Justice? Really?

It's open season on the police. Pimp a$$ bastard cowards. Sharpton, Holder and Obama are the direct cause of this action with there hate mongering speeches and passion for the perpetrator. I wonder if Obama feels that the shooter could be one of his sons?

Will there be a White House investigation into the shooting? Sure will be, surely the police officers caused this.

Yeah this ones headed for the tank with LOTS of prejudice. I have known 2 officers slain in the line of duty. Both left families behind to pick up the pieces. One was serving a warrant and the other making a traffic stop. The first shot at point blank with a 12 gauge in the head (closed casket) the other with his own service pistol after the drug dealer he pulled over over powered him.

If you ask me, white folks are a bunch of pu$$ies. Where are the counter demonstrators? Where is the outrage from the white media? Got there tails between their legs hoping no one calls them racists for reporting the truth. Afraid to call a 16 year old thug. Martin is dead because he beat the crap out of a guy with a gun. I can't breath is dead because he resisted an arrest.

Time for white folks to take back what we have pi$$ed away. Our dignity, pride and right to protect ourselves and our property.

Very well said! Not just white folks but all good and descent people across this land.
It's open season on the police. Pimp a$$ bastard cowards. Sharpton, Holder and Obama are the direct cause of this action with there hate mongering speeches and passion for the perpetrator. I wonder if Obama feels that the shooter could be one of his sons?

Will there be a White House investigation into the shooting? Sure will be, surely the police officers caused this.

Yeah this ones headed for the tank with LOTS of prejudice. I have known 2 officers slain in the line of duty. Both left families behind to pick up the pieces. One was serving a warrant and the other making a traffic stop. The first shot at point blank with a 12 gauge in the head (closed casket) the other with his own service pistol after the drug dealer he pulled over over powered him.

If you ask me, white folks are a bunch of pu$$ies. Where are the counter demonstrators? Where is the outrage from the white media? Got there tails between their legs hoping no one calls them racists for reporting the truth. Afraid to call a 16 year old thug. Martin is dead because he beat the crap out of a guy with a gun. I can't breath is dead because he resisted an arrest.

Time for white folks to take back what we have pi$$ed away. Our dignity, pride and right to protect ourselves and our property.

OldSkool, I usually stay out of most of the fray here at CSR, but I think your last comment borders on White Supremacist rhetoric. There are a lot of law abiding citizens that are outraged and sickened by what happened in this case OF ALL COLORS AND RACES! Lets not make this about black vs. white - that will not solve anything.

Scott , both cases are not about race at all that's where the problem lies. Some politicians, citizens,and the liberal media made them a racial cases.
Scott , both cases are not about race at all that's where the problem lies. Some politicians, citizens,and the liberal media made them a racial cases.

I don't disagree with you. My point is directed at what I interpreted as a white supremacist comment - which I think is wrong.

Not white supremacy at all guys, sorry if it came off that way. The officers killed were Asian and Latino. But whites bare the brunt of this as they sit back and let minority advocates call down revenge on white officers. Who is the racist? The whites who are murdered of the felons who are black.

Once again when a white calls to unit they are depicted as racist and supremacist . How is is any better for me to say all people should rise up against the black hate mongers to stop this before more innocent people are killed. In case you haven't noticed the mongers classify all who are not black as white. So far a Bosnian, Asian, and Latino have been killed.

Who's color blind now?
My prayers to the officers and their families. IMO, division is what this administration and the race baiting ilk wanted. This has become the result. Civility and logic go out the window when ideology is at play. As a result we now have the categorization of US Citizens.

Bill. This is exactly what the Ruling Class want from it's subjects. Class, Race and Gender separation or segregation. By that I mean, it is easier for the Ruling Class to control a group than an individual. Ask the AL Sharpton's of the world...hell, ask the President. He knows exactly what he's doing. He built a career on Community Organizing one class of people versus the other.
So, when you say (I mean this respectfully Bill) White, Black, Yellow, Brown, Male, Female, etc., it places people in categories. I am not a category like the lemmings you see on the street. I am an individual with my own beliefs.

Also, looking at these protesters - what are they protesting? Are you telling me that Cops in Maybury are the same as Manhattan? It's a lumped group categorization and ridiculous. So, what do the protesters want? Armed National Guardsmen to be the new police force? IMO, I know a "group" of politicians that would like that. (see, I did it myself)

Anyway, enough of the rant...how'bout them Vikes!:grin:
Ollie, It's easy to get pulled into the them against us grinder as this is what race baiting is. There are some at the top that make me look like a choir boy. I have no malice for any race. It's the actions that make folk who they are not their color or religion. (Militant Muslim exempt)

I work for a company that has built a reputation on equality and inclusions. My God does not see color either only actions. Again I apologize if I come off as racist but no matter what you voice someone will pull the race/religion card on you.
Thanks for the replies and the civil way all have responded. I don't mind apologizing if I've given the wrong impression so with that I think I have taken this as far as I can go.
I ask My God to bless everyone and safety to our hero's who serve us everyday and night.

I pray for little children and wives, and extended families who will not be rejoicing over our Lord's birth and the Christmas season. I can think of nothing worse than to forever look at Christmas as a time when Dad, Husband, Son, and Bother were murdered.

I leave this thread with tears in my eyes thinking of their pain.
OK, I'm not going to be PC here. I'm going to call a spade a spade because that's what it is. This administration has worked hard to divide our country with it's comments about "the war on women" and "that might have been my son" and many other comments. It seems as if their goal is to divide our country rather than unite it because that fits in with the "Change" part of The Messiah's "Hope and Change" pulpit.

The media in this country chooses to overlook black on black and black on white crime. They focus on white on black officer involved shootings because they is virtually ZERO white on black street crime.

If you don't believe it, watch this video.


Now before you start attacking me as a racist, let me say this....I was brought up in a VERY racist home in Michigan. My entire ancestry, parents included, were very prejudiced and the "N" word was used frequently in our home.

When I left home it was my goal to break that chain of prejudice and I'm pleased to say that I have accomplished that. My children are not racist and I'm very proud of that. I was a cop for many years and never had any race-based complaints made against me. So, before you call me a racist let me tell you that my oldest son is adopted and is 100% Hispanic.

Am I a racist? I don't think so. Am I realistic about which group is responsible for the majority of crime in this country? Absolutely. Don't believe me? Watch that video.
As GFC stated, I was raised by parents from the South. My father is racist to this day while I have great friends of color and my children are blind to color. I currently work in Oakland and see the best of the worst and it is disgusting that these "demonstrations" that continue to happen block traffic, destroys businesses and further drives home the "perception" of young black men. They need to understand that they are doing it to themselves as the black man in the video posted by Camella was attempting to get across. If something doesn't happen soon, this is going to escalate and they will create a full on race war which will set back what Dr. King fought so pationately by years.
GFC, my childhood rearing was the same, got caught socializing, got a ass whopping. Both of our boys were taught that there are not yellow, black or white, just people. They also know that in society there are rules & when they stray you pay the consequences, which happened a few times, nothing major. Very proud that they feel same and go to one extreme or another. Maybe that is something that is missing in today's society? Just my opinion
The whole thing just makes me sick.

OldSkool said it beat and I'm going to leave it at that.

funny how fast the race card is throw if the so called victim is black.

admin, we raised money for the Sandy victims. Can we do the same for these two families?
As a public safety official (3 years from retirement) I am usually not outspoken about race related incidents. Why? Because the race card gets played every time....regardless of the facts.

With the current Administration and Idiot Media, many good people are afraid to speak out for fear of public humiliation and possible impacts on their livelihood.

I am becoming more outspoken and find wisdom in the quote: "Evil prospers when good men do nothing".
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