Merry Christmas Everyone!

Jealous. My road trip starts tomorrow, to spend a couple of days with the in-laws.
Then wait a week or so before seeing my parents who are just now getting over Covid.

Was a quiet holiday here too because of COVID. In laws had it 2 weeks ago, wife had it last week. Thank God everyone is ok, and since we isolated my wife to a different part of the house and were very careful, my daughter and I were able to avoid it.

Anyway, the days are slowly getting longer and we inching closer and closer to launch date, albeit still a ways away.
Belated Merry Christmas all! Didn't have time for the site this weekend. Hosted and cooked for Christmas Eve, and all day Christmas - breakfast, lunch and dinner. I have about a 1/2 pound left of the "traditional Christmas tenderloin" I cook every year. All in all a wonderful 2 days spent with family we actually enjoy being around. Very relaxing.
I tried this mix tonight and I really liked it

Strongwater Old Fashioned Craft Cocktail Mixer - Makes 32 Cocktails - Handcrafted Old Fashioned Syrup with Bitters, Orange, Cherry & Organic Demerara Sugar - Just Mix with Bourbon or Whiskey

Tried this mix last night, very nice. Better than any I have tried mixing on my own.
Had 3 last night myself. Kick it up a notch and add some crushed walnuts, not too many, let them soak for a while. Add some maraschino cherries too.

Luxardo Gourmet Maraschino Cherries - 400g Jar
Wow, sounds like you had quite the eventful Christmas last year! The "bomb cyclone" messing with travel plans and a transformer explosion at the yacht club? Man, that's one for the books. Kudos to you for holding down the fort at work so the younger guys could spend time with their families; that's really noble of you.
Speaking of transformers and power outages, if you ever have an event or gathering at the yacht club or anywhere else, you might want to look into Beverly Hills Event Production. They offer high-quality event production services, including contingency plans for power-related hiccups.
Okay it’s people like you …you optimistic phuckrs hoping for the year to end?…. No live the moment it’s still boating season
Hey, now. I wasn't advocating for it. I hate that people have Halloween decorations out at their houses. Pisses me off. I want the boating season to last 3 more months.
Ok settle you hopefull ass down….. Christmas will be here soon enough
Ok, walked into Lowe's today to get some grass seed. Holy shit, they are in full Christmas mode with a small area for Halloween. But damn, two isles for lights, about 500 sq. ft. for trees and shit tons of light up inflatables. It is just October 3rd...

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