Fox News isn't a news organization - Huh?

just curious... were you guys like this with clinton? or worse? Truman? Roosevelt? Kennedy? or is it just the new guy??? honestly... just curious

1Andrew Jackson04 Mar 182904 Mar 18372Martin Van Buren04 Mar 183704 Mar 18413James Knox Polk04 Mar 184503 Mar 18494Franklin Pierce04 Mar 185304 Mar 18575James Buchanan04 Mar 185704 Mar 18616Grover Cleveland04 Mar 188504 Mar 1889 Grover Cleveland04 Mar 189304 Mar 18977Woodrow Wilson04 Mar 191304 Mar 19218Franklin Delano Roosevelt04 Mar 193312 Apr 19459Harry S. Truman12 Apr 194520 Jan 195310John Fitzgerald Kennedy20 Jan 196122 Nov 196311Lyndon Baines Johnson22 Nov 196320 Jan 196912James Earl 'Jimmy' Carter20 Jan 197720 Jan 198113William Jefferson 'Bill' Clinton20 Jan 199320 Jan 2001

Kennedy campaigned as what would now be a moderate Republican. Lyndon Johnson was, and Jimmy Carter campaigned as, a "DixieCrat". Clinton actually had fairly austere fiscal policies, in comparison. Unfortunately, the conservative political wing in America (not necessarily Republican) was betrayed by a Republican administration much like the Left was betrayed by Clinton. The current obstreperousness in conversation may not have been started by the Democrats, but the temperature was raised to incredible levels by the Left during the Bush administration. What you are hearing now is the reflection of that disaffection, only from the from a bewildered electorate comprised largely of conservatives.
i am in awe of the will of the US american people and their ability to lay their sons and daughters lives on the line for a world that doesnt seem to appreciate them. i cant keep saying this guys - we're fighting for the same team!

it's about whats right and whats wrong. YOU ARE THE BIG GUY. period. when you are that big guy, every numbnutz with a small time agenda will want to knock you down. fact. its not unexpected. look at humanitarian aid around the world - its 90% USA aid! youre paying for it!

i know its not fair. but you work for what is right. and i suspect that in mr obamas mind he is working for what he believes is right. he may be wrong, but he isnt corrupt, of that i feel certain.

however, i cant keep repeating my honesty in this. give me a break why dont you?

Kevin, I don't think anyone doubts your intellectual honesty. However, there are two competing schools of thought in America. One side believes that Capitalism "is the girl that brought us to the dance", changed the world, and that individual rights (coupled with business freedom) is the path to continued glory. Another side believes that we are now as good as it is ever going to get, and that the collective will of the people should determine how the ever dwindling pie is to be divided. One side believes government is the solution, the other believes it is the problem. Both have experts and anectdotal support for their argument. Obama actually campaigned on "lower taxes, less government, no gun control and individual choice", however during his term he as behaved as the quintessential collectivist (we nationalized the friggin' banks, car companies and insurance world for crying out loud!). For many, his regime epitomizes the fear propounded by 16th Century political theorists who surmised that a Democracy (technically we are a Republic, by the way) would only stand until 51% of the people voted themselves unearned reward at the expense of the productive 49%.

Obama appears to be a triumph of the unproductive. That is incredibly frightening if you are part of the productive 49%...a group which would disproportionately include recreational boaters.
I always have preferred Fox News. Everyone knows that CNN is short for the Clinton News Network (or the Communist News Network....I forget which one....).
I got this off Craigs List it is a pretty good read:

Date: 2009-10-20, 11:52PM


by Jim Marrs
Barack Hussein Obama may yet turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to the United States of America.
Obama has been caught in lie after lie. His National Security Advisor has stated he takes his daily orders from Henry Kissinger, the one man widely viewed as the architect of our disastrous Foreign Policy, the policy which has done so much to turn foreign extremists into implacable enemies.
Obama’s cabinet reads like a roster of secretive societies such as the Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission and the international Bilderbergers. His cry of “change” now rings hollow.
Obama’s policy of continuing unrestrained illegal immigration will destroy the last vestiges of national cohesion. Gun-control legislation pending in Congress will eviscerate the Second Amendment. The new “Food Safety Modernization Act” will eventually outlaw private gardens. Soon only the giant multinational corporations will control all food and water.
Obama’s so-called Stimulus Package is widely viewed as throwing non-existent money after bad while rewarding malfeasance.
Obama’s brand of Marxist Socialism will continue to take from the poor and give to the rich, betraying his supporters.
Obama’s form of collectivism has socialized the banking system and now the auto industry. Others will soon follow. More power is being gathered into the federal government than could ever be imagined by his predecessors.
In following a Socialist philosophy which proved so fatal to communism, he has set the nation on a course for disaster.
He has helped further the dissatisfaction and disdain of the Executive Branch engendered by Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. It now joins the Legislative Branch which already has an approval rating that dips into the single digits. The Judicial Branch is packed with persons selected by former leaders now viewed as incompetent, if not criminals.
But the activities of Obama and his followers may have finally broken the illusion embraced by many Americans about the United States. They now see the empty political rhetoric for what it as – mere words followed by the inaction, or worse, the opposite of what was promised.
Americans now more clearly see that individuals, working at the local level, can take care of local problems better than a faceless, bloated and entrenched bureaucracy in Washington, D.C. More and more are realizing that citizens must regain their rights as free individuals.
The spirit of individual liberty is once again alive in the land. Many Americans today are putting aside the outdated politically-correct notions of liberal vs. conservative and Democrat vs. Republican. They are beginning to wake up to the fact that a handful of super-wealthy individuals and families, many with foreign entanglements, have long sought to control the free Republic of the United States and bring it to its knees.
Already, legislation to regain state sovereignty is moving in many state capitols. After all, without state’s rights how can there be any individual rights? Many Texans are even considering reclaiming their Republic, a legal move fully justified by the articles which brought it into the Union in the first place.
True freedom is on the move.
This is why I like Barack Hussein Obama.
Globalism is the real challenge today, not politics. The very nature of Capitalism, when employed on a global scale will lead to only two classes - rich and poor.

Reducing taxes and regulation will never bring back the millions of middle-class manufacturing jobs America has lost due to capitalistic decisions made by large corporations to shop the worlds labor costs - that's the nature of the system.

I'll assume most of the members here are on the positive side of the rich/poor equation and therefor see little reason for the government to become envolved in promoting policies that would better protect the middle class.

After all, shareholders profit when their companies find cheaper options then move manufacturing overseas to China, or other friendly, democratic countries. After all, it's not their jobs going away.
Well... Sort of. A key element of fixing our economy is to pull back a little on this "world economy" BS. Make it more expensive to import goods from China than it would be to produce them here. Once manufacturing begins, the middle class will have places to work, making their lives better.

The next key would be to reduce taxes to let people who work keep more of what they earn. I don't care if you make $20,000 or $250,000, look at the TOP line of your paycheck, and then look at what you bring home. Keep 2/3 or 1/2 of the difference, and guess what? You will buy more products and services, giving other people things to make and places to work. Then they buy more, and the economy grows.

Finally, none of this works until the EPA is no longer allowed to create laws. These guys get away with murder. They can (and do) stop every bit of progress dead in its tracks. Farmers in California can't grow food because the EPA won't let them use the water. We can't build any power plants of any kind because the EPA prevents it. We can't drill for oil ort gas because the EPA stops that too. They are the breaks on this train, and must go. Progress will take care of most of these things on its own. Technological advancement will bring us clean, abundant energy, when it is possible and profitable, not before. We just need to "power through" another 3 or 4 decades using what we have until it happens. The planet will survive.
FOX is great - I love how Hannity constanly calls Obama the Annointed One. Obama is a narcissist who think his charm can change everything. Remember how important the stimulus was and we had to pass it otherwise unemployment could go higher than 8%. The stimulus is nothing more than a waste of money that will raise all of our taxes

The Chicago School of Economics is the best way to manage an economy hands down!

There should be one modification to our constitution. No party can rule the white house, congress and the senate
Globalism is the real challenge today, not politics. The very nature of Capitalism, when employed on a global scale will lead to only two classes - rich and poor.

Reducing taxes and regulation will never bring back the millions of middle-class manufacturing jobs America has lost due to capitalistic decisions made by large corporations to shop the worlds labor costs - that's the nature of the system.

I'll assume most of the members here are on the positive side of the rich/poor equation and therefor see little reason for the government to become envolved in promoting policies that would better protect the middle class.

After all, shareholders profit when their companies find cheaper options then move manufacturing overseas to China, or other friendly, democratic countries. After all, it's not their jobs going away.

There are considerable numbers of pretty bright and socially conscious economic theorist that would take issue with your position. Particularly apt for this forum is the realization that a rising tide raises all ships. In the short run, there are inefficiencies but given the options of controlled economies versus free markets, there is no debate as to which better serves the poor.

Was it Thatcher that noted that in capitalism there were inequalities but in controlled economies everyone is equally miserable?
i am sorry that you interpreted what i have said to indicate that i am giving you advice. i would never presume to do that because i am neither a US citizen nor resident, and i am certainly not up to date with the day to day policy proposals and legislation being handed down by your new government. i can only view events as an outsider, and therefore from a global perspective.have a good day!


PS Dont knock dope...

Stay and debate. I see both sides, but there is absolutely no reason an individual shouldn't be able to enter a lively debate. I wouldn't recommend telling US citizens how they should vote, or something like that, but I don't think you did. Stay and debate.
I got an e mail from a buddy about a Obama phone free cell phone for people on welfare. More share the wealth

You ain't going to believe this...safelink wireless

I went to the web site below and it’s right there. Interestingly you can ‘‘buy more airtime minutes’’ –– with tracphone cards, etc. interesting –– those who apply and receive this government, taxpayer benefit, then can go out and purchase as many minutes each month as they wish. But –– ah yes, the get a free cell phone and free 70 minutes monthly –– at the taxpayer expense.

I had a former employee call me earlier today inquiring about a job, and at the end of the conversation he gave me his phone number. I asked the former employee if this was a new cell phone number and he told me yes this was his “obama phone.” I asked him what an “obama phone” was and he went on to say that welfare recipients are now eligible to receive (1) a free new phone and (2) approximately 70 minutes of free minutes every month. I was a little skeptical so I Googled it and low and behold he was telling the truth. Tax payer money is being redistributed to welfare recipients for free cell phones. This program was started earlier this year. Enough is enough, the ship is sinking and it’s sinking fast. The very foundations that this country was built on are being shaken. The age old concepts of God, family, and hard work have flown out the window and are being replaced with “hope and change” and “change we can believe in.” you can click on the link below to read more about the “obama phone”……just have a barf bag ready.

A concerned & patriotic American
In Mass we give Free cars for welfare recipients with insurance, AAA memberships, Welfare is not called welfare anymore it's now called Transitional assistance.
wow- cell phones, cars, what next, I think here in texas we mostly give them a bus ride back to mexico.....
I just got this and want to pass it along, I hope it is correct I couldn't find any thing on their site .
This Sunday Fox News, is going to air a very important documentary about Barack Obama, Sunday night at 9 PM Eastern.

The report will go back to Obama's earlier days, showing even then his close ties to radical Marxist professors, friends, spiritual advisers, etc. It will also reveal details about his ties to Rev. Wright for +20 years i.e. how he was participating with this man, and not for the reasons he states!

The report has uncovered more of Obama's radical past and we will see things that no one in the media is willing to put out there. It will be a segment to remember.

Mark your calendar and pass this on to everyone you know: Sunday night, 8 PM CT ; 9 PM ET. Democrat or Republican, this report will open your eyes to how YOUR country is being sold down the road to Totalitarian Socialism. If you care about the direction of our country, pass this notice on to everyone you know
Fox News and CSR are in the same league when it comes to biased opinions. The Fairness Doctrine should be reinstated and both pathetic organizations should be shut down for incitiing violence against the underserved. We got 60.

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