Common sense gun control laws?


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2010
Tri Cities, WA
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I'm sure it will come as no surprise to all here that I am a gun owner. I'm also very pro-gun but don't construe that to mean that I am against new gun laws.

The problem is that any law only works if people will follow it. Most people voluntarily follow most laws. Some people follow most laws but disobey others (speeding, for example). Then there are some people who routinely disobey whatever laws they disagree with, and therein lies the problem with passing new gun laws.

It is already against the law to shoot another person in all but very limited situations (self defense or the defense of another).

So I'm going to pick your collective brains to see if you can come up with common sense gun laws that could be applied across the board and that have severe enough penalties to persuade most people to follow them.

I'll start with one. Make the purchase of semiauto rifles illegal to people under 21 years old.
Your ideas?
Then the age of military service and voting should also be 21.

I was married with a good job and a child at 20. What is the difference between a semi automatic rifle and semi automatic pistol?

Should I not have been able to own either for the defense of my family.
Then the age of military service and voting should also be 21.

I was married with a good job and a child at 20. What is the difference between a semi automatic rifle and semi automatic pistol?

Should I not have been able to own either for the defense of my family.

Agreed! I bought my first house at 19 in a nice suburban neighborhood. Obviously I had a good job, married at 20.

Enforce the laws we have on the books to the fullest extent of the law!

Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the country - how's that working out for them?
Sorry, I guess I didn't make myself clear. I wasn't looking for a back and forth discussion about existing gun laws. I was looking for some new ideas that you think might work.
Sorry, I guess I didn't make myself clear. I wasn't looking for a back and forth discussion about existing gun laws. I was looking for some new ideas that you think might work.

Eliminate gun free zones - that'll make those areas much less of an attractive target. NO new laws are needed...
Then look to mental health laws/access.

I think I’m somewhat younger than you, but there was a hell of a lot less restrictions 40-50 years ago and a lot less of all this current BS.

Guns ARE NOT the problem, the way some children have been raised the last 40 years is.
More people are killed annually by hammers and other blunt objects in the USA than by guns. If this is about protecting kids from getting killed, an average 600 kids a year are killed by toasters which is several times the number killed in mass murder events in the USA. If protecting the kids is the priority in this where are the calls for legislation to make toasters safer and be kept out of the hands of children. Toasters aren’t a constitutionally protected right so it should be easier to do. It’s already against the law to murder another human being yet the criminals still commit murder with, and more often without guns. We don’t need more laws, we have plenty. What we need is enforcement by the prosecutors and courts of the existing laws. Catching criminals early on for minor offenses is where one can intervene with them for much needed mental health treatment or drug intervention as well as rehabilitation to prevent them from committing more crime in the future. Instead liberals have been screaming that arresting people is racist and letting anarchy rule the day rather than law and order. Rather than prison being a place of rehabilitation it has become a revolving door to most criminals where they learn how to victimize innocent people worse and worse each time they go there. If you want to address violence address the violence directly not the inanimate objects that some choose to use with their violent behavior.
Then look to mental health laws/access.

I think I’m somewhat younger than you, but there was a hell of a lot less restrictions 40-50 years ago and a lot less of all this current BS.

Guns ARE NOT the problem, the way some children have been raised the last 40 years is.

No question. However, failing parents plus easy access to guns creats the mess we are in today. You can't legislate parenting. So it comes down to how do we make it inconvienent for a messed up kid to act on his impulses without shredding the second amendment. It's kind of like putting a sign on your house -- come on in and take my stuff vs. the ADT Security system sign. Neither will stop a truly motived criminal, but the security system will casue many to pause because they are too lazy to deal with it.

Under current law, a person under 21 cannot own a handgun. I would be ok with bringing "asault" rifles into that category as well. I would actually stay away from the bogus "assault" language and just include semi-auto rifles over .22 caliber or similar definitions. I would also include an exemption for those under 21 in military service.

I also don't see the problem with requiring background checks on private sales. Just like with today's online sales, you have to send the gun to a licensed dealer to process the background check. They could certainly provide this service for private sales. But I would really focus on fixes to the background check system.

Now in oder to actually make progress, the politicians on both sides need to stop lying.
Maybe instead of mandating gender assignment classes and CRT in schools, they should mandate gun safety and responsibility classes, followed by optional self defense and tactical classes in HS, like drivers Ed classes now.
- Any prosecutor who fails to prosecute any gun crime to the fullest extent of the law, will be immediately fired and disbarred.

- There is no sentencing discretion for violent crime. Decide as a society what the punishment should be and enforce it. (please note the closing period)

- Parole will only granted after the entire sentence has been served. Time off for good behavior or membership in an "underserved" minority are not a get out of jail free card.

You may notice that these suggested laws target the individuals who pulled the trigger, not the triggers they pulled.
Well you have been fortunate (not) to have been lectured by our lying POS Prime Minister that all is well in New Zealand because she has banned MSSA fact she has attacked law abiding gun owners because they are an easy target. What Colbert and other sycophants dont realise is that gun crime in NZ is at an all time high despite the fact that she is crowing about the success of the gun buy back scheme....she is merely feathering her nest in preparation for a job at the UN when she gets booted out of office....possibly the worst PM we have ever had....whats worse is that her Govt are now intent on a Firearms register that has proven to be absolutely a waste of time and money in countries such as Canada. I guess what Im saying is that people are the problem not the firearms but there is no easy answer.
25+ people a day are killed by drunk drivers. Why not ban achohol? Don't even hear that conversation. The common denominator in all this mass violence other than the gun is social media. It's a scourge on mankind. Emboldens the mentally ill. Facilitates moral decay.These companies need to be held accountable. Make them pay!They can track this stuff. They don't have any trouble tracking politics.
I also don't see the problem with requiring background checks on private sales. Just like with today's online sales, you have to send the gun to a licensed dealer to process the background check. They could certainly provide this service for private sales. But I would really focus on fixes to the background check system.

And now you have registration...
Eliminate gun free zones - that'll make those areas much less of an attractive target. NO new laws are needed...
You can’t force a business to be not gun free if it wants. Aren’t Texas teachers allowed to carry?
You can’t force a business to be not gun free if it wants. Aren’t Texas teachers allowed to carry?
Correct to a point.

ANY private business can post no carry. Then don’t shop there.

Most states make certain places illegal to carry. WHY?
You can’t force a business to be not gun free if it wants. Aren’t Texas teachers allowed to carry?

No idea on that - but read up on states laws and what a "gun free zone" is - not a business!

In Indiana and most of the country, no gun signs at businesses do NOT carry the weight of law. If they have a no gun sign up and your carrying - they can only ask you to leave and if you refuse they can have you trespassed. A BIG difference than what would happen if you're carrying in a gun free zone.
Nope, got nothing for ya. If your trying to enact common sense as law you’ve already lost. Those laws would only help for people with no common sense, in which case they wouldn’t know the laws anyways. Gun free zones only help where people are going to make rash decisions, or don’t know how to handle a gun. The law protects you from accidental/negligent discharge and creates a cooling off period. I’m in court and I disagree passionately with something, then I’ve gotta leave to get my gun and hopefully I’ll cool off and think about the ramifications of using it. In the case of crooks and rampage murders they’ve already, in their mind, rationalized the use of force and willing to pay the price. What law can help with that?
… I’m in court and I disagree passionately with something, then I’ve gotta leave to get my gun and hopefully I’ll cool off and think about the ramifications of using it.

If it’s not a life/death situation and your inclination to resort to violence changes based on where you are standing, perhaps you should not have a gun, much less carry one.

Not necessarily you personally.
- Parole will only granted after the entire sentence has been served. Time off for good behavior or membership in an "underserved" minority are not a get out of jail free card.

Why would parole be granted after the entire sentence has been served? When an inmate has served the sentence it is over. No parole needed.
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