My beautiful polished SS prop now looks nasty


New Member
Sep 30, 2008
Boat Info
2001 180 Bow Rider (Biggy Nuff)
19 and 17 pitch high five and 19P 3 blade aluminum propellers
3.0 liter big bad monster motor.
I have a stainless prop that was highly polished and looked brand new. I took the boat to Lake Powell (Fresh Water) and had it in the water for three days. When I pulled it out the prop was no longer polished and had a very dull coating of minerals or crud, (technical term). Anyone know an easy way to clean this stuff off?

I tried a bottle of outdrive cleaner which didn't even touch the stuff. I then tried 409 + a lot of scrubbing and it came off in very small patches. After that progress, I used a soft brash brush in combination with the 409 followed by a good wax and it looks all better. But.......I spent about 2 hours getting it done. I know I have seen "Vinegar" as a suggestion but didn't have any to try?

Any ideas?:huh:
Your new car tire treads are all scuffed up too and lost all of their little rubber nipples. Does anyone notice or does it affect the performance at all? The prop is underwater, who is going to see it?
Actually since I have a small trailer boat and it sits on the trailer most of the time, lots of people see it. Everytime I am on the road the person directly behind me at stoplights will have the nasty looking prop staring them in the face.

Plus, with the amount of dull build up I had on the prop, there is no way it would not have more friction turning in the water than a clean smooth prop. If a blind man owned a car, would he ever wash it? hmmmmmmm.
Your new car tire treads are all scuffed up too and lost all of their little rubber nipples. Does anyone notice or does it affect the performance at all? The prop is underwater, who is going to see it?

The fish will know. They will swim up to the prop to use it as a mirror to check their appearance just like you do in the bathroom then swim away shaking their head in disappointment. I’ve seen it happen!

Plus you will know.
I would pay more attention to what's on the bow of your boat than to what's on the stern. Jus sayin'.....
I hate when my prop gets dull. I painted it black and no worries now. Everyone comments on my big black shinny prop. I tell them it's painted but they don't even care. Still goes in the deep with no problem.
How do you think I got those things in the bow of my boat. They were initially attracted to my shiny stainless prop. Then I had to win them over with my attention to detail and meticulous maintenance habits. I'm getting old now and have to keep the prop shiny as a back up chick magnet.

Oh yeah, I do spend plenty of time, money and love on bow maintenance also.
How do you think I got those things in the bow of my boat. They were initially attracted to my shiny stainless prop. Then I had to win them over with my attention to detail and meticulous maintenance habits. I'm getting old now and have to keep the prop shiny as a back up chick magnet.

Oh yeah, I do spend plenty of time, money and love on bow maintenance also.

Ohhhhh bow maintenance, I must for any good sailor.....
Get a bigger boat with nibral props and leave her in the water. Problem solved!
MaryKate On-Off Hull and bottom cleaner. Brush it on, wait a couple of minutes and hose it off. Read the safety warnings on the label. Very powerful stuff.

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