300 da hatch warning

Yes, thanks for this warning. Any thoughts on what to look for during inspection? I am going to look for loose connection bolts etc, but is there anything I can look for on the motor unit itself?
Yes, thanks for this warning. Any thoughts on what to look for during inspection? I am going to look for loose connection bolts etc, but is there anything I can look for on the motor unit itself?
The actuator itself has always been loud, but right before this happened, it was even louder. It could have been a defect since new? Not sure. Either way, if your boat doesn't have some sort of back up support pole, I would definately prop up something before going in your engine compartment. Brian
I can't understand what is going on. This is my engine hatch, I believe I also have a screw type but don't see how it can come down without breaking the pin. And even if screw breaks, I don't expect it to go down but jam.

Nevertheless, it is a good warning as I often go in there and even hold on to the hatch to climb up. Let us know what happened if you figure it out. If there is a potential of having that heavy hatch close on my head, I am going to do something about it.

What are the blue lines in your photo?

Edit) The attached photo did not come along with the quote.
You can click on the quoted post above next to mfilippa and you will see his engine photo.

The engines have blue hoses in addition to the black hoses I would expect.
Does anyone know what these blue hoses are for?
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Screw type linear actuators like Sea Ray uses are not necessarily fool proof.

The motor turns a gear that in turn drives another gear affixed to a screw. Then there is a follower or nut that raises and lowers as the screw is rotated one way or the other. The nut has a sleeve (ram) and an end mounting attached to it. The actuator can completely fail if the nut strips (not likely in the OP's case since he had no skipping or noise prior to the failure), if the key or pin driving one of the gears fails, if a bushing holding a shaft in place fails and lets the gears become disengaged, or if a shaft broke, then a rapid decent fueled by the unsupported hatch can occur.

I had an overhault on mine. Can’t recall any follower nut with direct drive?
And from what I can tell my actuator are the original with pn: 1552041

In mine there are bearing balls pressed trough a screwslot by the rod to make the up/down movement. So if you continue pressing"up"/"down" button with the actuator in max/min position,the bearing balls are "looped" without giving any lifting motion. Except this giving extra wears to the balls and screwslot. And a lot more"ratching" noise.

If this screwslot or balls gets worn enough for the screwslots/balls to jump over. It can end with a freefaling hatch.
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