Rittenhouse case

Yeah I do. One is name calling by the President of the United States.

The other could be name calling or could be a statement of fact or actually might be their own description of themselves. Who called someone specific a racist or white supremacist?
Please tell me you joking. The Dems call every Repulican Racist, white supremacist and the like. We can start the discussion with Joe Biden calling Rittenhouse a white supremacist and continue from there.
When I read that I just about popped an aneurism. His rap sheet was a mile long. This isn't about the color of his skin, this is about a failure of the "justice" system. Does WI have a death penalty?
Whoa, whaaat? You're far to intelligent and sophisticated to even consider such savagery...or have you been fooling us.;)
maybe the issue here is that everyone is scared of pissing off the left, shit we are allowing them to burn down property in places. I say the best remedy is to stop it period. Not sure about u guys but my dad said thats enough once. Then if I did it again I never enjoyed the outcome.

This right here. The Left has been bullying conservatives and independents for a while. I for one am pushing back.

I take every opportunity to go “woke” on their asses. Whenever I see someone wearing a mask walking outside, biking or my new favorite in their car, I tell them how stupid they are. Yes, I use the word stupid and sometimes I place emphasis by putting the F’ing word in front.

This is my way of supporting my Rights and giving back a bit of their own medicine.

They started it.
This right here. The Left has been bullying conservatives and independents for a while. I for one am pushing back.

I take every opportunity to go “woke” on their asses. Whenever I see someone wearing a mask walking outside, biking or my new favorite in their car, I tell them how stupid they are. Yes, I use the word stupid and sometimes I place emphasis by putting the F’ing word in front.

This is my way of supporting my Rights and giving back a bit of their own medicine.

They started it.

Considering wearing a mask outside is of little use, I question it, too. However, considering that they cause no one harm, keep your blood pressure down and ignore it.
You raise a good point captard…. Go back to Cuba since you don’t like things here. I’m sure you’ll be happier and much better off.

Ironic post of the year! To a guy that really knows what communism is, that is trying to point out its growth here and stop it, you suggest he go back to communism if he doesn’t like communism here.

Do you even read the BS you post, much less reflect on it?

You have El Captain derangement syndrome…
Ironic post of the year…

You have El Captain derangement syndrome…


don’t know that I’ve never disagreed with one of your posts,

BUT, el capTARD is a f’n troll who deserves NO respect.

This comes from a loud mouth who BARELY deserves a smidgen of same.
Ironic post of the year! To a guy that really knows what communism is, that is trying to point out its growth here and stop it, you suggest he go back to communism if he doesn’t like communism here.

Do you even read the BS you post, much less reflect on it?

You have El Captain derangement syndrome…

I’m not seeing what the libertards are writing but I do know that once a libertard exceeds their intellectual capacity they resort to mindless name calling.

My experience is it doesn’t take them long to get there. :D
The dude was released on 1,000 bucks bail after leaving tire tracks on his baby momma...how's that happen?:rolleyes: Is this a result of all this equity shit we keep hearing? Maybe that's what Kamala was talking about a couple days ago, she said she would 'continue to work to make the criminal justice system more equitable.'o_O
The black dude massacres people, current count 6 dead and 62 injured, and the media has decided to call it a 'Parade Crash'....it was just a crash.
Snake Skin is a good ole red neck
This right here. The Left has been bullying conservatives and independents for a while. I for one am pushing back.

I take every opportunity to go “woke” on their asses. Whenever I see someone wearing a mask walking outside, biking or my new favorite in their car, I tell them how stupid they are. Yes, I use the word stupid and sometimes I place emphasis by putting the F’ing word in front.

This is my way of supporting my Rights and giving back a bit of their own medicine.

They started it.

Uniter of the Year Award!

Whenever I see someone wearing a mask, I tell them how stupid they are. Yes, I use the word stupid and sometimes I place emphasis by putting the F’ing word in front.

Followed by this:

I do know that once a libertard exceeds their intellectual capacity they resort to mindless name calling….

Pot, meet kettle. Thanks for continuing to be the biggest tard here. At least you’re consistent…. I think the correct analogy here is “stupid is as stupid does.”
"I just felt like running"
Thank you, but I, like everyone else in politics, am not seeking to unite everyone.

That’s just a liberal narrative. You unite like minded people not morons with the sane folks.

See libertards for reference.
You should run for office. Then you would realize how wrong you are about how a country needs to be run.

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