Rittenhouse case

Whoa, whaaat? You're far to intelligent and sophisticated to even consider such savagery...or have you been fooling us.;)
I said before I am conservative but not far right. I believe in god but I am not a “sheep”. ( I find it ironic that the religious right will spout about liberals being sheep and then send money to snake oil “spiritual leaders” that call them gods flock etc.).

But I don’t think that “hate your neighbour” is a good way to live. And in a country your fellow citizens with differing views are your neighbours.
This right here. The Left has been bullying conservatives and independents for a while. I for one am pushing back.

I take every opportunity to go “woke” on their asses. Whenever I see someone wearing a mask walking outside, biking or my new favorite in their car, I tell them how stupid they are. Yes, I use the word stupid and sometimes I place emphasis by putting the F’ing word in front.

This is my way of supporting my Rights and giving back a bit of their own medicine.

They started it.
Probably yells at women and children wearing masks and teenagers working in stores that are doing what their boss asked them to do. Makes him feel good about himself. Pathetic.
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I said before I am conservative but not far right. I believe in god but I am not a “sheep”. ( I find it ironic that the religious right will spout about liberals being sheep and then send money to snake oil “spiritual leaders” that call them gods flock etc.).

But I don’t think that “hate your neighbour” is a good way to live. And in a country your fellow citizens with differing views are your neighbours.
Differing views is one thing. Not believing in the fundamentals of the USA is another.
Differing views is one thing. Not believing in the fundamentals of the USA is another.
Yeah, but remember that is your view on what those fundamentals are. I am not talking about 2nd amendment. I am talking about the other views that are not pure black and white (not in the racial sense). Things like medicare, role of governments in supporting businesses (taxation and tax incentives, property tax holidays), infrastructure investment timing as an economic stimulus, levels of legal immigration, what to do about illegal immigration, etc.

EVERYONE that has a political view believes that their views are in line the fundamentals of the USA (other than anarchists and terrorists that specifically say that they oppose the USA).
I will probably regret posting this but I thought it was a pretty funny ad typo from a rental car company (HQ in Germany I think). I got this ad in my email this morning because I have rented from them before.
Yeah, but remember that is your view on what those fundamentals are. I am not talking about 2nd amendment. I am talking about the other views that are not pure black and white (not in the racial sense). Things like medicare, role of governments in supporting businesses (taxation and tax incentives, property tax holidays), infrastructure investment timing as an economic stimulus, levels of legal immigration, what to do about illegal immigration, etc.

EVERYONE that has a political view believes that their views are in line the fundamentals of the USA (other than anarchists and terrorists that specifically say that they oppose the USA).
Nope. The USA was founded on certain principles like liberty, limited government, protection of inalienable rights, etc. The left doesn’t believe in those principles. Old fashioned liberals do. Throughout history conservatives and liberals have been able to unite behind those principles. But today the left has taken over one party.
Nope. The USA was founded on certain principles like liberty, limited government, protection of inalienable rights, etc. The left doesn’t believe in those principles. Old fashioned liberals do. Throughout history conservatives and liberals have been able to unite behind those principles. But today the left has taken over one party.
I am starting to wonder if you have ever talked to a Democrat or just heard about them on Fox. You are giving some wild generalizations about what the "left" believes. I will give you the limited government one, though.
I am starting to wonder if you have ever talked to a Democrat or just heard about them on Fox. You are giving some wild generalizations about what the "left" believes. I will give you the limited government one, though.

One one needs to see the legislation they propose and the party platforms the write to see what the left believes.

And if you vote for them you support that…
I am starting to wonder if you have ever talked to a Democrat or just heard about them on Fox. You are giving some wild generalizations about what the "left" believes. I will give you the limited government one, though.
I am beginning to wonder if you have ever spoken to a leftist. You seem to confuse leftists and liberals. There is a distinction. Alan Dershowitz is a classical liberal. The nags of the squad are leftists. I went to school with both. Liberals where fun to argue with over a beer (or two, or three). Leftist where freaking nut jobs.
All leftists are liberals. No conservatives or independents are liberals or leftists.

So if it starts w an L, they’re basically commies or on the road to becoming a commie.
All leftists are liberals. No conservatives or independents are liberals or leftists.

So if it starts w an L, they’re basically commies or on the road to becoming a commie.
So @Golfman25 is he speaking for you? Is that what you mean?
Thank you, but I, like everyone else in politics, am not seeking to unite everyone.

That’s just a liberal narrative. You unite like minded people not morons with the sane folks.

See libertards for reference.

One one needs to see the legislation they propose and the party platforms the write to see what the left believes.

“And if you vote for them you support that”…

This is a ridiculous statement! I vote republican, but I do not support their position on abortion. It is never black and white - always a lot of grey!
Nope. You are what you vote for…
It seems especially difficult as the country becomes more and more polarized. Over the last few elections, at least since Reagan, I find myself voting for the lesser of two evils. After all, what kind of megalomaniac wants to be POTUS? That'd be the last person I'd want there, but what's a fella to do?
I mean exactly what I say. It's not that hard. There is a difference between classic libs and leftists. Leftists have taken over the Domcrat party.
The best, most kind man I ever knew was my grandad on my mothers side. He was a lifelong dem. I truly believe he is rolling over in his grave over what has happened to his party.
The best, most kind man I ever knew was my grandad on my mothers side. He was a lifelong dem. I truly believe he is rolling over in his grave over what has happened to his party.
Oh the irony…. The same exact thing has happened to the Republican Party with the far-right lunatics taking over. Most right-of-center moderate republicans won’t vote for a democrat, they just won’t vote - which is why we will continue to have difficulty getting the White House for any length of time. Instead, the far right lunatics label them rinos and other insults, further driving them from our party.

I’m sure there are a lot of old school republicans rolling over in their graves as well….
The extreme left or right are all about Smoke Screens to pull their Bull Shit that only benefits their pockets. The Left scream Climate Change yet are okay with China importing United State's coal because we gave them all our Manufacturing. The Right is okay with any Ass Hole owning a fire arm but claims to by Pro life then forces their God down everyone's throat. Either of these extremes could care less about getting anything done because if they did it wouldn't be extreme enough.
I mean exactly what I say. It's not that hard. There is a difference between classic libs and leftists. Leftists have taken over the Domcrat party.
I know what you said you mean. I wanted to see if you would confirm whether you agreed with what El Capitan said when he piled on to what you said. Read his post again. Do you agree with what he said?

Actually adding something. I have met extreme leftists. My sister is one. I totally disagree with her political views. We are civil and avoid getting into to it because we love and respect each other, but she is really far left and I am mid-right.

I completely disagree with the views of all of the far left democrats. All of them. And I totally understand the fear you on the right (I am not talking about far right) have that somehow an AOC or Bernie, or Warren would be President. But I don’t think that Americans (democrats included) will support a far left President. And firing up the far right is not going to unite America. Ever. Fight in the middle. Convert the mass middle-left and Republican values will prevail.
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