This Dumbass can't possibly believe the crap he reads from the teleprompter

dude, I’d like to think that on this site we can put aside the smaller things and all agree on owning a SeaRay, burning copious amounts of fossil fuels, and downing some suds. If there are some conflicted libs on here who do this, I’m willing to overlook their obvious mental deficiencies.
I think the Capt. may have PTSD after some of the incoming he has taken from said libs....
dude, I’d like to think that on this site we can put aside the smaller things and all agree on owning a SeaRay, burning copious amounts of fossil fuels, and downing some suds. If there are some conflicted libs on here who do this, I’m willing to overlook their obvious mental deficiencies.

Yes. Some of us have little use for stupid people. Stupid people own SeaRays too. Doesn’t mean I’d drink a beer with one.

There are far more important things I look to align with others than what brand boat they buy.

A liberal is no different than a communist. For me and my family’s experience that’s about as worthless and dangerous a defect any person can have.

F’em all.

Now I need a cigarette.
I think Mary Poppins visits you personally...

I wouldn’t insult Julie Andrews by mentioning the disaster of a human being now in charge of determining truth in the same sentence as Mary Poppins. But, on the other hand, I did laugh my ass off when you posted that. :)
Please start using your boats and remember political threads in holding tank.
I don't see anything political in this thread. Just because it's true does not make it political. But I have been waiting for the snowflakes to complain. Thanks!
Yep makes sense, thanks

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