Jones Beach Tower

I found this ...
Site Of Jones Beach Water Tower To Occupied By Rose Garden.
The Jones Beach Water Tower, currently being dismantled, will be sent by barge to a landfill in Virginia (except for the now green copper peak, which will be on display at Eisenhower park beginning summer 2010). The New York State Dept. Of Public Works has deemed the iconic Long Island landmark too costly to repair and refurbish. Erected in 1929, the 200-
ft tall tower’s tank supplied clean water to the 6-mile long State Park’s restroom facilities, restaurants, and many drinking fountains. In 1978, the tower ceased operation as a new water supply system had finished being installed. The new system provides the park with fresh water tapped directly from Long Island’s vast underground aquifers.
The famous landmark was, since that time, a non-functional structure. It served as an unofficial visual reference point for pilots bound for local airports (
JFK, MacArthur, and Republic). The nearly identical tower, 13 miles east at Robert Moses State Park, will now take on that role.
Officials originally planned on a total
refurbishment of the tower and allotted a total of $2.3 million for the project. As the renovation got underway in mid August, it became clear that the years of exposure to the elements, and neglect, had taken a toll that nobody had anticipated. Deep cracks found in the façade as well as the 80 year-old foundation was enough for planners to scrap the restoration plans and tear the tower down altogether. Official say repairs at this point would have required at least $10 million, money that cash-strapped Nassau County just doesn’t have. Although Jones Beach is a state park, the counties in which they lie are responsible for maintenance.
The traffic circle that was home to the tower for so many years will become a rose garden this spring.
Article is todays newsday ( sunday jan 10th ) states the rose garden story is a hoax . They indeed are rebuilding the water tower. Sorry for getting sucked into the hoax


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