Sometimes a “Thank you” can mean so much!

That's 100% her! As you can also see she is a "budding pirate" because of the water tattoo on her forearm.

Actually she has got the “I’m going to get him back” for squirting her with the shower hose look on her face. I know its coming!
All I can say is godspeed to you. When she gets a plan in her head there is nothing that will stop her until she sees her plan through. The heart of a true Scottsmen! I'll at least keep the claymore away from her so all you have to worry about is the super soaker. :)
What a great thread! Stuff like this is the entire reason we found boating in the first place since we are the first in both families to do recreational boating (we do have Navy vets).

I have an entire drawer in my desk full of drawings from my kids just like this. It always helps me to keep my wits about me when I have a particularly bad day. I will add to it when grandkids give me more! :thumbsup:
That comes with age, I remember when my little girl turned 13…. It was like someone just threw the switch and she turned instantly from Daddies Little Girl to Daddies Hell Raiser!

Wouldn’t it be nice if the innocence of children would only last!

Bill, it comes back around usually after marriage. My little girl is my little girl again with requests for advice.
I'm going to my older daughter's college grad today and tomorrow. Sunday, I'll be hosting her and about 7 friends on the boat to the beach. Same stuff, different decade.
Bill, it comes back around usually after marriage. My little girl is my little girl again with requests for advice.

Oh this is beautiful! I just printed this page and just for added flare I took a picture of the screen. Let your fingers do the talking. So about that comment regarding my memory…. I seem to remember Linda getting a bit jealous when your daughter calls you? So what is the print out and photo worth do you now? Do you want to renegotiate the price of the 380? :grin:

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