guess who just became a daddy!

Seriously, anything is better than watching Ellen. my wife knows when she puts it on i start doing anything loud in the basement or outside. I will literally leaf blow my driveway in the rain to not watch that garbage. my DVR is full of teen mom, 16 and pregnant, keeping up with the get it. it's how my wife got the bathroom remodeled faster. she would start watching that trash and i just went up stairs and starting pulling down walls. . .

maybe it was all a set up...

Good to know so when. The time comes ill. Suck it up and watch it this way I didn't have to work. But that never happen ill just bite her Fingers off. (I say that now)
Congrats! Just saw these posts. Enjoy every minute of it.

My advise to you is to go places and do things with your baby now. While she is in "the Bucket" (aka car-seat/carrier) you can bring her everywhere since she will mostly be sleeping anyway. So, go to dinner, go to stores, etc. when she starts crawling and walking, going out to dinner becomes near impossible! And get her on the boat soon. My son, who is now 5, has been on the boat since he was less than a month old. In all seriousness, congrats. Being a parent is the best feeling. It will be tough at times, but rewarding.


This was the only picture I had in my iPad of my boy in his first life jacket. He was about 3 months old in these pictures.
cool and what a daddy's girl :)

a little tip - the absolute best sunscreen for little ones are from Bananaboat

Not sticky - stays on for long - and does not contain a lot of crap like hormones like most of the other sunscreens. We are quite "religious" about not giving our son to much crap in the early years and from the 50 different sun screens we read the labels on - the Bananaboat series is the one with the least amount of crap in. And our son is light strawberry redhead :) with very light/sensitive skin and it works for him. Year 0-4 is the "most sensitive" years where you have to be extra careful.
Yes she is she cries and yells in mommys arms and sleeps and looks around in mine. She hates it I think it's funny! But good notes ill Remember that. I don't plan on having her in the sun for a couple months yet but when I do ill def use that. Thanks
Yea having her out there as great as it was won't really happen to often. Atleast for a couple months. Mom just needed to get out of the house and she lIves around the block from my boat. But if she's on the boat the genny well always b on along with the ac so I'm not worried about the sun and heat with her.
Thanks computerman
Well it's been a year since i was surprised with a baby girl. this has most definitely been the hardest year of my life emotionally and financially. That said, the past year has also been the most rewarding! I thought I new what true love was but I was wrong. Then I had my baby. True love is an amazing feeling. This little person has changed my life beyond what I ever thought. Everything I do involves her and or thinking about her. I don't get to see her much cuz her mother Hates me but that's an entirely different conversation. But, She is a true blessing and I could never imagine my life any other way.i will fight for her and do anything I can to keep her safe and healthy. She turned 1 on may 11th and a couple days prior I had a photo shoot and cake smash. Here's some pictures Uploads?sort=3&page=1
good and the pic: Oh My Wow. Some serious fun going on there!
I was hesitant to have kids and man was I glad I did. My little girl turned 6 a little over a month ago and is graduating kindergarten tomorrow. If you think they cost a lot now, give it a few years then you'll see what that little girl will cost you. All worth it though. Enjoy the time because trust me, they grow up in the blink of an eye.
So nice to read your post and how much you care. Cudos for being a standup guy, so many aren't. To have loving caring parents is worth a large fortune, she's a lucky girl:) Enjoy it all while you can, they do grow up fast but put the effort in now and you'll forever enjoy each other's company:)
I was hesitant to have kids and man was I glad I did. My little girl turned 6 a little over a month ago and is graduating kindergarten tomorrow. If you think they cost a lot now, give it a few years then you'll see what that little girl will cost you. All worth it though. Enjoy the time because trust me, they grow up in the blink of an eye.
+2 on both. Our Daughters are 37 and 39 now. Wait until they get to needing cars, and weddings, and houses (it will be tomorrow.) Just when they find their feet and make their own money .... (x5) grand kids! Would not trade any of them for the moon, or take back a single expense, but "what that little girl will cost you" made me laugh out loud. This all started with me getting twitterpated over someones "little girl". For the record, boys are not much cheaper. My two grandsons are in their 4th year at my old Martial Arts School. I suggested the school, so I am paying the bills. $80/month per boy plus weapons and sashes for advancement. Just my little part to help them be more confident, better disciplined kids. Even still, that is one nice trip to Hawaii, or a new electronics package for 'Goliard II', that Jennifer and I have surrendered every year for four years. And counting. Watching the boy's perform at the Chinese New Year demonstration it is pretty hard to regret that money.
Thank you for all the kind words and advice. As for the financial situation it had nothing to do with my baby and her expenses. I could cover all that no problem. Just a quick summary of y I'm so conscientious drained is basically her mother would not let me see her so off to court we went and still going. 10 months now at over 2k a month. During court I found out she is a heavy opiate user along with heavy alcoholic and a few mental disorders so I'm selling full custody. So I have a long road ahead of me.

Brit lady.
Thank you for saying what u did. Truly means allot to me
U say so many are not stand up guys. While I do agree there are a bunch that just don't care but there are also a bunch that won't fought for certain reasons. I'm starting to see that reason. The courts treat us men like we're all a piece of garbage. Just pick us up and throw us out. I am a firm believer that children should b with there mother if a separation is needed between the parents. Now that said in certain situations that is not so. Such as mine. As I said above her mother is not stable. Loves her pain killers and a bunch of different opiates, loves her Boos and has been mentally institutionalized more then once. Has dwi and been in cuffs. And still doing the same. Not to mention works at a hospital and constantly fails drug tests. The judge is fully aware of all these issues. But yet I've never been arrested, never did drugs (except the occasional pot in high school but hated it just did to fit in) very financially stable with a great job and full benefits, no mental issues what so ever, and really don't drink to often. That being said. My visitation is for 3 hours a day mon wed and Fri and mind you I have a 45 min commute so really I only get to spend an hour and a half 3 days a week with her. Then I get a sleep over every other Saturday. Now the support situation is just highway robbery she takes 45% of my check every week because new York bases there support on what u make before taxes. Buy anyway sorry I get a little worked up talking about it. But my point is a lot of guys know that they will get nothing out of bringing the mother to court except a much smaller bank account and I know that but I'm the type of person that has to fight for my baby to b safe and raised in a healthy environment then walk away without a fight. I love that little girl more then anything in the world I would die tomorrow if it would improve her life and we'll being, I want to be the best father I possibly can but the courts won't let me and its absolution insane. And that's y most guys just walk away. That was nothing personal so please don't take it that way just expressing my feelings

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