2008 Rendezvous TN River?

We would like to attend this rendezvous. Question, what kind of lodging options are there or are we too late? We would also like to bring our jet ski, but are wondering if there are enough marinas throughout the day journeys to fuel up once in a while. :)

Thanks in advance!

Great to have you along, and as Paul said give Euchee call.
As to the gas/marina question no problem. Can you dual tow in TN??, I've never seen it before. As it says in the 1st message email me when you get a chance. Also not sure about jet ski in the locks.

See ya there. We can use your newly installed Corsa Exhaust system as an alarm clock for the Chattanooga run. 6 AM, crank up the boat, arm the exhaust and rev the engine to 4,000 rpm and hold for 5 minutes. That should do it. BTW, Chuck is bringing a two cases of beans, he'll give you all the gas you need!
Sounds great. We'll call tomorrow.

Yea, it will definitely work as our alarm clock. :)

Regarding the ski, on second thought, we would probably just leave it at home as we would want to travel the longer distances on the day runs together with the kids.

I'll update you all with what Euchee says. Thanks!
We've got a reservation. So we will definitely be there. Just an FYI for anyone else interested, there is only 1 more room available.

Sounds like it will be a great time! Also, remember to mention CSR as we got a 10% discount.

Also, stats can be updated to include:
Geurk - 220BR - Wife + 4 kids
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Glad to here that, you did get a slip reserved also, they go with the room but you have to ask.
Yup gave them my make and color of the boat as well. They said the jet ski wouldn't be a problem if we do end up bringing it (it could sit right next to the boat)

Is it legal to pull both trailers in TN in tandem? If not, I will just bring the boat.
With the way fuel cost are going and other things there has been a few more members drop out of the trip. (See 1st Message for updated list)

I may not be able to make it myself. We are dealing with some medical issues in the family (Elder Parent) and not sure if we are going to be able to travel out of the the area any time soon. If I can not make it is there anybody else that is up to the task of leading boats around the river?
While we are asking questions...

I have been looking into tshirts for this trip. I need to know how many people want shirts.

Is there any one else that might cancel?

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Hello all. I will not be joining you all for the entire trip, but I may be able to meet up with you all on parts of the trip (Friday and/or Saturday). Definitely keep the itenerary up to date and myself and my family might meet up with you all. Thanks!
Welcome along Matthewmiller01. We are still working on it. Give Euchee a call about a room. Some should have become avl. Slip is free with the room, but you have to ask.
We have about one month until the TN trip. Since Chuck probably will not be able to attend I was wondering if anyone with local knowledge would be going.

I have not seen a lot of activity on this thread lately and was wondering if the trip will still be happening. The price of fuel is high right now and is making me reconsider my commitment to this trip.

I will be making my decision tomorrow.
Unless the plans completely fall apart for this, we are still planning on going, and are looking forward to it. Could we get a confirmation from everyone that is definitely going to make the trip?

We probably need to go ahead and make a decision on whether we are going to make the long run to Chattanooga on Thursday, or just make a shorter run for lunch someplace. What does everyone think?
Paul is correct with the Medical issuses we are dealing with at this time I don't see us being able to leave the home area. Mother-in-Law should be getting out of the hospital next week, but we are still going to have to have sombody with her all the time. Paul I can send you GPS tracks for your garmin if you are interested. I'm still trying to see if maybe we can come out to the river for just one day. (It is a long haul with the boat for just a day). Sorry guys.
Updated 1st Message with revised attendance list.
Is this Euchee trip still a go. Does not seem to be much talk about it?

We are Eau Naturelle, 290DA, James and Patti (865-809-2894; jstair@charter.net) and we plan to go and sent in a post a few months back to get on a list, but can not now find the listing. Are there actual coordinators or organizers or at least those apparent?

It sounds like it would be a great trip! We would probably leave Sat 6/28 and that is very soon!

Please let us know and for those interested, we would try to organize if someone is not?

Great to hear from you. Thanks for the offer to step up and coordinate it. I've been dealing with some major medical issues in the family. Does not look like we are going to be able to attend. I've been trying to find somebody to step up and take the reins. The 1st message in the thread has been updated as I've heard from people. It would really be a fun time, would hate to see the trip fall apart.

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