Zues Docking System


New Member
Feb 11, 2009
Has anyone seen or used the zues docking systems yet. This is the most incredable technology i have ever seen. Makes parking your big boat easy and safe. :thumbsup:
Hello whoever you are, if you could please put your boat info and where you boat as your signature that way we know who you are and if you start asking questions we can help you better.

But yes there have been a few threads that talks about the new Zues systems. There are also several video's on youtube and MarineMax has been doing alot of demostrations of it.
I have driven a boat with Zeus. The system is incredible . It will do all of the things that the literature claims that it will. It has a sky hook featyre that will hold a boat in place, without touching the controlls. One more step of computer technology making our life easier.

Mr Salt
2001 540 CPMY
Caterpillar C-12s
Cape May, NJ
It sounds great, but I just wander if the price (up front, maintenance and fixing it later when it breaks) is worth having such comforting feature. Last time I was on the cruise with Roya Carribean they no longer used dynamic anchoring system, simply dropped the hook. When I asked the captain he said they're saving fuel, but there could be more to that.
I have driven a boat with Zeus. The system is incredible . It will do all of the things that the literature claims that it will. It has a sky hook featyre that will hold a boat in place, without touching the controlls. One more step of computer technology making our life easier.

Mr Salt
2001 540 CPMY
Caterpillar C-12s
Cape May, NJ
Only Sky Hook I ever heard of was in construction as a joke.
Please elaborate.
Our dealer says Mercruiser has withheld activating the Skyhook software due to safety concerns.

Guess their lawyers are smarter than their product development guys.

Best regards,


Well, duh. That's not hard. Judging from the quality of what their product development guys turn out, my dog is probably smarter then they are, too.

Personally, I think it is smart not to market Sky Hook. Based on the buyers I see in some new boats with absolutely no previous experience in anything but a ski boat, giving them the ability to leave their boat running, Sky Hook activated, then letting the kids jump in for a swim is a scary thought.

Just because it can be done, doesn't mean it should be.
Personally, I think it is smart not to market Sky Hook. Based on the buyers I see in some new boats with absolutely no previous experience in anything but a ski boat, giving them the ability to leave their boat running, Sky Hook activated, then letting the kids jump in for a swim is a scary thought.

Just because it can be done, doesn't mean it should be.

I agree Frank, it's one of those things it's nice to have but you will probably not use it much and would depend where you boat. I'm one of those "no previous experience in anything but a ski boat" but some common sense engines off with swimmers in the water.

Only times I can think of using it would be:
1. Waiting for a bridge to open.
2. Waiting for a lock to open or waiting for your turn to enter the lock.
3. Waiting in line at the gas dock.
4. Outside a slip while you prepar the dock lines
5. In your slip while you secure the boat.
Skyhook would be fantastic for offshore fishing. Hold you right over top of that ledge or wreck...

But some idiot would no doubt use it to hold the boat up against the dock while he steps off and leaves the boat unattended. Having a computer and gps control the boat in tight quarters is a recipe for disaster IMO.
A malfunction of any kind with a system like that could lead to damage to the boat and even physical injury to the captain or passengers. I googled skyhook a while back and was unable to find any details whatsoever about it on Merc's website. Huge potential liability not worth the risk of selling a few of them, they're smart for abandoning it.
The problem with Sky Hook for fishing is that the throttle, gears and rudder angle are all variables. It would be great if you could get the boat to sit still and stay out of the throttles, but I fear the computer switching forward to reverse and goosing the throttles would make the deck too unsteady to stand on for fishing and that you might suck a line under the boat and into the wheels when bottom fishing.

Maybe when Mercruiser gets someone with real boat time on their resume involved in development it will work, but I think we its still green on the vine.
I'm all for technology making boating easier and more manageable for short handed skippers. That said, I've been to this mountain and yes a novice can do it, right up to the time the batteries fail or the computer is fried by a spike ... and then a skipper has to actually be able to drive his boat. I fear such dumbed down piloting will cause a dramatic reduction in seamanship and boat handling skills to the detriment and safety afloat for us all.

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