Blacks are beginning to lose me...

I sometimes wonder the mind set of great men, and how they set their principles and values above profit and notoriety. Imagine what R.E. Lee had to contemplate when the south (not him) decided to succeed, due to what they believe were way unfair tax allocations, and representation inequalities of their northern brethren. General Lee was the only man in history to be offered the Commanding Generals job, of opposing forces, wow. He did not start the war, nor did he promote his opinions on the reasons of war. He was a military officer who took orders and preparing to do his duty like always before. But now he has to decide on being the leader of the aggressors (the south did not invade the north no more than the Continental Army invading England), or, as his words are written. "I can not bring myself to bear arms against the Old Dominion (his home land, Virginia)". Can you just imagine the personal struggle of having to decide to lead armed forces against your own family and friends, or to defend your homeland and way of life. Does this make it right, hell no, but the virtue of the man's decisions is something I can not fathom. Knowing good and well a war the southern states could not win, with no manufacturing and far less population. What did R.E. Lee give up by refusing to attack his own kin??? Where did Ulysses S. Grant end up? And Grant many times admitted he was not of the same caliber of Gen Lee.
The sad thing is there are times when we have to look in the mirror and ask what kind of man am I. Robert E. Lee was a victim of circumstances in the time he was alive. He is also the man who brought the slaves in his charge, into his home to provide them with an education (reading and writing). He did this because he believe a man could not survive without it, and a job, and a home. Yes, it is documented that his intention was to free those slaves and provide them with homes on his land....but of course educating a slave at that time was against the law of the US, humm.
I do not now, nor never will condone the atrocious behavior of anyone who treats another less than equal, but I also wonder about the struggles our forefathers had to weigh out to get us where we are today, some great, some not so much. The arguments men like Washington, Adams, Franklin, Henry had to endure knowing they would be considered treasonous and dealt with accordingly (English law), all in the desire to start a new country. Robert E Lee did not start a new country, he only decided to defend his people.
I have visited my G-G-Grandfathers grave site more than once. He is buried under a CSA headstone. He fought in many battles of that damn war and not because he wanted to promote slavery. He was a dirt poor Irishman who's father before him immigrated to this country (and fought in the war of 1812). He could not find work in the north because he was Irish, so he migrated south where he could do what he knew best, grow potato's and feed his family. He never owned a slave nor could have, no money. He also did not decide to fight against the north, he fought because northern soldiers came to his land a shot at him. I honor his integrity to defend his family, period.
Four generations of Alabamians later, my mother who was born and raised in Birmingham AL, taught me the connection between money and class.....there is none! Her hero list included Booker T Washington and my main man, Dr. George Washington Carver. Let a true Southerner explain the term, "measure of the man" to ya one time....there is no skin color associated with that test.

Henry Boyd, I truly mean no disrespect but can't help to notice how adamant you make your stance. If that stance where in differ with others of Newburyport, would you be willing to take up arms and force your will against your family and neighbor, or do you see yourself defending them? Can you just imagine what Robert E Lee had to decide, and that included the possibility of being President one day.

Wrong war for all the wrong reasons.....and a waste of Great men on both sides. And not my place to judge on what I don't know. We are all snowflakes compared to what our forefathers had to decide and endure, and I am proud of everyone of them for doing the hard work for us, to make our country what it is... Now, you wanna talk about the Greatest Generation ever, whole other story that one is!....what will our legacy be?

post script... I am writing this while sitting on a 580DA heading to Baltimore from Florida. This baby is one of only five 580's that SR built that has the 1100 MAN's in her. I left Ft, Myers yesterday morning, around the Key's and dock in Lauderdale at 4:30p. At 2000 rpm's and 72% load, burning 80gph, I am cruising at 30-31 knots. I pinned it once and hit 39 knots before backing off, damn son ! I will hate handing her over to the lucky new owner...warming the planet, 20 cylinders at a time. let them dogs eat!

Capt Rusty
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