Were you a Boy Scout ?


No, my scouting experience was never anything like that!

...and to think I got booted from scouting for the exact same thing.......sort of.....:smt043
How the hell are those SOBs pulling that off? We''ll see them on the news again soon I'm sure, but in handcuffs.
How the hell are those SOBs pulling that off? We''ll see them on the news again soon I'm sure, but in handcuffs.

This is probably going to bust your bubble, but it came from the onion... its a spoof... but you knew that...
I was a Life Scout around the age of 15, Life Scout is the level right before you get your Eagle which is a really big deal. I dropped out of Scouts at that age because doing pelvic exams on girls was way cooler than camping with a bunch of dudes.:grin: Go Scouts!
I was a Life Scout around the age of 15, Life Scout is the level right before you get your Eagle which is a really big deal. I dropped out of Scouts at that age because doing pelvic exams on girls was way cooler than camping with a bunch of dudes.:grin: Go Scouts!

I dropped out of scouting when my parents moved and I went to a new school in 7th grade, one that emphasized sports and didn't have a troop. My first merit badge was for Stalking. Today I'd get thrown in the pokie for that!

My wife was troop leader for our daughter's troop from 4th grade through 12th; a good group of girls, though as you might expect, some left and were replaced by others. All those that stayed in never got in trouble beyond the occasional speeding ticket, and went to college. Several of the girls got their Silver awards, and my daughter got her Gold, the Girl Scout equivalent of the BS Eagle.

My son started in Cub Scouts for a couple of years, but never enjoyed it except for the pinewood derby, which I was delighted to help him with in the shop. He didn't go on to Boy Scouts because he's too into sports.
Yes, it’s a spoof, not real.

As a youth I was in ‘cub-scouts.’ I had a lot of fun with friends. I was the oldest by about 4 months so on my own, off I went to Boy Scouts.

I got there just in time for the annual pizza sale. They pushed us hard to sell as much pizza a possible, go door to door, hit up your neighbors, family, etc. It was a fund raising effort. For what, I never did find out. I sold a bunch of pizza, and then had to deliver them. Unfortunately, what I thought was a lot of pizza was below the level of pizza sales that got any sort of prize. Some members sold hundreds of pizza and got the goodies as well as some sort of patch to sew onto their shirt.

This was immediately followed by the annual candy sale. Ditto the above.

Now it was just after thanksgiving so we were pushed to sell Christmas wreaths. Ditto the above.

After this, after about my third month of doing nothing, and I mean we did NOTHING but fund raising, my Dad had enough, my Mom had enough and I had enough. Never went camping, or built wooden race cars, or learned how to tie a knot.

Our ‘troop’ was about one thing and one thing only, raising money.

I never went back. My experience left a bad taste in my mouth.

Its now decades later. My oldest son is in 2nd grade. Somehow someone got the names and numbers of all the boys in his class and I have been called twice asking to sign him up. “No thank you” was my reply. I figured if he wants to be a sales person, he can be as an adult, and get paid for it.

I sincerely hope others here that have had good experiences with the scouts can understand my reasoning.
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So when does a cub scout become a boy scout anyway? When he eats his first Brownie......

and does his first breast exam.....of a young girl....
Wow Doug, Sorry to hear you didn't have a good experience with scouting. I was in Boy Scouts from 11 to about 15 or 16 as I said above, we did the annual Tom Watt Sales around this time of year. We used the money we earned from that to help pay for camping gear, for our camping over the next year. We also collected dues from everyone to help defray the camping costs.
We'd go each year to a large Boy Scout Camp (Mt Norris in Eden VT) for a week. Each boy that went, had to pay whatever was left in costs that we couldn't cover from the Sales we'd had.
It was a great camp, where we had the chance to earn merit badges, go swimming, canoeing, etc. I have fond memories of it!

Later, my sons came along, and they were in Cub Scouts and then Boy Scouts. I was a Den Leader, and later, an Assistant ScoutMaster. It was great fun, we'd go camping(at Mt. Norris and in a huge camp in NH as well as weekend campouts all over the state), including winter camping in an igloo, hiking, a 68 mile canoe trip on the Moose River in Maine and had a blast. Recently my middle son said some of his best memories of his childhood are from our Scout outings. My oldest made it to Life and the middle son made it to Star, due to their friends dropping out, and other interests taking over. Unfortunately, my youngest son (who went with us on many of the above trips with his older brothers) decided he didn't want to go into scouts. I wish he had gone, but that was his decision.

I want to think that scouting was good for the boys and gave them an appreciation of the outdoors, taught them respect for others, and exposed them to things in a way that allowed them to be good contributing members of our society.

I know they enjoyed the sailing and rifle lessons they had at the camp in NH, they never stopped talking about those for weeks after we got back home. I still look back fondly on the mile swim my oldest and I did there as well as the canoe hike in Maine.

VT, glad to hear your experiences were positive.

Your post did make me think. Substitute the word “Scouting” for “Boating” and substitute the word “Troop” for “Family” and our boating hobby takes the place of scouting for us.

For example, this summer we slept onboard 35 nights. Fishing, tubing, rafting, swimming, cooking over camp fires, playing on the wave runner, etc.

If that works for you, that's great. It seems from your responses that your experience might have left a bad taste in your mouth for scouting unfortunately. I was initially in my response trying to help you understand where the monies from your selling might have gone, based on where ours went, but different troops do things differently.

There's a lot of other stuff that I didn't include that we did that's a part of the "Scouting Experience". And, there's some bad experiences we had too that I didn't include(trouble kids and difficult parents). I also forgot to mention our trips to Williamsburg and Norfolk, VA and Gettysburg, Philly, and Valley Forge, PA.

It's not for everyone. Course, if we all had Eagle projects like the boys in the original post... there'd be a lot more Eagle scouts!
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I heard about you. But wasn't it Free Testicular Exams??:grin:

Lol.......it was over a couple of Life magazine photos showing women in bathing suits with their breasts exposed. Hell I was in cub scouts then. How was I to know the den mother didn't appreciate that particular issue as much as we did :smt043

Btw.......we were the Beaver patrol :grin:
I was in scouting: why didn't we think of that?

Love'd the camping. It was the theme of our troop. Went once a month regardless of wheather. Yes, I remember waking up once with a snow drift blocking the tent opening. Good times for sure. Learned things in scouting that stick with me to this day. Had a really good scout master who had very positive influence on me. Gave me freedom/respect while expecting a lot from me. Then came high schools and girls. I might still be a scout had I thought of the breast exam scam.
I was never in scouting.

My son, and about 3 of his friends from his hockey team inquired to us about Scouts...

At 7yrs old, they are on the ice an average of 4 times a week, none of the dad's wanted to have MORE committments. So the 4 dads got together and we pitched an idea to the boys.

We would do all the fun stuff, minus the meetings and fund raisers... About 3 weeks ago, we did our camp out, had an absolute riot! We are doing the Pinewood Derby on an "off" day, and have a skiing outing planned for the winter.

Next year, we are going to take them via my boat for an island campout. We have named ourselves "Neighborhood Scouts" and we allow beer.

As to the Onion video, PRICELESS, but those kids are so scarred!
:smt043 I.LOVE.IT.

Very good find, thanks!

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