water coming in on countertop in cabin during hard rains... 96 sundancer270

I just went through something similar. Had a leak in my salon ceiling I thought for sure it was coming from the hatch on the on the bridge (sealed in and only used for motor removal). I spent hours removing and cleaning up all the calking, did a beautiful job of re sealing it. week later drip .. drip. I then discovered it had to be a couple screws attaching the base of the helm to the floor so I resealed that with no luck. I then thought it has to be the carpet snaps so I replaced each one and sealed them up. still drip drip drip... I had had the ceiling panel out the whole time and could see where the water was ending up and it really looked like the snaps just forward of the removable hatch. well it ended up being the two snaps on the hatch. Water was running down a channel in the fiberglass to a 4" screw that secures the hatch to the floor - ran down the screw threads and pooled up in a location I didn't think it could get to.

The only real solution for me was to drill out the snap screw holes and inject epoxy after that hardened I drilled and re installed the snaps - DONE...

I also used gorilla glue to fill in the cavities in the fiberglass where water was pooling. The stuff is amazing I had no idea it was water activated until I read up on it. I drilled a few holes where the cavities were and injected the gorilla glue in there. I could see it spread out and fill in the areas, it dried rock solid. There is no force in the expansion so I wasn't worried about bulging or cracking.

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