Replacing old cracked and worn vinyl stripes

We use "Pro Stripe" on our personal boats and with the racing. color chart:
Wide range of sizes and color selection of a high quality product that has proven to holds up for us.
Great if you have had graphics done for names as colors can be matched.
Most automotive part stores can order them for you too.

Worth looking into. :thumbsup:
JANDREWG, who used to be here, but I haven't seen in a while, does decals and signs. He told me the 2 best ones to use in his opinion was 3M and Universal. I had issues finding Universal because the closest dealer to me was in PA. and wouldn't return my calls. I went with the 3M. Since it hasn't been on there that long, I cant say too much about longevity but it was nice and thick.
The 3M stuff was a bit pricey, but redoing them is a PITA!
stripes 002.jpg
I too do many vinyl graphics and signs and can say I've found pricing is where the big difference is when it comes to striping.
Vinyl materials have come a long way over the last 10 years - 3M, Avery, Prostripe, West marines striping - they are all great products and pretty much the same. The life of a stripe depends mainly on the environment and sun exposure, you will most likely not find one that lasts much longer than the other.
My suggestion is to shop around for a good price that is not jacked up because it says "marine" or "boat" on it - there really is no difference.
The new boot stripes went on last week. I only have the cell phone pictures of so far but I'll post better shots when the deck stripes are on.
New Boot Stripes - Bow.jpgNew Boot Stripes - Port Bow.jpgNew Boot Stripes - Port.jpg

the new Sea Fit

quite the difference with minimal time and money :thumbsup:
Nice. I'm putting mine on this week. I already put on the lettering. I'm nervous about getting the striping on straight.


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