Waste Tank Mysteriously Filling


Aug 22, 2010
Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Boat Info
37' 1998 Aft Cabin
We have an unusual problem occurring when we return to our boat for the weekend. With everything shut off at the panel, and the waste tank pumped out empty, we return to the boat and the 1/2 full light is on. We have pumped out 3 weeks in a row and the same problem occurs. We have 2 Vacuflush heads so they use fresh water. Help???
Y'all must have some big, but well-trained spiders out there....
My guess is that you really didn't get it pumped out fully. I pumped mine out a few weeks ago and thought it was empty. One weekend aboard and it was full again. I pumped it out again and this time it took a lot longer. I think the first time the pump shut off and I thought it was done. My error.
Vikings had a problem if you left the Y valve open the waste tank would fill up through the discharge under water discharge through hull fitting... Is your Y valve closed??
May be bad sensor or dirty
Make sure the pump isn't cycling or water running in the bowl? Theres only one way in? Can you see the tank and shine a flashlight on it to make sure it really is full? That might narrow it down to the sensor.
....or people are partying on your boat while you're away
I had a similar problem on my boat this spring. I would pump it out and the next weekend it would be half full. I cleaned the sensors - but it kept happening. I my case it was the overboard discharge was leaking lake water into the waste holding tank. I shut the valve that goes through the hull and it stopped the problem. I think there is a duck valve of something that needs to be replaced perhaps. But like I said I shut the overboard valve and it was fine.

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