The truth about wearing a mask -finally

There are a lot of individuals frightened by the virus right now, justified or not, particularly those at greatest risk. To the extent those folks don't want to come out, the economy is going to continue to suffer. In my opinion, they will not come out unless they feel safe. Even one random unmasked individual in the supermarket really upsets them in my experience. As a group, the current cohort of elderly citizens have the largest amounts of disposable income in the US thanks to pensions, investments and Social Security. I believe they (we, actually) will stay hunkered down and not spend that income for a good long time unless and until they don't feel endangered when outside their home.
Count me in that group that is being very cautious about being out and about with this virus around. I'm an old fart with diabetes and undergoing chemo treatments so I'm absolutely in the high risk group.

We don't go out much and when we do it's usually for groceries. My wife goes into the store with her mask on and I wait in the car with the dog. I have abdicated all my decision making powers to her so it's her call if I can go somewhere alone. And ya know what? I don't mind a bit. I know she has my health foremost in her mind and she wants me to be around for a long time.

With that thought in mind, I'm a bit amazed at low little money we're spending. I don't mind that a bit either. I hate to see our country's economy go down the tubes further than it already has, but I can't change that on my own so I'm not even going to try.
Our Yacht club is struggling with trying to reopen. The County reopened for dine in restaurants and other services last week and it took a few days to get the club ready to go. It sat Idle for so long that things like plumbing and some galley equipment went on the fritz. After opening on Wed they shut down early due to facility issues, then reopened Thursday evening but shut down after a few hours because the staff felt unsafe. Members are told they need to be masked when arriving and until they are seated and when ever away from the table. A few members apparently broke the rules and had the audacity to leave their table to go converse with another member with out their mask!
I notified the Commodore that my wife and I will be dropping our membership post haste if management can't get it together and use reasonable measures and let members make adult decisions about their behavior in the club. Our board is adhering to total draconian and arbitrary protocol guidance produced by the state. I just read the entire document and don't know how anyone would think that the measures are close to feasible or even sensible. If I were in the restaurant or bar business I would close for good and get busy looking for a different line of work. The staff is just making excuses for not wanting to come back because quite frankly they make more money to sit at home collecting unemployment. That fine with me, I told the commodore to replace them with people who are not collecting unemployment and would love the chance to have a job. Problem with the club and the Commodore is we "love our staff, they are family" I say BS, they are employees, not members. Work or be replaced, simple as that. Time will tell but Ill use the $1000 a year to buy fuel for the boat rather than waste it being a part of there little snow flake operation.
Count me in that group that is being very cautious about being out and about with this virus around. I'm an old fart with diabetes and undergoing chemo treatments so I'm absolutely in the high risk group.

We don't go out much and when we do it's usually for groceries. My wife goes into the store with her mask on and I wait in the car with the dog. I have abdicated all my decision making powers to her so it's her call if I can go somewhere alone. And ya know what? I don't mind a bit. I know she has my health foremost in her mind and she wants me to be around for a long time.

With that thought in mind, I'm a bit amazed at low little money we're spending. I don't mind that a bit either. I hate to see our country's economy go down the tubes further than it already has, but I can't change that on my own so I'm not even going to try.
Sorry to be off this very important public safety topic.

I truly feel terrible hearing of your health issues.

cut those carbs, get your antioxidants, and keep posting! Your contributions always are heard
Thanks blaster, I appreciate the thoughts. I have cut the carbs and my wife keeps me on a multi-vitamin regimen of Vitamin B, D, E and feeds me foods that are high in antioxidants.

Keep posting? A team of Clydesdales couldn't keep me from posting on here. Nobody pays attention but they make me feel good. o_O
You don't get it, you don't have the right to cause other people to get sick and die. No more than you have the right to take their life by any other manner.

But how about stating some facts like quoting the part of the Constitution, or any law in the US, that gives you that right? I asked that before and still have to answer. Could it be it does not exist?
Henry, there were laws that used to make spreading HIV a felony. California recently repealed that last year and its no longer a crime to knowingly spread HIV.
What happens when they determine Covid can be transmitted by mosquitoes like malaria? Do we all have to wear suits of mosquito netting or a bee keepers gear to flatten the curve?
Just to add some more food for thought concerning wearing a mask... the WHO link posted earlier mentioned a "minor" detail regarding when you wear a mask, know how to use it.

I suffered through a Walmart trip a couple of weeks ago and while waiting in a long line at checkout, had the opportunity to observe a few dozen mask-wearers amongst the cashiers and customers. Over a short period of time, I noted that ALL of them - 100% every single one of them - made some error of mask protocol that rendered the safety of the mask useless: pulling below the nose, touching other surfaces then touching the mask and/or face, etcetcetc.
Seems appropriate
Took a flight today on American Airlines. They lectured the sheep on social distancing and wearing a mask when boarding and seated.

Every seat was occupied. :confused:
Took a flight today on American Airlines. They lectured the sheep on social distancing and wearing a mask when boarding and seated.

Every seat was occupied. :confused:
Did you wear a mask?
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Ben Franklin

I have always loved this qouote. While the usage of it has always been taken out of its original context, the underlying meaning is solid.
Great post, beat me to it, here was mine. LOL

Apparently WHO, who I have often been critical of for their China connections, doesn't buy into the American subservience trend of trying to force masks on the sheeple*.

That is just about a 180 degrees from what the US media are promoting. And the advice passes the common sense test. I guarantee that no one outside of a medical setting is doing it properly and homemade masks are downright impossible to do safely.
As of yesterday, WHO has changed its guidance and now recommends masks in confined spaces and where physical distancing is difficult or impossible:

Detailed WHO guidance including links on how to safely use masks:
Funny, now all of the reporters out there covering the protests at nauseum are interviewing people in close proximity to others and very few are wearing masks. Yeah its all about your health.... My Ass!
I have yet to hear one of the concerned blue state governors admonish the young protesters that are screaming and blowing covid laced spittle fifteen feet out into the crowd that they should go home for their own safety! Wow if the voters don't see thru this smoke and mirror dog and pony show and throw these bums out of office then they deserve the leadership they have. We are doomed as a society. Reminds me of a verse from the Wreck of Edmunds Fitsgerald, "When the forward hatch gave in he said its been good to know ya".
I’m flying tomorrow out of Chicago. I will not be wearing a mask in the airport till a police officer tells me to. Anybody else complains ... my middle finger is in great shape. It will be doing lots of lift ups.

Of course, while on the plane I will wear it loosely for fear of not getting my free peanuts. o_O
The insanity continues, we were at the boat yesterday and I saw my dock neighbor walk to his boat. It’s an old sailboat floating project. He had a mask on. The wind has been blowing a constant 20-25 knots for the past three days and there is only the slightest chance that he would encounter anyone on the dock. I seriously wanted to ask him what the F he thought the mask is doing for him. He and his wife are both old socialist school teachers I understand so I can only assume that until the Gov comes out with direct guidance that says it’s okay to go outside with out a face covering they will wear them like good compliant sheep.
So, in reading a piece in the National Review this evening about the WHO's position on the Covid 19 pandemic, they are saying their data is showing that Asymptomatic Covid infected people are not likely to spread the disease after all. WTF? I have no confidence in the WHO anyway but it is interesting to see what they are saying since much of the world does seem to pay attention and inform their public policy based on the WHO guidance.
How long till the CDC comes up with the same conclusion?
Carpe Diem
If you are not in great shape you may die from the virus based on what I have seen. We have a friend that is on medication that reduces his immune system. Before the virus he was told to stay away from crowds as it could kill him. He stopped flying and playing golf. he is still alive and well. Our daughter got the virus and was sick for two days. I have a niece who is a nurse in a long term facility and she wears a mask, gloves face shield, has drive to work clothes, work cloths, changes in the garage then showers and then puts on home cloths. She has not got sick and nor has any of her family. I saw an interview on TV with a politician that only had a face mask covering her mouth. Periodically she would lift it over her noise. During SARS a friend's daughter was a safety trainer on how to wear PPE. Her comment was what untrained people were doing was of little use.
Thanks blaster, I appreciate the thoughts. I have cut the carbs and my wife keeps me on a multi-vitamin regimen of Vitamin B, D, E and feeds me foods that are high in antioxidants.

Keep posting? A team of Clydesdales couldn't keep me from posting on here. Nobody pays attention but they make me feel good. o_O
Green tea is high in antioxygen. So is red wine; but too much is bad for you when operating a boat.

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