Palin steps down


Sorry to shoot down your iconic "it's no one person's fault" high horse, but the president is absolutely to blame if the budget is out of whack. Quit making these idiots the victim of society.
Obama is a big government liberal. He will hurt the the U.S. and the democratic party if someone doesn't speak up.

Waiting 4 years is a cop out.
The Dems are on a spending spree, they are trying to cram every program on their wish list thru now while they can.

All this spending is stressing me out…I think I should make a trip to the Biltmore in AZ

Sorry to shoot down your iconic "it's no one person's fault" high horse, but the president is absolutely to blame if the budget is out of whack. Quit making these idiots the victim of society.
Obama is a big government liberal. He will hurt the the U.S. and the democratic party if someone doesn't speak up.

Waiting 4 years is a cop out.

Ok, so you want to blame Bush now too specifically? There was a HUGE deficit during his reign.

A cop out is what you have just posted. You want to blame Obama for everything wrong, when in reality, it has been building for years before he even announced his candidacy.

So, its Bush's fault. Hey, if you want to put up that it IS the responsibility of one man, where was Bush for EIGHT years vs. Obama's 6 months.

Not saying Obama is going to do the right thing, but I gave Bush about 5 years of loyalty before I decided he sucked. I will give the same consideration to Obama.
The point I am trying to make is you were wrong to wait 5 years before you had an issue with Bush and it is wrong to give Obama 4 years. The reason he is trying to push policies through so fast is he is counting on people holding off judgement. If an official is going down the wrong road tell him so! Stop the madness before it goes to far.

Bush was wrong to spend the way he did. It hurt the republican party and led to the mess we have now. But saying the last 8 years was a disaster does not give the new guy an excuse to make things worse. These people work for us. if I had an employee who I thought was going down the wrong path I wouldn't just let him fail and then fire him, I would try to correct him before things got to far.

Anyway thanks for the discussion.
<snip> I gave Bush about 5 years of loyalty before I decided he sucked. I will give the same consideration to Obama.

Bingo! At least we agree on one thing. I don't recall ever saying it on here before, but I am not a big Bush fan, either. I think that he compromised with the dems far too often to get what he wanted. He was a lousy bargainer. He did not run the country in the manner of a true conservative.

However, the media was bashing him from the time he announced his candidacy until well... I'll let you know when it stops. The man could have cured aids, solved world hunger, and brought peace to humanity and the media would still bash him 24 hours a day. It is all a means to distract people's attention while the "screaming" party grabs power during the argument. How can people just not see this? The 1st thing a kid learns is to point that finger at his little sister, and say "She did it." whenever there is trouble.

Doesn't it bother you that the media never asked Obama a single real, difficult, serious question? The man said "I have visited all 57 states." caught both on camera, and audio tape, and it NEVER made the evening news. Where was Conan Obrien or John Stewart that night? On a drinking binge? That should have been all over the place for weeks. Saturday Night Live, Letterman, Late Night. Noooooooo. The media just looked at the tape, said "This hurts our guy and our overall plan to socialize this country. Cut it.".

You know, if the Republicans were exclusively teaching our philosophy in the schools and then also having it regurgitated word for word, uncountered, unquestioned, and uninvestigated by the media. You all would be screaming "conspiracy!" all over the place. Doesn't bother you one bit, does it? Everything that any politician from any party, says, does, or thinks should be highly scrutinized in the media. Everything should be under the microscope. Not to "get" them, but to protect US. The media is failing us. They are just not doing their jobs. But they understand that as long as they can demonize Bush, no one will ever stop to think about questioning them. Americans don't speak with their wallets, so I wonder why all of the big liberal newspapers are going broke? I wonder if I could get George Bush to buy the Boston Globe and let me run it. You can probably pick it up cheap, and Boston need some conservatism. I'd run Rush, G. Gordon, Hannity, and a couple others 3 times a day. They need remedial training up there. I'd even make Gary the Executive Editor with free reign of the Op/Ed section. He could teach the folks in the Boston area a thing or two about business, taxes, the free market system, boating, and injuries.

Right now, for example. Obama has asked a bunch of politicians to completely redesign an entire industry and put the plan on his desk to be signed, without analysis or debate, by August 8th. Is that at all wise? Bill, could you completely throw out everything about how the advertising industry functions today, and in 3 weeks produce a top to bottom plan of how the advertising industry would run from then on using the "help" of approx 600 people who know nothing about advertising other than the fact that Bill owns an advertising company, and others just work there. Maybe we should confiscate the company, and then let Bill run it so that he just works there, too. That would be fair. Obama is going to end up killing your party. Some of the folks who voted for him were truly willing to give the guy a chance, and some of them are not going to defend what they see happening now when the opportuntiy to stop it comes around. It is going to get worse before it gets better. He is going to propose some really "risky schemes" in the next few months...

It looks like might defeat Communism twice using the same strategy twice anyway. Let them spend themselves to death. Califormia, Massachusetts, and most of the other "blue" states are broke. I hope the people who live there are happy. If not, I'm pretty sure I know what kind of "change" they will be voting for in some future election. The only remaining questions are how long it will take, and how hard headed they are they going to be before admitting that liberalism has failed them. :huh:

Saw my 1st "Palin 12" sticker the other day. It was brand new, too... Guys, she's not stupid and she is very qualified.

I've got popcorn and a DVR. Looking forward to watching the carnage.

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The point I am trying to make is you were wrong to wait 5 years before you had an issue with Bush and it is wrong to give Obama 4 years. The reason he is trying to push policies through so fast is he is counting on people holding off judgement. If an official is going down the wrong road tell him so! Stop the madness before it goes to far.

Bush was wrong to spend the way he did. It hurt the republican party and led to the mess we have now. But saying the last 8 years was a disaster does not give the new guy an excuse to make things worse. These people work for us. if I had an employee who I thought was going down the wrong path I wouldn't just let him fail and then fire him, I would try to correct him before things got to far.

Anyway thanks for the discussion.

Hey! Who are you? I like this guy. Stick around. Where do you boat? :thumbsup:
While Obama continues a downward slide, Palin continues to baffle me even more...

"Palin, 45, said she was resigning with more than a year left in her first term to take her political battles to a larger if unspecified stage and avoid an unproductive, lame duck status.

"With this decision, now, I will be able to fight even harder for you, for what is right, and for truth. And I have never felt that you need a title to do that," the former Republican vice presidential candidate said to raucous applause from about 5,000 people gathered Sunday at Pioneer Park in Fairbanks."

We all know that being governor affords you little power to change anything :smt101

As well, the "lame duck" stuff is silly. She has 18 months left!

More to come, I'm quite sure.

Our country is in trouble...from both parties.
I think Palin would do a great job in the white house. Yes, she left early due to the fact she was just plain tired of dealing with pompus idiots and when it comes to a woman that can pull her own nets and knows what it's like to actually work for a living has my vote for sure. And take notice when she speaks, It's not from a script but from what she really thinks. That may be a downfall sometimes but at least she has her own opinions and is not afraid to let people know them. She is for real more than anyone else in higher office than anyone I've seen
I think Palin would do a great job in the white house. Yes, she left early due to the fact she was just plain tired of dealing with pompus idiots and when it comes to a woman that can pull her own nets and knows what it's like to actually work for a living has my vote for sure. And take notice when she speaks, It's not from a script but from what she really thinks. That may be a downfall sometimes but at least she has her own opinions and is not afraid to let people know them. She is for real more than anyone else in higher office than anyone I've seen

Exactly why our country is in trouble:smt101

We will settle for a mediocre (at best) dolt who cant handle the pressure of a government office anymore than a 12 year old. She is a quittter and the reasons she gave for leaving are something I cant believe an intelligent person would swallow!!! She can do more from outside the office of Governor? You believe this?

Sure, when I think of people without the power for changing policies I think of the governor :lol:

Wake the F up people!! You frikkin sheep are willing to take whoever they throw at you.
Freedom of speech is a valuable right, and Bill, you are no doubt a really bright guy. Just keep in mind that some possibly equally very bright, very productive, very job creating, very liberty oriented people...some of whom are not even rabid "right to lifer's" or members of the "Moral Majority"...believe that a little more Sarah Palin would be a huge improvement over the procession of self serving political rocket scientists that we have been handed during the current and former administrations.

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Bill... I've got to tell you, I think that you and the other people who think like you are just out to lunch.

You said that you didn't like politicians because (paraphrasing a little here :grin:) "they all suck".

Here comes someone who isn't a "politician" and you get all over her because she is a lousy politician. :huh:

So... who would YOU like to see run for President? Give me a name, homeboy.
Bill, I have shared your views on other posts but not with this one. I still believe she has done the right thing. In fact, I think she may have gone further than most normal minded people as far as dealing with the morons she had to work with. If you ask people in Alaska she is a fine person with good family values. I think she finally just got fed up with dealing with liberal minded idiots that have not ever actually worked a day in their lives and tell people how we should run our lives. I don't think I could ever deal with the normal politicians without wanting to strangle a few of them. She went further than I ever could. Thats my 2 cents.
Ha! Our Governor(R - James Douglas) announced today that he's not running again.

Says it's time for him to step down and spend time with his new grandson. I think he's been governor for 4 or 5 terms now. He has 1 more year left in his term. He's been in the public service for I think he said 38 years now in one form or another. He's currently the chairman (just barely promoted to that position I believe) of the Governors Association.

bill...I'm with you all the way. It's amazing what people who just love this woman for all the wrong what lengths they will go to to justify Palin's 12 year old approach to life. I could care less about the fact that she fishes or whatever she does outdoors..and it has nothing to do with the fact she 's a woman...she's a dolt, PALIN and simple. She's going to get eaten alive...and by her own party!
And Obama's NOT a dolt? Gimme a break. Look up "lightweight" in the dictionary and you get his picture. Here's the aformentioned 57 state comment. Ooops, I goofed. He actually thought that there are 58. My bad.

So, in you guys' opinion, Palin is a dolt because she is leaving a job to move on to bigger and better things? There is absolutely no indication that she is leaving because she is unable to do the job as Governor, or that she couldn't handle the "pressure". Her job approval ratings were in the 60s, so the people of Alaska didn't run her out.

Approximately 30% of the people in the US are true "liberals", and won't like her no matter what she says or does. About 35% of the people are true "conservatives" and will back her if she is the candidate. The current strategy of claiming that she is unqualified and/or just plain stupid might work on half of the remaining 35% who are too stupid to figure out if they are liberal or conservative. It will be a hard sell for the remaining 16-17% who are true "independents" or Libertarians and will actually listen to both sides of the argument before "deciding".

Good luck with the argument, guys. I'll be voting for the "dolt" when she runs...

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