Doesn't take much to get my attention.

Ah Hell ... Can't hide that one.

It's funny how society looks at people when they get older, they usually know more and are a bit stuck in the past. But isn't that better then not knowing a dam thing and proclaiming to be an expert!
I stopped to get my Metropark window sticker for next year yesterday. The toll guy immediately quoted me the senior discounted price without asking me my age...... The end is near.
I stopped to get my Metropark window sticker for next year yesterday. The toll guy immediately quoted me the senior discounted price without asking me my age...... The end is near.

Yeah, I never really imagined myself getting old or actually retiring (still a few years away), it was always some way out future date that I couldn't actually picture in my mind but knew it was there. I always wanted to be retired and be able to do what ever I wanted and not have to be beholden to anything. Now that is approaching quickly, I find myself in denial and don't mind working longer. Can't make that sh** up.
This is how I had my hot tub put into my backyard. To get it back there without the crane would have required going up a berm then moving it over uneven, rocky ground behind 2 4-unit townhouses until you got to my back yard. The rent on the crane was only $150 (granted that was 5 years ago, could be more now). So, not a completely unreasonable thing to do.
Wow that is inexpensive. My 30KW generator had to be set with a crane from the road. Reach was 80 feet - $1800 for the mileage, setup, pick, and teardown. They did have a couple of spreader beams which added to the complexity and cost.
I'm a former crane operator, now operations manager for the crane company. We sit a few of these swim spas every week. Sometimes 2 a day. It's crazy what a craze these things are. If I'm reading the model number right on that crane it's a Linkbelt 90 ton crane. Probably 140' long boom. We have used our 165 ton crane to set these. It just depends on how far they have to reach. I don't recognize that crane company and I'm in the same area as you Jus Cruisin....
I love picking joes brain about these suckers.
Yeah, I never really imagined myself getting old or actually retiring (still a few years away), it was always some way out future date that I couldn't actually picture in my mind but knew it was there. I always wanted to be retired and be able to do what ever I wanted and not have to be beholden to anything. Now that is approaching quickly, I find myself in denial and don't mind working longer. Can't make that sh** up.
Ditto, same here. We work for this day, then as reality sets in it's like "Oh crap"
I refuse to open the AARP paper mail - I refuse...I am not OLD...

I play a fairly high level of tennis, with "kids" in their early 40s, some in their late 30s. I ask myself often "How much longer will I be able to do this?"

Same question with working on the boat, which I enjoy. Then I think back to 10, 15, 20 years ago and think "Crapo, that was not that long ago".
Yeah, I never really imagined myself getting old or actually retiring (still a few years away), it was always some way out future date that I couldn't actually picture in my mind but knew it was there. I always wanted to be retired and be able to do what ever I wanted and not have to be beholden to anything. Now that is approaching quickly, I find myself in denial and don't mind working longer. Can't make that sh** up.
I'm between jobs right now, after an org change eliminated my position. It's weird how busy you can be doing "nothing". Of course, I still have kids in school with all their running around and stuff.
I'm between jobs right now, after an org change eliminated my position. It's weird how busy you can be doing "nothing". Of course, I still have kids in school with all their running around and stuff.

That suck's Brad, been there and that is how I ended up in the Chesapeake Bay Area. Wish it happened sooner. I hope your plight ends that way, getting a better situation that is.
They did have a couple of spreader beams which added to the complexity and cost.
We'll throw in our spreader beams for free, but the travel time and permits from Michigan is probably going to hurt a little.:eek::D:eek::D
So, for @mrsrobinson's sake (since he started it)

About ten years ago, we were in Hawaii for the first time in thirty years, grabbing supplies at the local grocery store, and the lady wants to see my driver's license. I'm in my mid-fifties at the time. I asked "For the beer?" "No, for the nail polish remover." I guess that's a prime ingredient for some drug-making regimen. Two weeks later, in a small-town grocery store (on the same island, mind you), the sweet little lady behind the counter asks me how old I am, looks around, and, with a sly wink, whispers "I'll give you the senior discount!"

Do you have a crane downtown standing up a Christmas tree?

Yes we do.. It's the one in the top picture in the other post. The one we just bought in June....We do the Christmas tree every year.
What's that job worth?
We donate the crane for free (TV time)...We just cover cost(Labor, fuel, permits, etc.) . Basically about a $2,000.00 dollar job.

Joe are you guys gonna be lifting the hydroplanes when they come back next summer.
I'm sure we will. We usually go down and set the bleachers and docks before hand and then race days will have at least one or two doing boats.....

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