Update on the insurance claim when my boat got creamed by house boat

Well from what the doctors say, the most obvious thing would be a Brown Recluse. They are very common in these parts (Middle Tennessee) the guess is that my body was still fighting off the infection from what ever bit me in the face a couple or three weeks prior when I took one in the foot. Although they say that most times the bite isn't that painful, that depends on where you get bit. For me the one in my face felt like a mosquito bite. Tat bite was in a pretty fleshy part of my face near or on my left temple. The second bite was on the joint of my middle toe. That felt like a quick sting with almost instant pain.

I don't think they will ever know for sure. I am going with the doctors experience and saying spider and if that doesn't work for the story I am going to go with a new species of piraña that has only been seen a few times on land but they are moving this way in great numbers. I open to any other suggestion.


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