Boat Name?

Thanks for all the suggestions. We still can't seem to agree on anything. I really thought it would be nice to name it something with my wife's name in it but she is against that for some reason. I'll just keep running em' by her until we agree.
We did the family thing naming the boat and they kept rejecting every decent name and finally came up with the one we have (last name is incorporated into the'll have to guess that one).

My suggestion is; pick a good name (you have mentioned a few - Gail Force is cool), forget the democratic process stuff, give it the name you think is right, then fib and say the powers that be recorded the wrong name or the boat graphics place processed the wrong order or something. After all, what's a little fibbing when you're going to fib about how much you spend on it anyway.... :grin: the worst that can happen is that you have to change the name in a few months. One crucial thing - don't put another woman's name on it!
I thought "soak n fused" was brilliant!
I might use it if you don't

those "knot" names are so overdone...... that's too easy

but what do I know? I am name impaired. My last three boats never even got a name.
You could either use the names of your kids in some clever way, or just let them name it. :grin: That would take all the pressure off you. :thumbsup:
I get a kick from one a couple slips down from me that is called "She said ok"
I'm about ready to give up. I really like "NautiGail" and "Gail Force" but my wife refuses to let me use her name. My kids' names are "Alexis Marie" and "Benjamin Michael" if anyone wants to try to make something out of those. I came up with "MinXis" (last 3 letters of there names), it makes no sense but I thought it looked kinda neat...of course, the wife shot it down.

I'm hesitant to use the "knot" word just because like geriksen said they are over done.

I may go back to the original "Soak-N-Fused" but I kinda like "STILL THINKING" (thanks StressAweigh).

Is this supposed to be so hard? Heck, it's just a little bow rider...most people don't even name em'.
ok one more to run by the Admiral:



re·ga·lia [ri gáylyə]
n (takes a singular or plural verb)
1. royal insignia: the ceremonial and symbolic objects and clothing used and worn by royalty or other holders of high office on formal occasions
2. distinctive clothing: the distinctive clothing or trappings showing the status of a group of people, worn especially on formal occasions
3. splendid attire: splendid attire for a formal occasion
The general appeared in full regalia.

[Mid-16th century. < medieval Latin regalia "royal privileges, royal residence," form of Latin regalis (see regal)]
Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
That name is nice but probably better left to the bigger cruisers/yachts...Seems out of place on a sport boat.

My latest idea is:

It's probably been done a thousand times but it explains my way of living (sans money).:huh:
we just got a 320 delivered and after much pressuring, internet searching, shooting down everything the first mate suggested I succeeded in getting Driving Miss Crazy approved.

Took a lot of doing and a lot of hours. Don't be the first to capitulate.

Hudson WI
320 DA
I'm about ready to give up. I really like "NautiGail" and "Gail Force" but my wife refuses to let me use her name. My kids' names are "Alexis Marie" and "Benjamin Michael" if anyone wants to try to make something out of those. I came up with "MinXis" (last 3 letters of there names), it makes no sense but I thought it looked kinda neat...of course, the wife shot it down.

I'm hesitant to use the "knot" word just because like geriksen said they are over done.

I may go back to the original "Soak-N-Fused" but I kinda like "STILL THINKING" (thanks StressAweigh).

Is this supposed to be so hard? Heck, it's just a little bow rider...most people don't even name em'.

Call it what it is....Little Sport

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