalists clamoring about this is not within the domain of the President - it is exclusive territory of the Governors. - This incorrect statement about exclusive territory of the Governors is why I referred you to the Supremacy Clause.

This really confuses me, simple minded as I am.

If the President had the power in February to shut down the country, wouldn't he have the power to open it back up now??? - Your question is why I referred to the Supremacy Clause.

Talk about have your cake and eat it too... - I believe this in fact is your position.

Just clarifying why I replied.
The Constitution is still in force.

But even in times of emergency, when reasonable and temporary restrictions are placed on rights, the First Amendment and federal statutory law prohibit discrimination against religious institutions and religious believers. Thus, government may not impose special restrictions on religious activity that do not also apply to similar nonreligious activity. For example, if a government allows movie theaters, restaurants, concert halls, and other comparable places of assembly to remain open and unrestricted, it may not order houses of worship to close, limit their congregation size, or otherwise impede religious gatherings. Religious institutions must not be singled out for special burdens.

Today, the Department filed a Statement of Interest in support of a church in Mississippi that allegedly sought to hold parking lot worship services, in which congregants listened to their pastor preach over their car radios, while sitting in their cars in the church parking lot with their windows rolled up. The City of Greenville fined congregants $500 per person for attending these parking lot services – while permitting citizens to attend nearby drive-in restaurants, even with their windows open.[1] The City appears to have thereby singled churches out as the only essential service (as designated by the state of Mississippi) that may not operate despite following all CDC and state recommendations regarding social distancing.

As we explain in the Statement of Interest, where a state has not acted evenhandedly, it must have a compelling reason to impose restrictions on places of worship and must ensure that those restrictions are narrowly tailored to advance its compelling interest. While we believe that during this period there is a sufficient basis for the social distancing rules that have been put in place, the scope and justification of restrictions beyond that will have to be assessed based on the circumstances as they evolve.

Religion and religious worship continue to be central to the lives of millions of Americans. This is true more so than ever during this difficult time. The pandemic has changed the ways Americans live their lives. Religious communities have rallied to the critical need to protect the community from the spread of this disease by making services available online and in ways that otherwise comply with social distancing guidelines.
Blame everyone else but yourself President Trump...…….:rolleyes: BTW Trump DOESN'T have TOTAL control over the governors, more BS, he already was back tracking that statement currently on his daily briefing. Where's El capitan when you need him??
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Oh Susan lol.

I provided you with a legal argument earlier.

If I continue to edumacate you I’ll be forced to send you an invoice for your civics tutoring.

On second thought, I guess you can bring the mule to the water but.....
Regardless of who wields the bigger stick in the "opening of the economy" political BS, here's the deal.

It will ultimately be me, you and our fellow countrymen and women that make the final choice. For those with a base education, that choice will come down to weighing the risk/reward based on the best information. Unfortunately, we have piss-poor information presently, and it varies widely depending on the agenda of its source.

Politics is killing this country. It used to be a slow death - now not so much as politics is at the core of every single damn thing. When we can't get our shit together, and get on the same page during a freaking Pandemic.....we are truly screwed.
Oh Susan lol.

I provided you with a legal argument earlier.

If I continue to edumacate you I’ll be forced to send you an invoice for your civics tutoring.

On second thought, I guess you can bring the mule to the water but.....
ahhhh, You were wrong little captain:p
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This just is not true by what we know now. The virus was being researched back in 05, it just made the human to human leap, prior one usually had to eat the infected bat to get it. Even in December or January WHO was saying it could not be transmitted by humans. Also it originated 900 miles from Wuhan where the testing facility is. It likely either was released by accident or on purpose. I suspect on purpose as it allowed the Chinese Communist Party to regain power lost in Hong Kong protests and the like...

This is a little long and very dry but has some good information (or theory' decide).
People crack me up. They are so smart but cannot figure out Trump. Trump just made a statement that he was in charge to order the country open, in contradiction to EVERYTHING he has actually done. Several Dem governors have complimented him for his handling. Then predictably the Dem governors made loud and clear it was their authority and they would do it. He then walks the comment back having made the Dem governors take responsibility for it.

When 20-25 Repub governors want to reopen with Trumps blessing they can then say those other guys said they are in charge and have all the media in the world have the record of it. LOL!!!
People crack me up. They are so smart but cannot figure out Trump. Trump just made a statement that he was in charge to order the country open, in contradiction to EVERYTHING he has actually done. Several Dem governors have complimented him for his handling. Then predictably the Dem governors made loud and clear it was their authority and they would do it. He then walks the comment back having made the Dem governors take responsibility for it.

When 20-25 Repub governors want to reopen with Trumps blessing they can then say those other guys said they are in charge and have all the media in the world have the record of it. LOL!!!
Mikey we are doomed just watch your dipshit POTUS talk everyday....pretty easy to see buddy
When I was young I never cared much for school. Now I wish things were different and I had. Who knows....maybe I'd be working on something important to help save mankind like my Cousin. This is what he's working on.
Is your cousin Clint?

So we can congregate like this... but we cant go to a store and buy seeds or paint
Unbelievable...Costco should put a limit on 2.

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