Celebrating America? Gag me with a spoon please!

OMG! The U.S. "first on the world stage" ??? That was a myth from such a long time ago. Trump and his enablers drove a stake deep through the last vestiges of America as a "beacon of liberty, democracy and hope for a better life." America is a deeply fractured nation now being openly bullied into autocratic, third world status by rabid, militaristic, white supremacists. They are a treasonous mob that you tolerate or even admire. The country is divided into two factions that are both equally terrified of the other taking control. Cooperation and compromise are seemingly impossible for you. And you're afraid of Hondurans? You could see your true enemy is actually deep within if you could get beyond your prejudice. The incredibly confounding thing for the rest of the world is that half the American population, after four long, tweeting years of Presidential deceit, corruption and infamy, still thought a deranged rapist, fraud artist, tax evading, patholigical liar, seditionist and bankrupt conman was the best they could muster for the highest Office in the land. He actually stood by and allowed almost 400,000 Americans to die. "First on the world stage?" No. You're now a pathetic conundrum if not the butt of a global joke. How could the mighty have fallen so far, so fast? The world is now waiting, counting on Biden and Harris to restore some decency, dignity and sanity to the country. It's a huge job. We wish them well and good luck.

You are nuts
OMG! The U.S. "first on the world stage" ??? That was a myth from such a long time ago. Trump and his enablers drove a stake deep through the last vestiges of America as a "beacon of liberty, democracy and hope for a better life." America is a deeply fractured nation now being openly bullied into autocratic, third world status by rabid, militaristic, white supremacists. They are a treasonous mob that you tolerate or even admire. The country is divided into two factions that are both equally terrified of the other taking control. Cooperation and compromise are seemingly impossible for you. And you're afraid of Hondurans? You could see your true enemy is actually deep within if you could get beyond your prejudice. The incredibly confounding thing for the rest of the world is that half the American population, after four long, tweeting years of Presidential deceit, corruption and infamy, still thought a deranged rapist, fraud artist, tax evading, patholigical liar, seditionist and bankrupt conman was the best they could muster for the highest Office in the land. He actually stood by and allowed almost 400,000 Americans to die. "First on the world stage?" No. You're now a pathetic conundrum if not the butt of a global joke. How could the mighty have fallen so far, so fast? The world is now waiting, counting on Biden and Harris to restore some decency, dignity and sanity to the country. It's a huge job. We wish them well and good luck.
Do you even know what a "white supremesist" is? Newsflash -- the democrats are redefining it as we speak. Biden/Harris are so full of chit the sewers are jealous. We get it, you didin't like Trump's style. But it's about the policies.
I’m wondering how canceling the XL pipeline and destroying 42k jobs in an instant is going to help America - and Canada for that matter?

How will letting 10s of thousands of illegal, illiterate and no skilled workers into America will help citizens of the US?

I’m just wondering how getting us back into the Paris Climate accord ‘treaty’ will help the US when we are the most “carbon friendly” place on Earth?

When he puts a moratorium on energy production as he has promised to do, I.e. fracking, coal industry, oil and natural gas, how would rising energy costs help the lower class?

Those that were complaining about the debt are suddenly silent about the upcoming $1.9 trillion dollar Bill he is about to sign - I guess when Trump reached across the aisle and signed the Schumer omnibus Bill it was bad (which it was), but this one, not so much?

There is no question that Trump helped broker peace deals in the Middle East with Israel. In part was because of removing the existing fake Iran Nuclear deal and shutting off Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood via the PLO. Now, China has demanded that Joe re-enter the nuclear deal with a state sponsor of terror, which he plans to do? The Squad wants us back at the table with the PLO. How will this stabilize the Middle East ?

How will eliminating Trumps tax cuts help my family? Will those eliminated cuts help pay for the people coming from Honduras? During the Democrat primaries, they all raised their hands in support of giving US citizen tax dollars to pay for illegal immigrant healthcare.

What will the Democrats do with their paramilitary wing BLM and ANTIFA now that their needs have been satisfied? It seems they have turned their back on them when only months ago they were raising money to bail these terrorists out of jail.

What is Joe Biden’s plan to fix this new strain of covid? All I saw was a mask mandate. Because we all know, walking in a Federal park with your spouse is the biggest transmitter of this man made disease.

Just a few questions.

Sorry about the typos, I’ll clean it up later after I’m off the treadmill.
Here are you answers:
1) We'll no longer be engery independant and resume reliance on foriegn oil. We'll also raise price of energy which has an impact on the poor, making them more in need of government help.

2) It will keep low skilled labor prices low. This will continue to keep the poor people down so they need government assistance.

3) The Paris Accord makes us look good in the eyes of the woke. Sizzle before substance.

4) See above. Rising energy costs will disproportionately affect the poor. Keeping them down and in need of government assistance. It will also allow the government to hand out money to their "green energy" friends.

5) The debt is easy -- just print more money.

6) Why would we want peace in the middle east?

7) Eliminating tax cust will help pay for all the woke policies of the Biden Admin. You're just a greedy capitalist. Pay your fair share.

8) Antifa is a myth. And Blm cares about all black lives. They threw a big party last night in a few cities. Didn't you know?

9) Wearing a mask alone outside makes you feel good, like your "in the fight" and shows anyone who drives by you're virtuous.

Dude, you ask a lot of questions. Hope that helps.
The alphabet networks are just pathetic! They are all airing the celebration of the undoing of what Trump did to put America first on the world stage over the last 4 years. I for one have not watched a minute of it and could not give a rip about what any of them have to say. Biden wasted no time in signing 17 executive orders essentially reversing Trumps orders. Okay I get it, That's the way the game is played but the American people, arguably more than half benefited and approved of the outcomes of those orders. It was not Trump's Ideals that lost him the election it was his obnoxious personality. It's going to be sad to see what the new administration is going to do. When the hoards of Hondurans show up in the border towns and Biden's minions are there handing out green cards I hope that its only the families of Biden voters that become their victims. They alone are the ones that should reap what Biden sows.

"It was not Trump's Ideals that lost him the election it was his obnoxious personality. "

Spot on! It is a shame he didn't see it and failed to understand that.
It is what I feel let down the most about..... Time to move on though for me!
OMG! The U.S. "first on the world stage" ??? That was a myth from such a long time ago. Trump and his enablers drove a stake deep through the last vestiges of America as a "beacon of liberty, democracy and hope for a better life." America is a deeply fractured nation now being openly bullied into autocratic, third world status by rabid, militaristic, white supremacists. They are a treasonous mob that you tolerate or even admire. The country is divided into two factions that are both equally terrified of the other taking control. Cooperation and compromise are seemingly impossible for you. And you're afraid of Hondurans? You could see your true enemy is actually deep within if you could get beyond your prejudice. The incredibly confounding thing for the rest of the world is that half the American population, after four long, tweeting years of Presidential deceit, corruption and infamy, still thought a deranged rapist, fraud artist, tax evading, patholigical liar, seditionist and bankrupt conman was the best they could muster for the highest Office in the land. He actually stood by and allowed almost 400,000 Americans to die. "First on the world stage?" No. You're now a pathetic conundrum if not the butt of a global joke. How could the mighty have fallen so far, so fast? The world is now waiting, counting on Biden and Harris to restore some decency, dignity and sanity to the country. It's a huge job. We wish them well and good luck.
Welcome friend from the north ,we will be more than obliged for you to take the 400,000 Hondurans being that we spend $150 billion a year on illegal immigration compared to your 100 million. With over 13 million illegal immigrants in this country compared to your 120,000 as we the citizens of the United States fit the bill and support for all these illegal immigrants compared to Canada who requires a pay back loan program ....maybe that’s one of the reasons why they’re not flooding in Canada right now....We’re trying to keep the United States from looking like France and England who were very liberal with migrants and practically took over the entire country... Each and every illegal immigrant that comes to the United States is only voting one way ...they’re building an army.....
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Do you even know what a "white supremesist" is? Newsflash -- the democrats are redefining it as we speak. Biden/Harris are so full of chit the sewers are jealous. We get it, you didin't like Trump's style. But it's about the policies.
This is/was not a White Supremest.

"It was not Trump's Ideals that lost him the election it was his obnoxious personality. "

Spot on! It is a shame he didn't see it and failed to understand that.
It is what I feel let down the most about..... Time to move on though for me!
So basically he had good policies but he hurt people’s feelings. Got it
You get to go first to get deprogrammed ... How in the world did you get so brainwashed ?
He hails from Canada and most likely enjoys feeding from the trough, The globalists are rejoicing! Lets just see how happy they all are when America is so weak that we can no longer support the free world.
Not in office 24 hours and 1000s have lost their jobs building the border wall. Just the start.
Not to worry, Biden will give them $1400 to tie them over until they can get a good government job which will be plentiful as we know the new admin will be growing the federal bureaucracy faster than ever.
Lets just see how happy they all are when America is so weak that we can no longer support the free world.
Well lets hope that's not how they get woke... I have so many friends and family in canada that have completely lost their minds over Trump....and more are coming out of the wood work since election day.. its unbelievable....something is in the water up there. I just treat them like a bee hive and poke them with a stick... its all I can do to keep smiling :)
“Not in office 24 hours and 1000s have lost their jobs building the border wall. Just the start.”

Add probably another 10k from reversing the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, not to mention the indirect support of the “democratic” Venezuelan government....the oil will continue to flow from somewhere, until the greenies takeover.
Add probably another 10k from reversing the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, not to mention the indirect support of the “democratic” Venezuelan government....the oil will continue to flow from somewhere, until the greenies takeover.

42K and that's just for the construction.......
Hollywood and the media got what they wanted... and they're just plum giddy about it.

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