It's Haulout Time

Yesterday I went over the stern with Marine Strip to get all the soot off and that stuff is great. I figured if I didn't do that I'd just be spreading the soot around in a dirty buffing pad and didn't want that. The stern now looks pretty good. I then started with the stbd bow. I hate doing the bow because it's so high and I end up going up and down the ladder so much because I can only wax a couple of feet of hull before I have to get down, move the ladder, then wax more. Just a PITA.

I'll finish the hull tomorrow. The zincs came in today (Thank you so those will go on tomorrow and I'll also fix the broken trim tab mounts. Then Monday I'll tape it for the bottom painting and get started on that. The props should be in on Thursday or Friday so, unless the weather goes to hell and keeps me from doing the bottom painting I'll be ready to launch on Monday. I figured the boat would be out of the water for two weeks, and Monday will be the 14th day it's been out.

AMFM3, that's good news. We'll coordinate a time and take you guys for a ride up through some of the locks.
Mike, we came by today and even honked. Looked like you were busy and someone in a port (or? ) came by.
Greg, you should have stopped. The guy who stopped that you saw is a boater and owns a 38' Californian Aft Cabin that he keeps at Columbia Marine in Pasco. Nice couple, but almost all boaters are nice, so no big surprise there.
I'm surprised at how good of condition the bottom and hardware are in. Do you have it scraped and wheels checked by a diver? Really good condition for salt water.
We were in our boat, that dock is really high. I doubt you could hear our horn.
We were on a mission anyways, had to get out and work on our french tans, vacation is coming up real soon. :)
Yeah, you would not have wanted to bring your boat into that dock. It's rough as hell and would have eaten your gelcoat and spit out a fender after giving a healthy burp.

OldSkool, yup, we're in fresh water and the boat's never seen salt water. She came from the Great Lakes. That bottom paint is 4 years old and nothing's ever been scraped. No need for a diver in our stretch of the woods, errrr, river.

I changed out the 4-year old zincs today. There was some crusting on the surface (zinc hydroxide?) but they all still looked pretty good.

Bottom painting starts tomorrow. Yuck.
The use of "natural herbs" during college 40 years ago, apparently played out in my agreeing to this H1 thing:)) Of all the turnaround deals I've done this one is the most challenging and I hope the most fun! Stay safe buddy:)
Ummmm, Steve, by chance do you have any news you'd like to share with the rest of us fans?
Thanks for the clarification Woody. She looked way to clean for salt but you can never tell. While I had my repair business on Hilton Head, I went out to tune a guys Cat 3116 only to find 2ft long seaweed hanging from his hull. Wondered why he couldn't get up to speed at WOT. Nothing wrong with the CATS, just needed a hull scrape.

Yeah, he was a newbie.
Speaking of woods,how did you bend your wheel. Debris in the water or bottom contact?

The reason for the haulout was that we found some skinny water in a rocky area while entering a narrow channel into the basin where the yacht club is. When the water is low you have to be dead on the center of the channel or this is what happens…..

I started bottom painting today and worked way too hard. I'm beat! I started at 0830 and kept at it until about 1430. I got the stern done first because that's where all the running gear and rudders are.

I have one zinc I couldn't get the screw out of it. I tried backing it out with jam nuts but no luck. Tomorrow I'm going to take a sawzall to it and see if I can cut it square enough to unscrew it using an 18" crescent wrench. I'll probably have to cut both top and bottom and hopefully it will unscrew. If not I'm going to have to drill a new hole through the trim tab and put on an additional zinc.
I'll probably have to cut both top and bottom and hopefully it will unscrew. If not I'm going to have to drill a new hole through the trim tab and put on an additional zinc.

Why not just drill through the existing bolt... use the same hole?
"You don't tug on Superman's cape,
You don't spit in the wind,
You don't paint the bottom when the wind is blowing,
And you don't mess around with Jim."

I finished the first coat today and it was a bit of a race to see if I could get the paint on the boat before it dried on the roller. Damn that stuff dries fast when it's windy.

As far as the painting, all I have to do now is move the jack stands, paint where they were, then put on the rest of the second gallon.

I got two other small projects done today. The first was to put the 6x12 zinc plates on the stern. I had to wait to put them on until after I'd painted beneath them.

The second was to fix my stbd trim tab. The hydraulic rams are connected to the bracket on the trim tab and held in place by a 1/4" diameter x ~1" long plastic rod. Bennett had sent me the replacement parts but somewhere between me and the diver and his ill-fated attempt to install them while the boat was in the water, the pieces of plastic rod got lost. I called Bennett today and they're sending out new parts (at no charge, thank you Bennett!!).

So now I just have to finish the painting on the hull, put the props on and she's ready to splash. I called the crane company and they'll put it in on Monday!!!! woooooooo Hoooooooooooooo!!!

Jim, I thought of that, but it's a stainless 1/4X20 bolt and harder than hell. There's limited space above it and I can't get a straight shot at it with the drill. I tried the sawzall and that didn't work well because of the angle of the saw blade to the zinc. I'm going to take a sander down there tomorrow, rough up the surface and get the zinc hydroxide off and leave it intact. Not much else I can do with it. Seeing as how we're in fresh water the zincs don't dissolve as much as they get that coating on them. I replaced the other zincs with magnesium zincs. They should do better in fresh water than the zinc zincs.
Great stuff....I worry every time the lift pulls my tiny boat from the water...I'm not sure I could witness a beast your size on a crane and not be in a panic.
Yeow! Those photos made nervous! I hate seeing my boat fly! Glad it all went well. Makes me happy I'm in PDX with options. Say, you look like you're pretty good that clean and painting want to have some fun working on our boat later? Just kidding!

Any plans to head downriver next year? We'd love to see you!

Beachcomber is looking good!

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