OK...this is a new one for me! Anyone else experience this?

I still say you did the right thing.

I met the guy who found my late brother of 38 years old (w/ a wife and 2 year old daughter) on the side of the road after being hit by a car. He said he would do the right thing and talk to whoever he had to to help us find the vehichle that hit him and left him. The guy never resurfaced, never would talk to anyone, and ran from helping us.

Like I said, too many people nowadays turn their head and keep moving so they don't have to be involved. It's easier to just not help.

I for one say "Thank you".

Thanks! I appreciate the kind words. After serving 20 years in the Navy, I did not even view it as a 'choice.'

You are correct....not many folks today understand what it means to the do the "right thing."
That's terrible.

We witnessed someone drown about 10 years ago- while going under a bridge in Lake Chatuge (no wake zone) we noticed a young man swimming in a strange way about 100' away. My wife said "look at him- go over there", which I did. At the time we were more curious than worried as he was only 15- 20' away from another boat which had a couple guys in it fishing under the bridge.

As we approached the swimmer it became more apparent he was struggling. We hurried but just as we were close enough to throw something to him (but not close enough to jump in) he stopped trying and sank to the bottom.

I struggled with this for quite some time wondering if I should have done more, acted faster or jumped in and tried to rescue him. At the time jumping in and swimming down to him was not an option I considered as it would have required no life jacket to dive down, and I worried that I might not be able to bring him up- and that he might not let go. My wife was also troubled to the point it took her over a year to go back to the lake... and has only been there maybe 2 times since. Pity since our family has a nice home on the lake, and it is a beautiful place.

If I'm ever in a situation like that again I can say that I will be hell-bent to get to the person asap. F- the no-wake zone. If it turns out they are just having a good time so be it. We wish we could turn back time.

I was a lifeguard for many years, and yes, you are right. People in a situation like that can grab hold, not let go, and take you down if you are not prepared and grab them incorrectly (not allowing yourself to break free). Sounds like you made the right choice at the right time.

Be well.

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