My First Comment Referencing Political Comments

First of all, Scott I love the pic! I am a NY Giant's fan but also huge Peyton fan so I'd leave it! Let me ad to the Obominations. I live in NY where our Gov was disgraced in his 1st term so we get an ex- liberal junkie! This guy is worse than the DC Dillinger! There was an MTA payroll shortfall so instead of trimming services like any business would, he is taxing all self-employed people in the state. because I have multiple businesses I get to pay it over again! I don't even use any of the MTA services! What was that thing about taxation w/o representation? We cannot handle another 2 years with this clown. I can only hope he gets caught with his pants down too! you can't make this stuff up!
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I think we just saw 8 years of that kind of talk.

And what did we get? Eight years of increasing budgets outside of defense coupled with huge defense increases to conduct the nation's defense with hardly any plan whatsoever. An increasing income/revenue gap. Not to mention a generation of kids that have no concept of "savings". [/font][/color]

And you heard nary a peep out of the "fiscally conservative" Republican party regarding the prolifigate spending of that day. Nary a peep regarding a huge, unfunded, perscription drug benefit that bascially outlaws price competition.

And you wonder why the country turns and throws them out for the next thing that comes along? Because even if you think the new guy MIGHT be lying. . .you KNOW the old guys were lying.

And when the new guy's fail to walk the walk. . .they will ALSO get thrown out of office.

So here's to hoping for Republican wins in November, so that not only will the Tom Foolery of the Democrats will be stopped, but so that the spend-spend-spend Republicans can (once again) be stymied by a Democratic executive with a Veto pen.

And let's hope Obama wins in 2012, while facing a Republican house and Senate. Because I don't think the country could afford to have a solid spend-spend-spend Republican legislature with a Republican rubber stamp President.

In some regards, you are right—way too much spending some of it legit and more insane. However, that was not the main cause of the challenges we face today. The main cause was by the regulation of the banks and the housing market, forcing banks to make loans where they knew that should not. Moreover, McCain and Bush and others did raise their concerns. However, I think where Bush failed was he should have pushed harder and throw the one’s defending these entities like Fannie May and Mac under the bus--one of those defenders was Obama. Bush administration saw this coming when they had the majority and only raised concerns in an effort to be bipartisan. However, once they lost the majority in 06, their efforts were futile. Things went quickly downhill from there.
Yes, this is the failure of that Administration, but a worse offence is of those who actually defended it and bamboozled voters that did not know the facts. Now those same people who caused this are in charge.
I regard to the taxes that went up or changes in the 2009 tax code, not sure, but I have heard horror stories. This year I made almost exactly the same amount as last year, including Wife, my second job and side work (All to pursue that American Dream) and I see my accounted tomorrow if snow allows.
In 2010, I look at my check and I am bringing home less money since January—so something obviously changed and Health insurance actually went down by $5. This is before the tax cuts expire at the end of the year.
Let see what happen.
Now you got an administration that is complaining about spending the past administration did but yet they themselves have already quadrupled the debt. Yet they are still purposing additional spending and continue to raise the debt ceiling.
Bottom line, The tax cuts that will expire did not cause this, it was the regulations that caused this. Yet they want more regulations and entitlements and less of a tax break—Where does that make any scene? :huh:
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Obama has set a new bar for horrible. Future Presidents will have to limbo with a garage creeper to get under it.

By this time in 2011 the entire progressive movement will have imploded, or be well on its way to imploding. The biggest problem with having constituents made up of groups is that when the going gets tough, the groups start going after each other.

We let the inmates run the assylum, the people got (rightfully) scared, and it has finally pushed them to the point where they are only going to vote for people that will promise to fix this by nuking the progressive experiment that is killing us. 2010 is going to be a fun election season. :smt038
A few points:

2 - You guys who are complaining about your taxes. It doesn't add-up. No significant changes occurred in 2009 from 2008. Perhaps you just made more money and your deductions are phasing out

Which is why I am asking what the hub-bub is about. The basic tax rates have not changed; there are more (not less) deductions than before. . . so what gives?

3 - there should be a law that bans any one party from ruling the white house, congress and the senate. i think history has shown when this happens, its more of a mess
4 - Obama should be fired
5 - Pelosi should be fired. If she were any smarter, she'd bark.
6 - Reid actually used to be a Blue Dog, go figure. He should be fired

Much to agree with here.

Fault to Pelosi and Reid for being morons. They are being both morons and pigs -> and are sabotoging their own democratic agenda.

Fault to Obama for letting them do this to him. It's not like he doesn't know how these bozos are. If Obama fails in what he hopes to achieve, it is because he let Pelosi and Reid defeat him.

In fact, I personally believe that much of what the Republicans are refering to as "damage to America" has been muted not by the "no-no-no" Republicans, but rather by the incompentency of the Democrats.

Of course, the Republicans could do much better than they are. Blindly saying no to EVERYTHING, including positions that they previously promoted, does not engender confidence. Blindly pushing the clearly failed policies of the past (tax cuts & blind spending) do not engender confidence.

A pox on both their houses. :smt009
Why the continual talk about the 2 big parties? They BOTH suck equally. Time to move on and find other parties and candidates who are not in line with their predecessors, but have a mix of both. The two party system is killing us as they battle it out.

And was Obama really that far off the mark? Oh how many people I hear of that have very little money wasting away at Mohegan sun or Foxwoods, people on fixed incomes slotting away. People buying merchandise they dont need like flat screens and the latest cell phone but then complain they have no savings.

Yea, he is hypocritical, and the government should have been "out of business" a hundred times over, but the message doe smake sense, and if more people lived within their means, an economic emergency wouldnt be as horrific as it has been for some of the population.

We could easily have been approved for much more under the former housing stuff when we were in the market, but we didnt want to be house poor, nor lose it if one of us were out of work. Many people just saw how much they could spend and went for it. That message of staying away from Vegas or not buying a boat should have hit their ears a while ago.
Billandamy, Well you did the right thing and you didn't need OBama to tell you. That's the point of this, he talks down to the average person who has the common sense not to over extend. The housing boom wasn't caused by 80% of the people. He acks as if we are the problem, it's the goverment policy of putting everyone in a house backed by fanny and freddy. The progressives got go!

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