Night vision products (not including FLIR or thermal imaging)


New Member
Dec 26, 2013
Boat Info
340 Sundancer 2005
Horizon 8.1S
I really like cruising at night. Cruising to me means about 8mph, a little over 7 knots for you knots guys. I'm usually in areas with a lot of condo lights etc, but those mid-channel no wake signposts can sneak up on you without local knowledge. And near coastal, get the idea.

I'm not willing to spend thousands for a FLIR system, or even more than $500. Presently I'm researching the Bushnell Equinox for just under $200. The reason I mentioned the speed above is the Bushnell is good to about 100 yards. A boat traveling at 8mph will cover 100 yards between 25-30 seconds, thus giving me ample time to make a course change if needed.

Important to note, this is for our local recreation only, not outfitting a search-and-rescue RIB. Also, I'm not interested in thermal imaging...signpost, buoys, flotsam, jetsom etc...typically not a lot of heat.

What do you use? What distance is it good for? Battery life?
Do you have radar on the boat? That is the number 1 for spotting all of the above if you know how to use it especially on ICW where it is typically flat. Set to 1/2 mile, turn up gain until you are just below total washout and you are set to detect almost anything in front, side, and behind you at 1/2 mile distance. Hell my Garmin goes down to 1/32 of a mile or something like that (don't quote me on that one) but it is really close. FLIR and those are others are neat toys and very useful during SAR but expensive.
I wear ANVIS 9 NVG's on a regular basis. I would rather have a naked eye and a RADAR over anything less than the ANVIS 6's or 9's.
Try the infrared garmin camera. I have one in my 410 bilge where there is no natural light. It's mounted on the110v power distribution panel looking aft. I see everything in detail from the bilge to the exhast sytem to the back bilge. Its hooked up actually to my raymarine c90w. Plug and play with a power switch to turn on the infrared. It's meant for outdoor use like on the arch as a rear camera. The price is right and may fit your needs. You can order either normal view or opposite view. I have opposite view so my engines appear on the gps on the correct viewing port to port since i am looking to the rear.

Maybe mount on your bow railing for best viewing for bouys....

Garmin GC 10 Marine Camera, NTSC Standard Ima
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I am bridge height challenged, thus my radar goes unmounted. I don't know how good radar is at "seeing" floating debris and crabpots. But as I said even if it's great, height logistics bar that. Thanks for the suggestion though.

The NVG's and Garmin suggestions look really good for my needs and logistics. Thank you.

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