Back at the Helm after a long hiatus

Yep it has been stored inside all its life.... in very good condition for a 14 yr old boat.
BTW Todd, we also looked at a 2000 260DA but it was just too much boat to haul for me. I remember back when you shopped for yours - I think it was the fall of '07 (?)... and the excitement when you purchased her. Has she been a good boat for you?
Many of us from SRO days are still here. Welcome back... And do post some more pics of the 240 when you get them...
Thanks again. Chuck I just noticed your sig line that MS Judy is no longer yours. That was a very nice boat. Are you in the market for another; and if so, what?
Gerald, Always looking, but this area still has not had the turn around, like other area I'm hearing about. Likes so many we are just plugging away and watching/pinching every penny still. Just thankful we were able to sell her. Have to do what you have to do in these interesting time. We do miss her. Had some great family and friend making times with her.
I hear ya Chuck. The real estate crash in the fall of '08 is the exact reason we had to sell Offroad Dancer. Flipping houses was a lot of fun... until it wasn't. Our last flip was of course the biggest one ever (a nice home on a local lake) and of course that was the one we held when the market crashed. I never got it sold and had to give it back to the bank. It took my credit rating with it and five years to pay off the damage. My best wishes that your market picks back up soon. Or hey, move here - Greenville County SC is doing okay now.
Awesome news. The new boat and tow look great! So happy to see you back ready for water. Looking forward to some Keowee weekends. But more importantly, happy for you that things have finally turned around. Persistence pays off and I would like to congratulate you for that and the ability to get up and dust yourself off again! Now...let's go boating!!!
Looking forward to it.... I see that Sweet Dreams grew into Heavenly Daze while we were gone. Can't wait to spend awhile on the hook with her.

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