Portable generator for 2002 searay 300 dancer

Franks commentary should be a permanent post in a prominent location here.
This is the point in the Thread where someone steps in and asks eveyone to be nice to the OP, and that he was just asking for help.

Well, it's not going to be me.

Carry on.........

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. I've been away for about a year. Busy with some projects and obviously nothing has changed. Don't y'all get tired of re-runs?
Where did the OP go? He hasn't responded once after initiaing the thread. I couldn't imagine that!
I think 99% of the gennie threads are just to stir some s#$% ...........can we ignore them from now on?
Can't we make fun anymore? heck before I joined, I searched, and that genny thread answered all my questions. Not too hard.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. I've been away for about a year. Busy with some projects and obviously nothing has changed. Don't y'all get tired of re-runs?

Glad to see your back. I always learn from your experiences.
Back at the end of May, 2012, the OP was asking about purchasing a repo 2002 SR 300 with AC, but, no generator. As the conversation went on, a CSR member told him that he could buy a Honda EU2000. Mainstream told him that that was not a good idea:

Re: Please help. 2002 sea ray sundancer

Originally Posted by Lab'n Lager
This will work great for you if you don't mind it being external, I have a few friends who prefer them, one pulled his gen out of his boat and sold it, now uses this.

Here is the thread where a portable generator was suggested to the OP and then promptly told that a portable generator is a no no:

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