This Smoking Ban Craze Has Gone Too Far!

Not sure I understand this post and I would like to. Would it be better if it were "small tobacco"? What about those that "choose" to quit? Are they equally powerless in their choices? Are they only making intelligent decisions when they choose the path you believe is best? Why would they need to rationalize their decision? Isn't just "I want to" sufficient? "I want to" works for alcohol and skydiving...why not smoking?

This may appear to be confrontational, but it really is a search to try and understand the other position (I do smoke an occasional cigar, but nothing else)

The meaning of powerless is this; how many are successful in quitting? a very small percentage. Tobacco companies make sure of that. This is news to you?
Not sure I get the skydiving analogy, must be more smokers rationalization. , Smoking is a chemical addiction. Again, you have to be told this?

Off my soapbox now. Smoke 'em if you got 'em.
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The meaning of powerless is this; how many are successful in quitting? a very small percentage. Tobacco companies make sure of that. This is news to you?
Not sure I get the skydiving analogy, must be more smokers rationalization. , Smoking is a chemical addiction. Again, you have to be told this?

Off my soapbox now. Smoke 'em if you got 'em.

so I take it you're not a smoker? I am. Why am I typing right now, and not outside smoking? I'll tell you why...I choose when to smoke. As a matter of fact, I don't even smoke every day. I do most days, but every now and then I'll go a day or two without smoking just because I don't feel like it. People like you are so quick to judge something you ass-u-me you understand. I mostly smoke when I am drinking alcohol (being controlled by "big alcohol", of course). The reason...I WANT to! ...and when I don't want to, I DON'T! Imagine that, we as human beings have the ability to have rational thought (some of us, anyway)
Well I guess you told Me! Looks like I dismissed Kearney's post too soon.
Anybody come up with a good reason why they should smoke? Didn't think so.
pretty self serving arnt you.
any reason you didnt give anyone a chance to respond to your question before your coment? didnt thinks so:lol::smt043
Not trying to be offensive. I am sorry. My point is simply that not everyone is alike, and some people choose to do things that others disapprove of, and just because they disapprove of other's behavior does not mean that they are right, or that they know better for the person. I would never try to convince someone to smoke, but I really feel that it is not anyone's duty to try to convince me to quit. Did not mean to "tell you," I just feel like I should have the right to do what I as an individual so choose, especially because I feel that I am respectful of other's freedoms as well. Not trying to turn this into a heated debate.
Point taken Chris. You're an adult and don't need anyone's approval to do anything you'd like. It just seems that knowing what we now know about the effects of smoking and second hand smoke, that it's just not very smart to either start or continue smoking. Anyone that has lost a family member to a smoking related disease will concur.
The meaning of powerless is this; how many are successful in quitting? a very small percentage. Tobacco companies make sure of that. This is news to you?
Not sure I get the skydiving analogy, must be more smokers rationalization. , Smoking is a chemical addiction. Again, you have to be told this?

My question wasn't whether smoking was hard to quit or addictive. I agree on both counts. Likewise I think you would agree that a huge number of smokers do so because it is their choice. The real question was...what made it someone else's business? and secondarily, if something made it someone else's business...where does that authority stop?

I apologize for the skydiving reference. I understand that it generates an adrenaline rush (chemically addictive), is individually more dangerous than staying in the airplane, and there is a potential secondary impact of landing on people...otherwise, no analogy at all.

I lost a mother in law to lung cancer, and am no fan of the pastime. However, I don't get the right of my neighbor to indulge his dangerous addictive habit while constraining mine. The nanny state, to me, is far more insidious than smoking.
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Actually, I agree. I think it is a bad habit that can, and most of the time will, kill you. However, in our lifetime there are many things we do that will kill us eventually. Our food and water are so chock full of chemicals that just about everything we do will eventually kill us. My grandfather never smoked a day in his life and dies at 52 of a heart attack. My great-grandfather smoked, drank, and chewed tobacco every day of his life from 13 yrs old, and died at 99 from pneumonia. It is a choice much like all others, and I know that there are many other stories like this out there. I feel that even though we all know that it will kill us, it should be our choice to do it.
I do belive that many smokers are of the opinion that lung cancer "won't happen to them," these are the people that aren't thinking.
I think God will call me when it's time.
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I tried to stay pretty light on the subject because this is one of those no winners. But let me dive in with my 2 cents.

Just because currently it is politically correct not to smoke it was not when many of our folks and even our peers picked up smoking. At one time it was considered medicinal even. Advertising and marketing made it became cool to have one in your hand, all the movie stars smoked, your friends smoked, you parents smoked, hell carton's of cigarettes were even given as Christmas presents. So for anyone to call a smoker stupid is really the stupid one. It has taken 30 years for cigarettes to become un-fashionable to the majority, just remember minority's still have rights in our country. :thumbsup:

Oh and Bill - That crack was directed straight at you.
Sorry, not buying it. Even without all the medical evidence we have today, how could any intelligent logical adult, regardless of which generation they're from, not know that intentionally sucking cigarette smoke into their lungs is not good? They have to know. They disregard it.That's part of what makes this an unwinnable argument.
Yea, but I won't call a smoker stupid. They are not. Both my parents smoked, I swore I never would. After 26 years of not smoking I got married (wife smoked) and while out partying one night I picked up a couple smokes next thing I know 12 years have passed and I make the conscious decision to quit. It took me 5 years to completely stop and now I have been free and clear for 7 years. But I know that if I ever pickup another one I would have a pack in my pocket in a week. It is just that addictive. So for Bill to make the statement that smokers are stupid really pisses me off and he lost what little respect I had for him.
Sorry, not buying it. Even without all the medical evidence we have today, how could any intelligent logical adult, regardless of which generation they're from, not know that intentionally sucking cigarette smoke into their lungs is not good? They have to know. They disregard it.That's part of what makes this an unwinnable argument.

You seem to miss the point of this whole thread, it is about the rights that are being taken away one small piece at a time.
As to whether I smoke or not, it has nothing to do with it. Your stupidity shows when you assume things, you know nothing about.
I don't think this started of as, did you know smoking is bad for you, of course I know that and I would guess all smokers do.

The question was how far is too far, banning smoking in a rest area were trucks and cars are probably parked and idling.

I have no problem with not allowing smoking inside of public places, as a smoker, smoke filled bar rooms bother me so I can understand the point of view of non smokers.

I just think that some non smokers come across as now-it-alls, like they need to protect me from my self, smokers aren’t allowed to smoke indoors and now the now-it-alls think they shouldn’t be allowed to smoke outdoors.

The other point is some people think sky diving an other things are dangerous, so you probably should not be ALLOWED to do them either.

Now I'm going outside by the dumpster to have a smoke :grin:
Ok....this thread is out of control and needs to be closed.

right on!!!!!!!!!!

ban every thing your finger mouse finger cant stop your eyes from reading if you dont like it:smt038
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This topic is in the tank and that is where this kind of discussion is supposed to be. As long as name calling stays out of this it won't be closed.

Thank you very much! :grin:
Don't ever assume that you know what another person here comprehends or doesn't, chuck1. Spotlights your ignorance.
I have more experience with the effects of second hand smoke than you will ever have. And THAT is the reason for the signage, laws, and banning of public smoking that is becoming more prevelant as noted in the original post.

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