I just got my eyes opened a bit....


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2010
Tri Cities, WA
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I try to stay away from politics on boating forums because they simply lead to an us-vs-them war. If I had to describe my politics I'd say I'm pretty much middle of the road with leanings to the right. I vote for candidates from both parties, choosing whomever I feel is best suited and try not to look too hard at which party they align with. Especially in local politics.

I just had my eyes opened a bit by a book I just read. That book is titled "A Higher Loyalty, Truth, Lies and Leadership" by James Comey.

I downloaded it to my Kindle and read it in 3 days. Before I got into it I didn't think I would like it because I tend to stay away from political writings and political arguments and political news. I hadn't gotten more than a chapter or so into this book before I realized I was probably going to find it interesting.

Then, the more I got into it the more I found I liked what Comey had to say and how he said it.

I won't say anything more about the book, but I will recommend it as a good read.

If you reply to this thread, please keep the comments about the book and try to avoid getting into political discussions. If that happens I suspect the thread will get closed.

I haven't read the book but like any published point of view it has been edited to promote a particular point of view and to sell more books. Many books are not written in full by the person on the cover because they are not professional writers. In the end they may sign off on it in order for it to be published with the intent of selling many copies and make as much money as possible. I Comey's case it looks like he could use as much money as possible for his own defense.

I too read the book and enjoyed it. I thought it was an interesting perspective and I too tend to stay away from political items but I did enjoy it.

Boater420 said:
A complete work of fiction.
Have you read it or are you just tossing out sound bites?

Hottodie, that was a bit of a generalization now, wasn't it? I'd suggest you read it then add whatever comments you like.

Jason, I'm glad you found it a good read.

You cant throw out there one of the most politicaly charged situations in recent history and promote a single persons view on it ...and not let us comment about it?... its just not fair :)
Blueone, I'd love it if you read the book and commented on the book. Without reading it you could only make comments about the "politically charged situation". Which situation you are referring to is a question. Comey's book starts back many years ago and is about his life as a prosecutor and other government positions. It ends in recent times.
No, I wont buy a book to help a fired FBI's Directors retirement out. My point was, saying don't comment about politics wasn't going to stop anyone ...the comment was in jest in the Tiki Bar as an observation
GFC my comments were a generalization. I thought I made that clear. I know someone that is a "ghost writer" that is paid to write a autobiographies in such a way as sell the book even it means bending the truth somewhat. Almost all books are written in this way and I would expect that and take it into consideration before, during and after I read any book, especially an auto biography.
After reading the Inspector General's report, which stated that Comey himself used a personal G-mail account for FBI business, kind of soured me on his book. It made me feel like...It's OK for the FBI to break the rules, but not the Secretary of State. Hypocritical.
After reading the Inspector General's report, which stated that Comey himself used a personal G-mail account for FBI business, kind of soured me on his book. It made me feel like...It's OK for the FBI to break the rules, but not the Secretary of State. Hypocritical.
Actually, it's the opposite. They where investigating something they thought was perfectly fine. No way they would find it inappropriate.
"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it." George Bernard Shaw (allegedly other people said it before he did)

This is the definition of politics in DC. No one is going back to "days everyone was very civilized in their discussions" which is complete revisionist history. The fact is these people have to denigrate others to keep their job. What other profession is like that?

In regards to Comey.....he is just a footnote. I don't have an opinion of him one way or the other. Based on the "facts" revealed so far.....it doesn't appear he improved the FBI while it was his watch.
The IG’s report kind of confirmed the opinion I had already formed about Comey. No intention to add to his finances.

If he didn't intend to add to his finances he could donate the money to charity.

no bias here

"This Republican Congress has proven incapable of fulfilling the Founders’ design that “Ambition must ... counteract ambition.” All who believe in this country’s values must vote for Democrats this fall. Policy differences don’t matter right now. History has its eyes on us."


no bias here

"This Republican Congress has proven incapable of fulfilling the Founders’ design that “Ambition must ... counteract ambition.” All who believe in this country’s values must vote for Democrats this fall. Policy differences don’t matter right now. History has its eyes on us."

Comey is a life long republican who single handedly got Trump elected. Hard to say he is biased in my opinion.
Thanks for the information. I will look at it for boat reading as our TV only receives things in the US and drinking beer is resulting in new bigger cloths.
There is also an older book 1979 called the Merchants of Grain. It too makes a good boat book. 400+ pages.

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